

ieadino Geleciinmnm em dangerous or pooer Others say people think. Interestingly, both 0 Qu TeGS and makes an area SC' Y 閱讀測驗 : 9% Some people 5rgu graffiti is street art that is an e vandalism* ethat graffiti is on of the individual and makes xpTeSS1 attitudes are TIght. 9 Tagging (writing one”s street name in 于afft1) can beaway to MOneiSUCEUItOTy OT Sn0Y oftoa ea girlor boy you Jike. However sometimes it's used by gangs to show that a place belongs to them, anq this ful things makes graffiti seem dangerous- Graffiti can be used to Write hate] thout permisslion in place 了he government, and this can be ften done Wi allowed, so 說1s easy to think graffiti is o ji artists create Wo is about “expressin W about people or polliticians or Ss Where itis threatening. Graffti is o nly done by bad people- ks that take the world by storm, the positive Side of not goneself and this should be enjoyed Howeverp as more graffit graffti can be seen. GrafFiti artists say street art *, The results are amazing pieces of att and appreciated- making graffti murals eand design murals for Detail, consideration, and love go into, fhat any city should be happy to show. In fact, many cities are asking artists to com city walls. The resujts are usually something to celebrate because they bring life and energy to an area and attract Visitors- Love it or hate it, graffiti 15 likely to be around as long as there are walls that need sorme color 註: vandalism 破壞行為 mural 壁畫 which is NOT given as a Teasoh Why graffiti 1s considered ( 人 ) 31. According to 也e Teading, dangerous by some People? (A) Gangs may use tagging in graffiti to claim their territory.- (B) Graffiti is often seen im places where it is not allowed- (C) Graffiti will make people think and act on lmpulse- (D) Some umpleasant Words about Qthers may appear in graffit1. ( ) 32. Whiceh is NOT given 38 a possible reason Why graffiti artists are invited to design murals 0 city Walls? (A) Their artistic Works make people see the positive Side of prafftti. (B) Their artistic works might bring energy to the neighborhood. (C) Their artistic works might impress people and attract more tourists. 0D) Their artistic Works give people a sense ofbelonging. 《 What is the author?s vieWwpoint toward graffiti? 了 will never die- (B) Graffiti is akind of crlme. Tafflti expresSes indivi 1 i presSes individualism.- (D) Graffiti threatens people's safety. VL 混合題 : 11% Dear Editorz


✨ 最佳解答 ✨


並不認為 噴漆塗鴉= Done bad people




更正*Done by bad people


好 謝謝!
