
✨ 最佳解答 ✨

In modern times, I believe that it is necessary to share housework among family members. While in the case of my family, it is usually my mom that does all the housework. To achieve equity and reduce stress of household chores on certain family members, we should divide house chores fairly. In this way, we can develop the sense of responsibility and learn the importance of independence. Also, if we live in foreign countries in the future, we can take good care of ourselves without others' assistance.

In my family, I always help my family take out garbage.....~dishes. Because my parents are busy with their work, I am glad to take on the responsibility of household chores to make my parents comfortable and relaxed when they get off work.

1. 使役動詞make/let/have後面的動詞應為原型動詞
2. 文章中想表達「而我們沒做任何(家)事」,應為"...and we do nothing."
3. 第二行的it(We couldn't take "it" for granted)不夠明確,建議應寫出代替的事物
4. 照顧應為take care of sb
5. help後面的動詞使用原型即可,如 I would like to help you solve the problem.
6. 丟垃圾寫 take out garbage較為自然
7. due to +單純N. 後面不宜加句子
8. 正式作文中,不宜以and/so/but等連接詞直接起頭
9. 下班 get off work
10. 由於在描述現在的事實,整篇文章建議使用現在式


樓上優秀!用take on承擔責任超棒的~~


