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help please ช่วยแปลให้เราหน่อยได้มั้ยคะต้องการมากๆ😭

owl with Characters Larger tha In any book, cartoon or film we all love to see the heroes defeat the villains, save the world, win the girl and live happily ever after. But just between you and me, don't we feel a little bit sorry for the villains as well? Batman is the superhero protector of Gotham City. After witnessing the murder of his parents as a child, he swore to fight crime. He does not have any superhuman powers, but relies on his intelligence, athletic ability and scientific knowledge. He wears a costume that acts like armour. His cape can spread out like wings which can be used to glide down safely from heights. As a crime fighter, Batman faces several enemies. His biggest enemy is the Joker, a violent maniac with a clown-like appearance. The Joker, a master criminal, has chalk- white skin, green hair and a permanent grin stretched across his face. At one time he can be mischievous and funny, but at other times violent, brutal and cruel. He has no superpowers, instead he is intelligent and good at chemical engineering and weapon design, which he uses to create instruments of terror. One of the most powerful villains is Thanos. He is much larger than the average human, with powerful muscles, a broad face and purple skin. He often wears Life a protective suit of armour, and a glove that can harness power from infinity stones. Thanos plans to use this power to erase half of the human population. Due to this, he is seen as an enemy by many, notably Iron Man who teams up with other heroes, the Avengers, to try to stop him. Iron Man is identified by the armour he wears, which he largely made for himself. Though he has no superpowers, his armoured suit gives him strength, makes him fly, and shoots rays from the palms of his metal gloves. He also has a device on his chest that helps his damaged heart to beat well. Once a good fairy, Maleficent suffered a betrayal from King Stefan that turned her pure heart to evil. To revenge, she placed a curse upon the king's newborn daughter, Princess Aurora, which she makes to only be broken by the kiss of true love. Later on, Maleficent developed a maternal love for the princess. That love broke the curse when she kissed Aurora on the forehead. Whether heroes or villains, these are the characters I admire the most. I love to watch the heroes fight the villains and eventually see good win over evil. I also can't help feeling for the villains and their weaknesses; I just love to hate them! These stories are timeless and the characters are definitely larger than life.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


1 Unscramble. The first letter is bolded. Then match to the correct picture. 1. dsreet desert 2. siestgheing Sightseeing 3. fostre forest 4. ciylcng cycling 5. revri river d. Use the words from to fill in the blanks. Last summer, I went traveling around France. I went swimming in a large 1. river I went 2. Sightseeing around Paris. I saw all the amazing sights! I also went a in a beautiful green 4 forest cycling It was my first time riding in the woods, so I was a little to try cycling there as well. It's scared. Next summer, I plan to go to the Mojave s desert difficult to ride in such a hot and dry place, so I need to train before going. Scan for Audio • Arrived back home • Went on a trip to Mexico_ 3 Read and number the actions in the order they happened. (1-6) Then circle the answers. • Went camping • Made a plan for the trip_ and Last week, I went on an amazing trip to Mexico with my best friend, Joni. Joni lived in Mexico last year. So, she has been wanting to go back ever since. There were so many things we wanted to do in Mexico. So, we made a plan before we went. From the airport, we first I went to the Chihuahuan Desert. Later, we met Joni's friend Ricardo, and he took us to a great place for camping. He told us many stories about the desert and showed us interesting places. We didn't want to leave, but the last day of the trip came anyway. I arrived back home just this morning, so I'm really tired now. • Didn't want to leave • Met Ricardo 1. Emma went on a trip to Mexico alone / with her sister / with her best friend. 2. Emma's friend lived in Mexico last year / ten years ago / ten weeks ago. 3. Emma and Joni met Ricardo at the airport / in the desert / in a good place for camping 4. Emma is feeling excited / calm / tired now.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Join the pronouns with the correct possessive adjectives. WE MY I ITS HER HIS OUR YOUR THEIR Complete the sentences with HIS, HER, ITS, or THEIR. hair is brown. sweater is green. skirts are yellow. hair is blond. bow tie is red. Jears are big. HE YOU THEY IT SHE Choose the correct words 1. It is she/her house. 2. / my have a dog 3. This is our / we farm. 4. They love they / their school. 5. We our live in Spain. 6. Has she/her got a ruler? 7. Those are his / he glasses. 8. He is my grandfather. your sandwich. 9. That is you 10. It's Its legs are short. 11. He has a car. Her / his car is red. 12. I have a dog. Its his tail is long. Complete with the right possessive adjective 1. You have a nice watch. I like watch. 2. Bob has a cat. cat is very cute. 3. I have a new backpack. backpack is big. 4. Clara has a new bag. new bag is brown. 5. Sara and Ann have two cousins. cousins live in Seville. 6. Dave has a brother. brother is short. 7. Tommy has a dog. color is yellow. 8. We live in London. city is the capital of England. bikes are in the garage. 9. They have bikes. 10. She has a tablet. 11. My dress is pink but 12. I have two rabbits. tablet is pink. buttons are white. ears are very long. house. 13. My brother and I love Correct the underlined words 1. I have a sister. His name is Mandy. 2. We are classmates. Ours teacher is Mr. Jackson. 3. It is a squirrel. It tail is long. 4. Jason has a brother. Her brother is older. 5. You have a turtle. Its turtle is green. 6. They live in a flat. His flat is on the second floor. 7. She has a cat. Its cat is white. 8. It's Lucy and Ann's birthday. Her birthday is in June. 9. It's Ben's party today. It's its birthday. 10. My dogs are happy. It's its birthday today. HOPPY Birthday! Choose the correct words 1. They have two daughters. 2. 3. 4. We have a puppy. We love 5. Sally has a wallet. 6. Look at the parrot. 7. Mrs. Ward has a baby. 8. Look at the giraffe. 9. I know James. 10. Lisa and Paul have a truck. 11. My sister and I have a piano. We like [ 12. You look tired. eyes are red. daughters are pretty. new shoes. are comic books. puppy. wallet is expensive. feathers are beautiful. baby is very cute. neck is long. brother is my classmate. truck is great. piano. He has new shoes. These are I have some comic books. These 88 w‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ 88 Complete with the right possessive Jenny and Nick are from Bath. surname is Bell. friends, Tom and Amanda, are [ from Bath too. Jenny's eleven and brother Nick is tail is twelve. Chip is dog. short. school is in Park Street. name [ is Park Street School. Jenny likes Maths. Paul. teacher's name is teacher's name is Nick likes Science. Amanda. parents are teachers too. SCHOOL 111 11

