
請問這題13用哪個比較合適選項 我c D猶豫 感謝

賓 癌計店計劑誤丰抽AR交人7二 交人 交汪下和 信和放生Ar ,,光2 讓 寢 才、 葉和昌本四要wow人 說 the Gay - ve haves twater Since there has been alot of rain during the rainy season in flvwan thiS year 六 1S reported that over eighty p___tof high school students Sufer frormn necarsigshtedneSsS. e Jihe Jewelrye tcan tell whetherthe diamond is real or not- ___人/The country”s college entrance exams may be less c ce for those born in the year of Tiger becauSse of the smaller number of students. W (1 Suegested that people take a 30-minute walk c yto Stay healthy.- 還 “Rti he ntformation) by tourists who plan to viSMt 表orea. 2 or te an (admiD that he had anew girlfriend. 五 綜合測駿 (209%) 一 (7 五 志!S pusy and noisy nodern world 人 近視 jewelry 珠寶“website 網站) ,H Seems that people never get enough sleepbp. 、11t_the sS/eep researcj,。、peopfe need af Jeast seven hours of Sleep. However, most people get much lesS Steeb 友an 匣af PeopJe “2 have“sJeep debts”have a higher risk of getting injured. For exarnpte, rmanyY fucK drvers nave had 鋪e experience of falling asleep at the wheel because they didntect 3 加ucna s/eep 73 操ey needed. Even 廳 ffhese drivers drink “14 coftee,litls Stll tttcutt_ tor tern fo Sfay awake. Wen accidenfs occur, fe danger is not 15 to the truck drivers. Others on the road 2ef aurf. 了or everypbpody's safety, maybe itPs time for us to pay ott our“”sleeb debts.?” 多 人 大 了 有 (8) nmn addition fto (Cl Instead of D) Acecordqing to 一入 4 wnom (8) who (C) which WD) Whose 五 (Amore; 殷an 上) Jess; 也an (C) as; as tD) too: as 了 # Aa farge anoujgf of全)a jarge numpberof (Casmall amount ft D) asmall number


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