

chemlcals can help our bralns work more 8 (A) defieienmtly (B) efficiently (C) proficlently (D) sufficlently 1 1 區 綜合測驗 ( 109) 國閃閃章天 kk 1 人15. 赴為 4 Of al] systemsSs of symbols, language 1s the most highly developed. It has been pointed Out 了at human beings, 11. , can make anything Stand for anything. Human beings S have agreed, In the course of centuries of mutualidependeney, to let the various noises H 了hat they can produce with their lungs, throats, tongues, teeth, and lips 12. stand for certaln happenlngs In thelr nervyous systems. We call that system of agreements ]anguage. ft 3 第1回 >六》 寡
There is no necessary connection between the symbol and that Whieh it Stands for Just as “13. “can be symbolized by feathers worn on the head, by gold on the watch chaln, or by a thousand other things according to the culture We liXe 1n- 14. obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not SQ obvious as they Seem except when We take Special aims to think about the subject. Symbols and the 負Ings 也ey stand for 15: [each othei yet we all have a way of feeling as 玫 and sometimes acting as 1f ere Were hecesSary connecttons。 anoiwx 慎上屋上 人 1作. (A) by nature (B) by definition (C.byagteememt (Dby 0閃 紀12.(A) automatically ” (B) systematieally (cpraetiealy 0 抱衝的 J marital Status (B)soeialbositt 人 my) 1


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by definition是指藉由定義,但是是指藉由定義來看待某件事,而不是藉“定義某事”例如,night, by definition, is the time after sunset,從定義上來看,晚上指的是太陽下山後的時間。如果要用在11題的空格,要寫成by defining the meanings of symbols。

by agreement可以想成藉建立共識


