

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


Explore Look at the text. Then answer the questions below. a Where can you find this kind of text? In a magazine. On the internet. b Whats the title of the text? C Whois the author? Co TEEN home store videos media contacts 0.Comment Tallia Storm *Become a fan Dop star from Sootland The day that changed my life Aosted 08/01/2013 (0.33 ส.1. | Updated 10/03/2013 5 12 6.m. 7th January is a very special day for two reasons. First, it's the birthday of my amazing nanny (were not alowed to call her granny: she hates that), She's 79 years young Second, a year ago, I acted very impulsively. But what did changed my world. | was on holiday in Hawai with my parents and grandparents. In our hotel, my dad had seen Sir Elton John in the lift, and despite loitering in the hotel lobby like a stalker for 24 hours, I didn't see him! The next morning, I spotted his husband, David Furnish, sitting on the other side of the restaurant with Some friends, having breakfast. This was it, I thought. I'Il never forget what my mum said when I asked what she thought of me approaching him with a CD and letter to pass on to Sir Elton. "Well, if you don't ask, you don't get, Tallia." His reaction was amazing and he was so nice. He asked all about my music, what style | sang, where | was from, and he promised to pass it on. Done - that was it. I could do no more (6) We left the hotel and flew home via San Francisco. We were going through security and my phone rang. It was the call that changed my world. Sir Elton John invited me to open his concert in Scotland on 10th June 2012, and told me he thought had one of the best Soul voices he had heard in years! So there you have it. 7th January is a day of blessings; it's a new year for me, it's my nanny's birthday. and it's the day my world changed. Look at the text again and choose the correct options. a The text is O a blog entry. (O an email. b The answer above can be supported by the following: O It shows when it was updated. () Its addressed to one person in particuls O) It has an author. People can leave comments on it. (O Its part of a conversation. The language used is informal. O) Its more similar to an online diary than to a magazine article. ) Its commonly used to express opinio and personal views. C The text is about Othe future. the past. () the present. เESSON 2

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


NEพ |FRONTIERS| Name Class active formal playmate unusual 1 Fill in the blanks with the best word. radio aerobics writer sneakers loose neighbor animal. 1. That dog is purplel What a(n) lifestyle. 2. I like to play rugby. I try to live a(n) clothes. She likes clothes that fit well. 3. Jane doesn't like are too simal. I need a bigper size. 4. My feet are large. These 5. Steven is They play together on the weekends. my brother's It's good exercise! 6. My grandmother is strong, She does 7. Martin is a(n) He writes books and short stories. 8. Mr. Murphy is my His house is next to mine. 9. When my inom drives the car, we always listen to the 10. We wear clothing to the wedding. It's a special event. (2) Circle the word that matches the cottect definition. 1. an item used in a sport to hit a ball d. bat a. medal b. squash c. belt 2. an item used to write in a. diary b. writer C. racket d. magic 3. something you do for fun a. podcast b. hobby C. enter d. energy 4. the opposite of loud ส. active b. yoga c. Competition d. quiet 5. a person who visits a new place a. member b. tourist C. neighbor d. playmate 6. how big or small an item is a. uniform b. sleeves C. try on d. size 7. the special name of a product or group of products a. brand b. chain C. design d. celebrity 8. to speak quiety a. casual b. secret C. whisper d. trend 9. a set of clothing you wear together a. blouse b. collar C. pattern d. outfit 10. the opposite of expensive b. cheap a. formal C. Casual d. popular

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