

) (2)(A) display (B) profit (C) purchase (D) customer 及 G)(A) Jet out (B) set up/ (C) give up (D)help out 穎 還加EE上Dy Une rme ( ( (4)(A) after_(B) later/ (C) late。(D) longer 愉 / 2 (2)(A) the Jonger 遇) longer (C) the longest_(D) long CjpristmaS was justtthree weeks away. Noah couldn't_(1)_his new gitts. He “jis old shoes neXt to 也e fireplace. Soon the shoes would (2) gifts and trea Very SXeited, so he almost forgot about the carrots! The next morning, Noah shoes. 只@ (3) wanted to See what was in them. He also went to see ff the gofc. 三 也eabove story quite different from what you know about the Cl ise Noah is 石om 人he Netherlands. In his country, children receive 中 peca 計 | godies on 也e 5 ofDecember (4) on the 24m or 25t. They do sfocKings. (5) , 也ey leave their shoes out for Sinterklaas, the Dut 【 人ie carrofs are for Sinterklaas's white horse, Amerigo. Itsalittle de 惶而9sf coulnfries, but 1tS StII a lot of fun! Wwalted to See ( 中 )(2)(A) have(B) fi with_(C) stuffby (D)be full 9t ( 人 ) (3)(A) obviously (B) barely (C) annually (D) mostly U 人) (4)(A) due to。(B) rather than _(C) in advanee_(D) in sbpite ot ( 2 (2)(A) As aresult_(B) Certainly (C) Instead (D) By the Way 3 Ourfamily has a special custom every year during the Thanksgiving holiday. My mo and grandparents Jike to plan a feast* 了at the entire family looks forWard t0. Instead 人 e usual Thanksgiving foods, like turkey, cornbread, and pumpkin pie, We plan in bout (1) new and exciting dishes every year: We often use recipes* from a 計較 yy (ltGene



