

Note-taking is an important tool for any stude and helps you understand the material. Good note-taking also provide by a Cornell University education applica or The Cornell system separates the page into three section og for a summary. The Notes Section is a wide columns the page. The only section you complete during class is 6W birds to eat. 18241 cues, and 4. and SWMZZZZS 7. knowledge. The Cornell system, a technique first professor, is one such system. one for notes, another the right side you write short phrases abbreviations. The narrow column is the Cue Section. This should be completed day or two by rewriting your notes into simpler keywords and phrases. You can also include questions 8. fost moqu your teacher might ask.) To complete the Summary Section at the bottom of the page, think about the main ideas end 9. a summary of the most important/ones. To study, all you have to do is 10. otes about once a week. Good note-taking like this will help you remember and process new ormation quickly and effectively. 21. (A) finds (B) enables (C) allows ob D) keeps The reporter provided her 進階題 your 1. Exer
250 LY Review 2 249 (B) why os (@) where (B) since (By what (C) from 6. (A) what 27 (A) for BA) x (B) 9. (A) draw on 10. (A) reviewed x (D) which D) within (D) where (C) how (B) come up with (C) search for D (D) look into (D) review (B) to be reviewed (C) reviewing 引導式翻譯 DOT 位七十歲的先生每天跑步以保持健康 O seventy-year-old


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

因為what 不是關係代名詞,what 是一種名詞子句,


