

sn 人 人和 be 2 《 八 ) 4. My sister dse eato TV but 1 ee CA》did CB) watehed (CC) didn CDy didn't wateh 了 (一)5. He sranrfed his necvw way of life 信 同 說 同 CA) several mongee GB) ago (C)arnonth ag Cyy wosw + )》6. Aaggic is fired eating the sarme food every day- CA)《or GO CC ws GAY 方(C )7.A: Was your sister at the party iast night2 GC) Thave no idea CB) Yes, she does- CC) Yes, sme Wiqa.GDy No, se aoesrA- (CC )8.Amy enjoyed “.。_ dinner for her family. (AA) cook (GB) cookea (cy coeksng coSks C_(乜 )9. 互arrylUias bu busy tg dishes after dinner. (CA) wasnm (GB) washe@ wasiYsg (Yy) ( 一ONancy 層? 加 1 the filoor last weekemd. 籽人 (CA) heJjps; cJean (B) helped ;: clean (C) helped ; cleaning (CDy weYps: to cxeaw 4 雇 ) 1 A: Whatf did Patty do during her vacation? (選錯) (A) PJayed wifn voJJeyball.(B) Enjoyed sea food. (C) WatcheW ataMent swoWN. ()) SoYneW caxsw 有2 2 為)J2. Sophia mthe park every morming。 (悶錢) (A) fakes exercise (B) makes exercise (C) has exerclse (Y) geAts exexcxSe @ ( 紀)73.LLers) together. (A) walk to there (B) walkingto tnere AGy Wai tnere (ON 入9宁 (有2 )J4.A: yog 說 人 evening? B: Yes,1 (A) Did ; did (B) Were ; was (0) Nere , Were XXC )75. Djd Frank his dog right after school? (選錨) (A) waik (8 See 引 )J6. 4: 苛0W was your Summer Vacation? By: 還 /DYThaooge ff (CyYYoWYe NeoYwe.


