
110年試辦英文第14題,為什麼要選nor,還有nor 這個字可以放句首嗎?

lic. fit ig = peration. | 說明·第11題至第20題,每題1分。 第11至15 題為題組 Denmark consistently scores high in global happiness rankings, and Danish people have some cool words for ways to be happy. The word recently voted most popular among Danes is pyt, a term that describes the nation's philosophy toward 11 against Pyt doesn't have an exact English translation. It is usually used as a 12 to a daily mistake or small frustration, corresponding roughly to the English sayings, “Don't worry about it,” or “Well, things happen.” At its core, the word is about accepting and resetting a reminder to step back and refocus rather than overreact. Pyt doesn't point blame at either yourself or another person; 13_(it helps you learn that not everything can be perfect. But this does not mean that pyt applies to everything. It should not be used when you ought to take responsibility; 14 should it be taken as an excuse for inaction. Today, the word is even manifested into a literal “pyt button” in Danish classrooms for schoolchildren to press when they are upset about something insignificant. Some adults have also started using the button at home. Basically, pyt encourages people of all ages to 15 minor frustrations and move on with their lives. clearly 1 ervice 1 year SO 11. (A) health (B) stress (C) culture (D) friendship C 12. (A) hand gesture (B) body movement (C) verbal response (D) facial expression R 13. (A) therefore (B) likewise (C) however (D) instead (B) nor (C) only (D) nearly 15. (A) let go of (B) look (C) go in for (D) come up with TO 第16 至20 題為題組 Goose bumps are one of those fight-or-flight reactions of the sympathetic nervous system. When you experience cold or fear, a nerve reaction is sent to the muscles, which then contract involuntarily. This up to y the


可以放句首 但要倒裝
(nor不知道為什麼 我自己寫only
