

ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Fill in the gaps with the Present Simple (negative) of the verbs in brackets. 1. bavid (not / watch) films in the cinema. (not / like) to go to parties. (not / go) to restaurants. (not / close) the door when he enters. (not / obey) ary rule. (not / disappear) just like that (not / like) to waif too much long. 2. Carol 3. My parents 4. Peter 5. Nicole 6. Jewels 7. I 8. Mrs. Underwood 9. The students (not / understand) me. (not / identify) the subject in the sentence. 10. The naughty boys (not / apologise) for their bad behaviour as a rule. 11. Caroline (not / like) to be disturbed. (not / admit) that they steal. 12. Thieves เNOW use the interrogative form of the present simple. 1. (the girl / blush) when her boyfriend kisses her? (Caroline / like) to be disturbed? (you / explain) clearly? (Mum / cook) dinner every day? (the pupil / ask) for help? (girls / enjoy) going to parties? (you / visit) the museum regularly? (Charles / arrive) early as a rule? (secretaries / make) hotel reservations? (Mrs. Clark / water) the plants? (the cat / scratch) the front door? (your sister / cook) well? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Rewrite the sentences both iท the negative and interrogative forms. 5. Italk to Andrew every single day. 1 I walk to school. NEG. NEG. INT. 6. Michael works in a big company. NEG. INT. 7. My Mum mixes all the ingredients. NEG. INT. 2. That driver never stops at the traffic lights. NEG. INT. 3. The boys play football quite well. NEG. INT. 8. My brother Alfred studies Spanish at school. INT. 4. This kite flies real high. NEG. NEG.. INT. INT.

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมปลาย


ZR0 CONDITTONAL - CERTAINTY IF/WHEN CONDITION RESULT PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE If/When you heat butter it melts RESULT IF/WHEN CONDITION PRESENT SIMPLE PRESENT SIMPLE Butter melts If/when you heat it We use the zero conditional when the result of the condition is always true and obvious. Exercise Write the verbs in brackets. Use the ZERO conditional. 1-If it (rain), the streets (get) wet. 2-My mother (get) angry when I (not do) my homework every day. 3- If you (run) too fast, you (get) really exhausted. 4-1 can't (understand) Elizabeth when she (speak) so quickly. 5-If Madeleine (miss) the seven o'clock train, she (be) late for work. 6- When you | (turn on) an electric al appliance, the electricity meter (go) up. 7- My little sister always (cry) when she (be) hungry. 8-When you |(drink) too much alcohol, you sure (get) drunk. It's dangerous. 9-The mountains (get) white when it (snow). 10-If you (don't drink) enough water, yoน (become) dehydrated. 11-You (gain) weigh if you (eat) too much sugar and fried food. 12-When my mother (have) a toothache, she always, (take) an aspirin. 13-If you (mix) red and blue, you, (get) purple. 14-Plants | (die) if they (not get) enough water. 15- If you (break) a leg, it (hurt) and it's very painful. 16- When my friends (tell) me an important secret, I never (tell) it to anyone. 17- You (get) a substantial fine if you (not pay) your taxes. 18- If you (not get) enough vitamins and iron, you| (suffer) from anaemia.

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


UNIT 16 Vocabulary Writing 1 Put the days of the week in the Correct 3 Join the sentences with the connectors i order. brackets. 1 He wakes up late. He watches TV. (and) He Wakes up (ate and watches TV 2 She Cooks dinner. She sets the table, (or) URSDAY 5 2 MONDAY 3 We watch a DVD. We go to the cinema. (or) They walk to school. They take the bus. (a) 4 SATURDAY 5 He waters the plants. He walks the dog. (and) 2 Think of a typical Tuesday Complete the 4 Fill in and or or, table with the activities you do. do homework get up early g0 to School When the weather is bad, I don't go out. ! Stay in 1) . my friends often come round We usually surf the Net 2) games, We never play sports 3) shopping. When it's sunny, I do a lot of things. 1 alwayร meet my friends 4). . play basketball have breakfast have lunch Surt the Net play cormputer watch TV have dinner chat onlina play sports go to bed football We Sometimes eat ouา 5) 6) go 1o the cinema. We don't go to bec early, I really love sunny weather! 5 Complete the sentences to write a short text about how you spend your day. 1 When the weather is bad, Now write: 1 often | usually 1 In the morning, >/ get up Farly hovย * 2 In the afternoon, I I never 2 When it's Sunny, 3 In the eventng, 1 | always 4 | usually go to bed at | sometirmes

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