

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย

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OFFERING ROBES m or "PHA PA means clothes forest Money tree During the feast called "PHA PA", money is given to restore the temple buildings but also to get funds to build new buildings. Such tree is called money tree The "PHA PA ceremony can happen at any time in the year. On the contrary "THOT KATHIN" ceremony only happens once a year and just after the end of the rain retreat. The name "PHA PA" can be translated to "clothes forest. A long time ago, monks only wear clothes made from old rags of dead people. So faithful people sometimes placed clothes on the tree branches in the forest. That is the origin of the "PHA PA ceremony. Directions: Answer these questions about Thot Khathin and Thot Pha Pa. 1. What is Kathin? 2. How long are the robes of Buddhist monks cut ? 3. Who would make Kathin robes in the olden times ? 4. When is a period of four weeks? 5. What is the key thing presented to monks in Thot Khathin and Thot Pha Pa? 6. When is Thot Khathin held? 7. When is Thot Pha Pa held? 8. What are presented to monks in the temples on Thot Khathin ceremony? 9. What is the Pha Pa money used for ? 10. What is junju' called in English? 11. What is th' called in English ? 12. What is the origin of the Pha Pa ceremony? 13. Why is it called Thot Pha Pa? 14. Can you tell about the difference between Thot PhaPa' and 'Thot Khathin'?

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


20 10 15 Study Suggests Sitting Less Can Extend Life Track 6 Karzmarzy studies, which government-ru people spend Not only sitting less, th could add an People ask, "Is it eve "That's never too la know that y Katzmarzyl Cham to desk de "Tha They may desk. I've for every can go fo Katzmar • By Rebecca Widiss VOAnews.com hat's the best seat in the house? It may be whichever one you use the least. New research suggests that cutting daily sitting time to less than three hours might extend your life by two years. W Humans were designed to move. But modern lifestyles and office jobs rarely prom us to roam around. Quite the opposite, says Peter Katzmarzyk, an epidemiologist at the University of Louisiana. "Sitting is ubiquitous in our lives today. You know, we sit while we're eating, we sit in the car, we sit while we watch TV. And many of us sit for many hours at work. So on average, Americans report they sit between four and a half to five hours a day," Katzma said. team to And, as he says, those chair-centered days matter to our health, just like exercise "We can't throw away physical activity. It's extremely important. We have 60 years of research showing us that. But sedentary behavior is also important. . . . If you exercis for 30 minutes a day. What goes on in the other 23 and a half hours a day is also very important," Katzmarzyk said. Ka occupa and do we sp Katzmarzyk and his colleagues are part of a new generation of researchers trying discover how sitting all day affects our lifespans. "This is a relatively new area of study. . . . Studies that have assessed the relations between sitting and mortality or television viewing and mortality are very rare. There's of been a few of them, actually five or six now, in the last four or five years," said Katzman 66

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ช่วยหน่อยนะคะ ขอบคุณค่ะ

Production a) Task 1: a) Match each word with its definition. 1. emit 2. toxic 3. Combustion 4. give off a. an ilness that causes difficulties in breathing b. oil that is obtained from under the ground. C. to send out gas, heat, light, sound etc. d. involving the use of natural products and energy in a way 5. solar that does not harm the environment 6. vehicle เ7. asthma e. poisonous, or containing poison f. power that is obtained using heat and light form the sun. g. a car or bus, etc. that carries people or things form one place 8. internal เ9. petroleum 10. Sustainable to another h. the process of burning 1. inside something j. to produce a smel, Light, hear, etc. b) Complete the sentences using the words form a) 1. - is used to produce petrol, paraffin, diesel oil, etc. 2. A way to reduce air pollution is to manage and conserve the nature in (sustainable) development of forests. 3. The erupting of volcanoe the sulphur gases. 4. This building used power that is obtained from the light and heat of the sun. 5. Sulphur dioxide is a substance that injures eyes and lungs. 6. Her mother died of 7. The accidental patient had the massive 8. Traffic refers to all the..ร .that are moving along the roads. two years ago. bleeding. less carbon dioxide than coal. .of wood, coal, petrol and oil is the source of air pollution. 9. The natural gas 10. The ..

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