
解答如附圖 他這樣寫我看不太懂

第3回 詳解 P4~P5 Indellow Porche 一、綜合測驗 howoro godilowota bestower anun One can hardly read literature or legends without coming across the stories of magical, mystical creatures. Among them, the elves, perhaps the most well-known creatures, behu 1. from German mythology, take many shapes and sizes 2. most bearing long pointed ears. They are typically viewed as 3. , but smarter and more skilled! Hoid Brownies, a kind of fairy from Scottish folklore, live in people's homes and do housework at night. Household deities though they are, they will leave forever and take the luck of the house with them 4. e. Hulijings, 5. “Fox Spirits,” in Chinese mythology, are usually spoken of in love stories in which they lure young men to fall in love with them. It seems that human imagination knows no bounds. The fantasy land is full of diverse creatures, just like the real world. Y w/10 2190112 al mon 19911 Ilsdisland to troqe olorwedd sbam asd oium coil DB A (A) evolve issonei || (B)evolved Stuth (C) evolves liquibns (D) evolving gaib el ef (B) with Lollso oulu (C) in which ds Islotam (D) for 2910 A B C& (A) while
各樣的生物,就和真實世界中一樣 1. 本句的動詞是之後的 take,因此後面應該使用分 | | evolving。日前,墨及最 2. with +名詞+ V-ing 表示「伴隨著一狀態」或「有 」之意。重叠山新靈具車 成立一: 3. be viewed as 被視為; as 之後加補語,因此接 being similar to。 4.原句為 if they are laughed at,主詞相同,故改為分 一詞構句。員的助到床后,她的声同个 0 眼間 可要


源自德國神話的原文是evolve from German mythology(主動),分詞構句直接加ing就可以了
