

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ช่วยหน่อยคับ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้านะคะ😭🤲🏻🫶🏻

Fill in the blanks with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in brackets: Last Saturday my father.... took.... (take) my friends and me to the circus. We (see) lots of things. My father We We The lions wonderful time. www. Fill in the blanks with the PAST form of the verbs: Benjamin Franklin was bom.....(be born) in Boston in 1706. He the fifteenth of the seventeen children of a poor candle maker. He school only one year. He of fourteen he great stories of famous writers and later he known writer in his time. When he **** DENdagasod Franklin per **** (get) a job as a publisher of a newspaper and from business as a very rich man at forty-two. Then he forty years for his govemment. He........ founding of the USA. 0000000000 Worksheet: Past Tense (eat) the popcorn and (laugh) at the funny clowns. There (do) tricks; they (jump) (ride) an elephant around the ring. We all ***** se recense Franklin (be) also an important scientist and Inventor. He .....….................... (draw) electricity from a cloud on a kite string. He............................ (write) one of the first text books on electricity. He ......…....... lightning rod and many other practical tools. He and sorpres (buy) us some popcorn and orange juice. (drink) the orange juice. (be) a llon-tamer. through hoops. A girl (have) a *adeves (be) (go) to (begin) to work when he was twelve. At the age ..(copy) the (become) the best (be) seventeen, he (leave) Boston and (arrive) in Philadelphia with only a few pennies in his pocket. He .(retire) (spend) the next (play) an important role in the (decide) to be a writer. He f (believe) he (Invent) a simple .....(make) a study of water hydrodynamics. He even (discover) many principles of (invent) bifocal glasses when he was seventy-eight and ..….…........…...... (need) them hirnself. ........ (do) all these things and many more because he (can). .............. 5. have to

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 3
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

ช่วยหน่อยค้าบ ขอบคุณล่วงหน้านะคะ 🫶🏻🥹

Fill in the blanks with PRESENT CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE PRESENT: 1. The children..... 2. She usually 3. I 4. 1. 5. 6. They 7. 1 8. The baby 9. My mother usually. 10. He 11. She' 12. Mary 13. Tom usually. 14. We 15. ********* because they. cabocconsete (play) outside now. (read) the newspaper in the moming. (do) my homework now. (eat) my dinner now. (you/ want) a pizza? Finde Complete the sentences with SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS: (watch) TV now. (drink) coffee, but he 1. Susan usually ................. (go) to school by bus, but now she school by train. 2. Mary often ...... (not/read). 3. The boys usually ............... Bette (like / ride) their bikes, They ****** PADANEDFØRERE (not/like) spaghetti. (sleep).now. (cook) dinner in the evening. (write) a letter to his pen-friend every month. (not/like) football. ************ (listen) to music now. (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she (go) to the disco tonight. .(he/go) to work by bus every day. (ride) their bikes to school. They (be) very naughty boys. They always .(go) to school late. Today their teacher .................. (be) very angry, 2 (be) late again. 4. Mary (like/eat) sweets. Every moming she (have) coffee with a lot of sweets and chocolate. For lunch she and her friends often.............….... (eat) sweets or ice-cream. She ........... (drink) tea now. (eat / never) eggs or cheese. Today she (sleep) in her room now. (go) to (not/like / eat) fruft or vegetables. She .(be) sick. She

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Join the pronouns with the correct possessive adjectives. WE MY I ITS HER HIS OUR YOUR THEIR Complete the sentences with HIS, HER, ITS, or THEIR. hair is brown. sweater is green. skirts are yellow. hair is blond. bow tie is red. Jears are big. HE YOU THEY IT SHE Choose the correct words 1. It is she/her house. 2. / my have a dog 3. This is our / we farm. 4. They love they / their school. 5. We our live in Spain. 6. Has she/her got a ruler? 7. Those are his / he glasses. 8. He is my grandfather. your sandwich. 9. That is you 10. It's Its legs are short. 11. He has a car. Her / his car is red. 12. I have a dog. Its his tail is long. Complete with the right possessive adjective 1. You have a nice watch. I like watch. 2. Bob has a cat. cat is very cute. 3. I have a new backpack. backpack is big. 4. Clara has a new bag. new bag is brown. 5. Sara and Ann have two cousins. cousins live in Seville. 6. Dave has a brother. brother is short. 7. Tommy has a dog. color is yellow. 8. We live in London. city is the capital of England. bikes are in the garage. 9. They have bikes. 10. She has a tablet. 11. My dress is pink but 12. I have two rabbits. tablet is pink. buttons are white. ears are very long. house. 13. My brother and I love Correct the underlined words 1. I have a sister. His name is Mandy. 2. We are classmates. Ours teacher is Mr. Jackson. 3. It is a squirrel. It tail is long. 4. Jason has a brother. Her brother is older. 5. You have a turtle. Its turtle is green. 6. They live in a flat. His flat is on the second floor. 7. She has a cat. Its cat is white. 8. It's Lucy and Ann's birthday. Her birthday is in June. 9. It's Ben's party today. It's its birthday. 10. My dogs are happy. It's its birthday today. HOPPY Birthday! Choose the correct words 1. They have two daughters. 2. 3. 4. We have a puppy. We love 5. Sally has a wallet. 6. Look at the parrot. 7. Mrs. Ward has a baby. 8. Look at the giraffe. 9. I know James. 10. Lisa and Paul have a truck. 11. My sister and I have a piano. We like [ 12. You look tired. eyes are red. daughters are pretty. new shoes. are comic books. puppy. wallet is expensive. feathers are beautiful. baby is very cute. neck is long. brother is my classmate. truck is great. piano. He has new shoes. These are I have some comic books. These 88 w‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ 88 Complete with the right possessive Jenny and Nick are from Bath. surname is Bell. friends, Tom and Amanda, are [ from Bath too. Jenny's eleven and brother Nick is tail is twelve. Chip is dog. short. school is in Park Street. name [ is Park Street School. Jenny likes Maths. Paul. teacher's name is teacher's name is Nick likes Science. Amanda. parents are teachers too. SCHOOL 111 11