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ช่วยทำ​ work​sheets หน่อยได้มั้ยคะ​ ขอบคุณ​ค่ะ

* Conditionals types 0, 1, 2) 5 Circle the correct item. * Grammar revision 7 Choose the correct iterm. * 1. If you don't sleep, you are / will be very tired. 2 If it will rain / rains, we won't go out. 1 * Pm thirsty." 1 . you a glass of water. " 3 We will miss the train if we won't Leave / A get B am getting C will get 2 แWill it snow today?7 4No, it . ." don't leave now. A doesnt B wont C isn't 4 When you mix white and black, you get / will get 3 Look! He . off his chair. grey. A is going to fall B will fall 5 Will you go if he asks / will ask you? C falls 6 If we go / went to Oxford Street, we'd stay with 4 What time . James tonight? Ann. A you meet B are you meeting 7 Wed buy a bigger house if I get / got a pay rise. C do you meet 8 If l am / were you, I'd ask for his help. 5 If you heat ice, it . 6 What would / will you do if he lied to you? A will met B is melting C melts 10 If he had enough money, he would buy / 6 ! think lan . the competition next week. bought sweets for his children. A is winning B wins C will win 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct *What are your plans for the weekend, Mark? 7 tense. ี *Didnt tell you? 1.to Lisbon.) A will go 1 If Nathan (move) B gง C m going to France, Emma will be sad. 8 When she's in London, Laura.Some museums. (have) a good A is going to visit C is visiting 2 If 1 B is going to Voice, ! would be a singer. If I don't study, ! If the weather is nice, we . to the beach. C will go 3 9 (get) bad marks. 4 1't buy this top if they A go B would go 10 *Look at those clouds!" *it . (have) it in green. A is going to rain B will rain 5 If we don't leave now, we C is raining ไnot/get) there on time. Do you think it . this week? 11 6 If you freeze water, it A will snow B snowS (become) ice. C is snowing 7 If Charlotte was here, I 12 What this Saturday? (ask) her to hetp me. A will you do B are you doing 8 if 1 (be) you, wouldn't C do you do eat 50 much junk food. 8 Write 3 things you think will/won't happen tomorrow, 2 things you are going to do this summer and 2 things you are doing this 9 Unless you (say) please, won't hetp you. (travel) 10 She weekend. ** by car if she had one.

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

ช่วยทำ​ work​sheets หน่อยได้มั้ยคะ​ ขอบคุณ​ค่ะ

* Conditionals types 0, 1, 2) 5 Circle the correct item. * Grammar revision 7 Choose the correct iterm. * 1. If you don't sleep, you are / will be very tired. 2 If it will rain / rains, we won't go out. 1 * Pm thirsty." 1 . you a glass of water. " 3 We will miss the train if we won't Leave / A get B am getting C will get 2 แWill it snow today?7 4No, it . ." don't leave now. A doesnt B wont C isn't 4 When you mix white and black, you get / will get 3 Look! He . off his chair. grey. A is going to fall B will fall 5 Will you go if he asks / will ask you? C falls 6 If we go / went to Oxford Street, we'd stay with 4 What time . James tonight? Ann. A you meet B are you meeting 7 Wed buy a bigger house if I get / got a pay rise. C do you meet 8 If l am / were you, I'd ask for his help. 5 If you heat ice, it . 6 What would / will you do if he lied to you? A will met B is melting C melts 10 If he had enough money, he would buy / 6 ! think lan . the competition next week. bought sweets for his children. A is winning B wins C will win 6 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct *What are your plans for the weekend, Mark? 7 tense. ี *Didnt tell you? 1.to Lisbon.) A will go 1 If Nathan (move) B gง C m going to France, Emma will be sad. 8 When she's in London, Laura.Some museums. (have) a good A is going to visit C is visiting 2 If 1 B is going to Voice, ! would be a singer. If I don't study, ! If the weather is nice, we . to the beach. C will go 3 9 (get) bad marks. 4 1't buy this top if they A go B would go 10 *Look at those clouds!" *it . (have) it in green. A is going to rain B will rain 5 If we don't leave now, we C is raining ไnot/get) there on time. Do you think it . this week? 11 6 If you freeze water, it A will snow B snowS (become) ice. C is snowing 7 If Charlotte was here, I 12 What this Saturday? (ask) her to hetp me. A will you do B are you doing 8 if 1 (be) you, wouldn't C do you do eat 50 much junk food. 8 Write 3 things you think will/won't happen tomorrow, 2 things you are going to do this summer and 2 things you are doing this 9 Unless you (say) please, won't hetp you. (travel) 10 She weekend. ** by car if she had one.

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