

下本 6YyM甘 文1 生1 統人 Lesson 4 Sniffing Out More Than Just Bones 年一一天 晚 姓名 人 請更陳著作槍。勿拉自勳印 tnt agege 。 @i she has everything- 2人 2 Sudk Holmes was deseribed as ak ____n observer He was aware of hidden 1 了 details that helped him solve murder cases. ( >IT2Ae - 為. Wendy makes good use of her time, so she usually a People in the same 24 hours. Toy Avwo i 5 1 ‧ @ MuPerstars are going to give ap____eon stage tonight, and all the fans are looking forward to the show, hes more than other -We all wondered how Terrym ed to memorize 50 English words aday, but he didnt want to tell us his secret, 、The employees worked hard this year, so the boss decided tor extra paid holidays. .John spoke English fiuently, and that's why the teacher a Presentation- 。Villagers left the town soon after the power plant exploded because they didnt want ! to be (exposure) to radiation (輻射) 了2人TOIA 9.Itis said that (create) has nothing to do With intelligence. Rather, it can be improved by training. 320. The boy was hospitalized because he had aserious chest it hard for him to breathe. dthem with ned him to give a (infect), making 丁. 文法選擇 : 10% 人 六 六 Steve told his parents that he needed more money to buy books, but the truth was wanted to go to fhe movies With friends. (B) what (C) that (D) which he (A) it ( 中 ) 12. The teacher tried to tell the story an interesting Way so that the students would Day attention. (3)mm (B) of (G for (D) as (3芒 ) 13. Tcan't believe that my father”s closet is bigger than .Compared to my mother, he Teally enjoys buying clothes. (A) my mother (B) my mother's (C) my mother has (D) those ofmy mother 薦騰文化 名定自己> 肯定不同
() (已 ) 14. 也e weather is getting cold,we don't need to turn on the ar conditioner at night anymore. (A) So (B) Since (C) Whereas (D) Wherever Co )15. A tourist got lost im the city, and some of my neighbors him by showing him 負e way in person. (A) woke; up (B) carried; out (C) handed over (D) helped; out HI 綜合測驗 : 20% We've all seen police dogs or Sniffer dogs at the airport. These dogs are called working dogs 76. help 了he authorifies search for illegal items like explosives, drugs, and firearms. They re able to do so, 0f couirse, 了anks to fheir highly _7Z sense ofsmell. But have you ever Wondered how working dogs, 7& [也ese detection dogs, are selected and trained? Certain breeds of dogs distinguish* _ 2 better between smells than others. Beagles, for example, can deteef roof.rot' disease im trees, while German shepherds are traditionally used _20 tracking down Ss. By putting im abit of time and effort。 we can train such super sniffers to Work side by side 人 22 2 _ have aa cfrnno crnnmell


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