

同 惠找敬昌。 放入昌 和要生 (A) keep (B)kept (C) would keep (D) should have kefpt 三、克漏字測驗109@ 人姆題1分 (1) Social media can haveahuge impact on how teenagers feel abouit themselves. Any rmearn cormrnmerits about tieir appearance that others make online can leave them feeling upset, even if the comiments dont__26 thmetruth 2t al1 HighIy conscious oftheir image, teenagers often try to play sports or do well at schooi to gain fiieir confidenmce. However fihey are easily affected by the photos they see online, creating body images for 了hemselves based or thiose pictures- Whats worse, many ofthe pictures can be far from the truth! 27__no telling how many pictures of farnous people teenagers have seen onfine, and these all affect the way they see themselves. IFteenagers are 28 _to social media too much, their mental health might be affected. They need to 5e reminded _29 such negafive inpacts. Instead of staying online reviewing others' posts or Waiting overnight to see peopie”s responses to thoss posts, teenagers can spend more time With friends or family members. It is important that they _30 apbreak fiom social 同 After all, social media is just one ofthe many ways ofsocial connections. ”26. (A) monitor (B) advertise (C) balance (D) reflect 品 于 (A)Itis (By)Thereis (CH has (D) We have _“ 28. (A)pulledin (B) tunedin (0C) loggedin (COD) squeezed in 29. (A) that(B)to (C) 9f (D) on 調 30. (AA) take (B) will take (C) can take_(D) should have taken eer in ShowW business? If you wantto be in moyiesomoe yy ialent obvious _32__that you won tgettoo far in the business. Those who want to beautiful eyes, etc. In brief, they should be attractiYe- _Have you ever thought about pursuing acar _.玫youcanmtact, sing or dance, 1.s almost 匡Sie stars should be tall, have a slim waist, a good smile, The truth is that no one Stays youn&g forever, Of course, young actors have the_33_% having afresh, neW lace. stars age, many of tfhem feel pressure to maintain their looks. One commoh Way to do this is through plastic 剛了 和 actors and actresses will have operations__34__on their bodles, Howeveru itis out ofthe tear that their fans Will im 人 ES 玉 光合 talk aboukt “work


✨ 最佳解答 ✨

27.There is no telling ....是很難說、難以預測之意,固定用法記起來
30.It is important that...,因為這整句時態是現在式,所以用原形動詞take就可以了!
