

1S pet anymore Settng cold, we don't need to turm on the air conditioner at night (A) So (B) Since 全 人 tourist got lost in tl 同 (C) Whereas (D) Wherever ae clty, and s 條 5 howing him the Way in person. MS 層必 同 和 史 (A) woke;u P (B) carried; out (C) handed over (D) helped; out IE- 綜合測驗 : 209% We've all seen Police dogs or s 4 help the authorities Seareh for ille Course, 也anks to their highly niffer dogs at the airport. These dogs are called working dogs Bal items like explosives, drugs, and firearms. They're able to do so, 9 人 sense ofsmell. But have you ever wondered how working dogs ese detection dogs, are selected and trained? 和an breeds of dogs distinguish* 一玉 better between smells than others. Beagles, for example, can detect root rot disease in trees, while German shepherds are traditionally used _22. _ tracking down Jawbreakers. By Putting in abit of time and effort, we can train such super snifFers to work side by side With human crime flighters. The frst step im training is to get the dog to associate* the smell to be detected with a favorite toy or with a certain type of 2 Small White towels __22. don't have a strong smell usually work wel because fhey?re 以eat for a game of tug-ofwar Trainers _ 22 the dogs the towel and play with then every time the smell appears. 2 dogs identify all the fun with a particular smell, they?re encouragee to seek it out. If other smells 也ey _25.。, like that of meat or treats, don't throw the dog off the scent, th fraining will be complete. The playful smeller is Teady to be a sniffer dogl! 註:distinguish 辨別 associate 聯結 ( 局 ) 16. (A) whom (B) which (C) , whom (D) , which ( i ) 17. (A) sensitive (B) alert (C) creative (D) infected ( GC/ ) 18. (A) up to (B) because Gf (C) such as (D) aceording to ( 太還 19. (A) far (B) very (C so (D) ever ( 了7)20. (A)to (B) for (COas (D) with ( 避 ) 21. (A) behavior (B) assignment (C) exposure (D) management (2 (B) , whom (O) whose Op) that (《 2) 23. (A) take (B) provide (C) hand (D) keep ( 已 )24.(A) Although (B) Once (0 So (D) Unless 吧 25. (A) carry out (B) go through (C) let out (D) come across W 文意選填 : 10% (請忽略選項大小寫) (A) more than (B) as (C) amazing (D) times GB)am People have always kept and trained dogs. 26. afehdogs and rescue dogs,。


