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บ ข้อสอบกลางภาค English Structure and Usage คำสั่ง 1) ให้นักศึกษาวิเคราะห์ประโยคที่ปรากฏในบทความนี้ 2) วิเคราะห์โดยละเอียดสอดคล้องกับความรู้ที่ได้เรียนมาทั้งหมด และยกตัวอย่างคำ วลีหรือประโยค ประกอบการอธิบายพร้อมบอกเหตุผลประกอบ Essay 6 Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation. A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement authorities may be costly, however, the long- term investment would pay dividends in the future. A safer region would encourage trade, investment and set an invaluable example for younger generations. For example, crime has dramatically been reduced in the Favelas around Rio de Janiero in Brazil. This was achieved largely through the government committing large funds of money to stationing police headquarters in and around the slums. These financial expenditures greatly benefited the community. Secondly, due to the large-scale severity and the global impact that crime has in some areas of the world, global cooperation is critical. Operating in a different way would incur significant financial losses and render any expenditure futile. For example, Somalian pirates in Africa have reigned terror amongst many ocean transport companies in the area. Only through large-scale international cooperation was policing the area possible. Therefore, crime reduction can be attributed to a joint effort between countries. To conclude, illegal activities are a costly and dangerous fact in the present global cconomy however, through large-scale government investment prevention is an attainable goal. Also, spreading the expense through international cooperation the resources invested can be significantly more effective in reducing criminals effectiveness abroad. Source: https://www.icltspodcast.com/band-9-sample-cssays/

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Read the text carefully. Years ago there wasn't a problem with rubbish because things like plastic and disposable nappies hadn't been invented. There wasn't so much packaging on items you bought either. But now with everything so over packaged wrapped and disposable we are suffering the consequences of far too much waste. The trouble is not everything can be recycled or will rot away. You used to be able to get a refund on glass bottles when you took them back to the shop. Now they are either collected from your house by the council or you can take them to a bottle bank. The fact that paper can be recycled and is easy to dispose is great, but remember paper is made from trees, which are important to the environment. The rainforests have been slowly disappearing for a while now. We need them not just because it helps with the climate. They are important as like all plants they give us oxygen. They are also a home to many animals who rely on them for their survival. The best waste is organic, dead leaves; carrot tops, onion skinร and so on all rot down and make fertile soil. This in turn will help the plants and vegetables giving them much needed food. So if youน are able to have a compost heap in your garden you'll be helping the environment and your garden wil love you for it. Acid rain is another serious problem it is damaging to plants and is caused by pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. These come from the burning of coal, oil and gas. Dropping litter is not just a lazy thing to do it makes work for other people, is bad for the environment and looks ugly. So think before you drop litter either bin it or keep it and then bin it. When rivers and seas are polluted by waste we are not only stealing their beauty but were spoiling it for ourselves too. Our health can also suffer. Sadly accidents do occur; oil slicks sometimes happen and wreck the environment. Aninmals tend to suffer the most from these incidents. We should really have in place something that will prevent so much destruction, rather than just waiting for it to happen, then trying to clean up the damage. Nuclear waste has been the cause of controversy over the years. Radioactive material leaking out would be very serious indeed, it can cause real harm. This is why it is the most worrying. Although we are trying to stop the hole in the ozone layer getting any bigger, nuclear waste is still a serious problem. The 0zone layer protects us from harmful ultra - violet rays. Its hole has been caused by chlorofluorocarbons (cfc's) a chemical that was found in some products. Refrigerators used to contain them. So do we care enough about the earth we have inherited and our passing onto future generations? Or is it now all too late to do anything? Each one of us can make a difference and each and every one of us is responsible to the environment. It takes care of us; we should take care of it. Source: http://www.childrenswebmagazine.com/Environment.htm (slightly adapted) A) Say who or what the following words refer to. 7. these 1. them 8. it 2. they 9. their 3. them 10. these 4. นร 11. we 5. who 12. them 6. them 13. it

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ชีววิทยา มัธยมปลาย


7. วัฏจักรชีวิตแบบสลับ (Alternation of two0 generations ) ของพืชดอก เช่น พริกขี้หนู ระยะสปอโรไฟต์มีลักษณะ. ส่วนระยะแกมีโตไฟต์คือส่วน.. ของพริกขี้หนู ซึ่งอยู ใน 8. เปรียบเทียบวัฏจักรชีวิตแบบสลับของมอส เฟิร์น และ พืชดอก ดังนี้ มอส ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์มีช่วงเวลา.. ..กว่าสปอร์โรไฟต์ ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์มีขนาด. .กว่าสปอร์โรไฟต์ ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์อยู่บริเวณ. ระยะสปอร์โรไฟต์ เฟิร์น ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์มีช่วงเวลา .กว่าสปอร์โรไฟต์ ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์มีขนาด.. กว่าสปอร์โรไฟต์ ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์อยู่บริเวณ. ระยะสปอร์โรไฟต์ พืชดอก ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์มีช่วงเวลา.. กว่าสปอร์โรไฟต์ ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์มีขนาด.. ..กว่าสปอร์โรไฟต์ ระยะแกมีโตไฟต์อยู่บริเวณ. เระยะสปอร์โรไฟต์

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