

由 0 Another openre b senre commonly found in Chinese brush painting was flower-and-bird painting. 一、綜合測驗 Super Stitions have been making their way through thousands Of years, one generati0n P20~~P21 了 _.、 Here we provide one popular Superstition in Western culture一walking under a 1adder 上 Bad luck coming to aperson who walks under a ladder is a Superstition that has a couple 0f。 posSible origins. Some believe it originates With the early Christian belief that a leaning 1]adder formeda 2 with the wall and ground. People must never violate the Holy Trinity by Walking through the shape. Others believe that it _9 Medieval Europe and the attacks upon CaStleS. 4 “acastle, people would place several ladders on the walls and send troop up the ladders to fight their way into the castle. One of the defenses for invasion was to pour boiling Oll to_repel the invaders. Those unfortunate Souls that had to hold the ]adders often receiveds deadly bath. Today it is Stil] bad luck to walk under a ladder because of paint and other objects that cfaferymotte) (D) from each other ( ) parallel line (COtriangle (Dsquare (C (C ( tB (B) is measured to ) tracks back to (DXdates baek to tB (tB might fall ffom 9 CPx@ ) to each other 人@) straight line (CC聞只 is gone back to ce Despite invading 5.(A) behind Apples have been grown by man since the dawn of history. They are often mentionedi B) to another 3) Invaded ) When invading (D) It was invaded )above (C below (D) side to side 由 計 , 47.x.00uebookarlhezfultkthatrtheybibleueaysAU避加


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

one after another 是慣用的寫法,要學起來只是中間接generation 而已


第四題是分詞構句的做法,這種提醒首先要先判斷做這件事的人是主動還被動, 因為人是「主動」去侵犯城堡,而非被動,因此所寫的句子原為When people invade
而我們可以將主詞殺掉改為When invading