เคลียร์แล้ว จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ชีววิทยา มัธยมปลาย

สอบถามค่ะชีววิทยา อยากถามโจทย์ข้อ 1.1 หน่อยค่ะว่ามันคืออะไรคะแล้วทำยังไงขอแนวทางหน่อยค่ะพอดีจะสอบแต่ไม่รู้ว่าข้อ 1.1 ทำยังไง

แบบฝึกหัดทบทวนเตรียมสอบ 1. จากภาพพลาสมิตที่มีตำแหน่งตัดของเอนไซม์ตัดจำเพาะ B00 bp 200.bg 300 bp ( Hindl Pst EcoRl 600 bp EcoRl Pst BamHI 00 bp 250 bp 350 tp 1.1 ถ้าพลาสมิดนี้ถูกตัดด้วยเอนไซม์ ECORI ร่วมกับ Sall ให้นักเรียนวาดภาพชิ้นส่วนของพลาสมิดหลังถูก ตัดแล้ว พร้อมระบุขนาดของชิ้นส่วนนั้นว่ามีขนาดเท่ากับกี่ bp 1.2 แบคทีเรียที่มีพลาสมิดด้านบนนี้ เมื่อเกิดการตัดที่ตำแหน่ง Sall แล้ว ยีน tet จะยังสามารถทำงานได้ อยู่หรือไม่ 2. หาความถี่แอลลีสและความถี่จีโนไทป์ 2.1 ประชากรปลาสวายในบึงมีทั้งหมด 500 ตัว จำนวนปลาที่มีจีโนไทป์ FF 200 ตัว และ Ff 55 ตัว จังหา - ความถี่จีโนไทป์ FF - ความถี่จโนไทป์ FF - ความถี่จีโนไทป์ ff 2.2 จังหวัดพิษณุโลกมีต้นกล้วยหอม 2400 ต้น ในประชากรนี้มีต้นกล้วยหอมต่าง (pp) 20 ต้น และต้น กล้วยหอมไม่ต่าง (PP/Pp) 2380 ต้น ซึ่งเป็นกล้วยหอมไม่ต่างแบบฮอมอไซกัสจำนวน 1200 ต้น และแบบเฮเทอโร ไซกัส 1180 ต้น จงหา - ความถี่แอลลีล P - ความถี่แอลลีล p - ความถี่จโนไทป์ PP

รอคำตอบ จำนวนคำตอบ: 0
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Grammar Review (1, Make sentences and questions with the correct form of the Past continuous. 1 Luke and Jessica / play / basketball / at ten o'clock Luke and Jessica were playing basketba/ at (en oclock. 2 Monica / not watch / TV/at midnight last night 3 you / ride / your bike / in the park / yesterday afternoon? 4 1/ listen to / my MP3 player / at five o'clock 5 we / not Work / in the store / yesterday morning 6 Lily / do / her homework? 7|/ not eat / a sandwich Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past simple or Past continuous. 1 She Was standing (stand) on a chair when she fel/ (fall) and broke (break) her leg. 2 When the phone.(ring), Jason. (read) a book. 3 Sally and Mike . (copy) Jane's homework when the teacher. (corme) into the room. 4 While we. (wait) for the bus, a thief. (steal) my bag. 5 1. (meet) them while they . (walk) home from School. 6 While you 7 The boys. (spray) graffiti while Mr. James (write) on the board. (sleep), the cat. (eat) your dinner. Complete the sentences with when or while. 1 was studying for a test when Alan arrived. 2 She was walking in the park, she saw Lucy. 3 Dad was sleeping on the Sofa. Mom came home. 4 It started to rain . we were waiting for the bus. . we arrived at the party, people were dancing. . we were talking, the waiter brought our meal. 7 Lucy was using her phone in class . the teacher asked her a question. 5 6

เคลียร์แล้ว จำนวนคำตอบ: 3