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เพื่อนๆ ช่วยเราแปลบทความภาษาอังกฤษหน่อยได้มั้ยคะ🥺 อยากได้แปลเป็นภาษาไทยที่อ่านแล้วเข้าใจง่ายๆค่ะ

INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS OF ACADEMICS & RESEARCH IJARKE Business & Management Journal standard deviation of 1.564. The statement that collection policy monitors account receivable to know had a mean score of 3.68 and standard deviation of 1.463. The statement that circumstances for offering credit to clients had a mean score of 3.93 and a standard deviation of 1.078. 8.1.3 Account Receivables The third objective was to determine the effect of account receivables on financial performance of transport firms in Mombasa County. The statement in agreement that available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management had a mean score of 4.21 and a standard deviation of 1.210. The statement that transport firms sets and follows debt collection policy and terms had a mean score 3.26 and a standard deviation of 1.435. The statement that the organization implements these terms and policies in case of failure to pay the loan had a mean score 3.60 and standard deviation of 1.374. The statement that favourable credit terms stimulate sales had a mean score of 3.59 and a standard deviation of 1.232. Table 5 Account Receivables Available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management Transport firms sets and follows debt collection policy and terms The organization implements these terms and policies in case of failure to pay the loan Favourable credit terms stimulates sales Valid N (listwise) 8.1.4 Credit Terms ISSN: 2617-4138 www.ijarke.com DOI: 10.32898/ibmj.01/1.4article07 Table 6 Credit Terms Business growth has been as a result of proper financial management practices undertaken by the firm. There had been an improvement in debtor's collection by using credit collection policies The business growth depends on sales returns in terms of price of the product, sales in the period, number of customers in a period and credit collection policy in place Solvency-Long-term debt against your assets and equity Valid N (listwise) N 103 92 IJARKE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL 103 103 103 103 N 103 103 103 103 103 Mean The fourth objective of the study was to examine influence of credit terms on financial performance of transport firms in Mombasa County. The statement that available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management had a mean score of 4.21 and a standard deviation of 1.210. The statement that transport terms of sales had a mean score of 3.76 and a standard deviation of 1.302. The statement that credit collection period had a mean score of 3.57 and a standard deviation of 1.684. The statement those terms of extension of credit facilities as shown in Table 6 N 103 4.21 3.26 103 103 3.60 3.59 Mean Available debt collection policy has assisted towards effective debt management Transport terms of sales Credit collection period Terms of extension of credit facilities Valid N (listwise) 8.1.5 Financial Performance The statement that business growth has been as a result of proper financial management practices undertaken by the firm had a mean score of 3.68 and a standard deviation of 1.463. Table 7 Financial Performance Vol. 1, Issue 4 4.21 3.76 3.57 3.51 103 3.48 103 3.13 Std. Deviation 1.210 1.435 1.374 1.232 3.58 Std. Deviation Std. Mean Deviation 3.68 1.463 1.210 1.302 1.684 1.552 1.259 1.525 1.492 May-Jul. 2019

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ภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัย

ใส่คำตอบอะไรกันบ้างคะจากเนื้อหา ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ 🥺

เกิดไรขันกังสั้งแวดล้อมyo) (งา แปลว่า ด ทับ What is happening to.the Environment? Rivers mพัยใหม่ A new study shows that 86 per สะพวณขัมแม่น้ำเทพ cent of the world's rivers have been damaged by human activity. The study was Conducted by researchers from a university in Toulouse, France. เคทะน์ They examined data on over 2,500 rivers around the world)but they did not Look at rivers in the polar regions of the Arctic and Antarctica or in deserts.)The scientists looked into changes to biodiversity over the past 200 years. They)discovered that biodiversity in over half of rivers has been seriously damaged by humans. The researchers said there were many reasons for this damage. A big reason is the introduction of new species of fish into rivers. Other reasons include polution, dams, overfishing, farming and ปลก) : อ่างๆ mราะน climate change. The researchers say the worst-hit rivers are in western Europe and North America. This is because these regions have large and rich towns and cities. The เมือที่มาฐานางเบ lead researcher said: "Rivers which have the most economic development around ่"ง them, like the Mississippi River, are the most strongly impacted." The River Thames inj London was one of the worst-affected rivers in the study. The least- impacted rivers are in Africa and Australia. The researcher said: "This is probably due to a slower rate of สูคนที่ 90 191 เสชมา ความ นนา Iณนนยฆาก industrialisation in Africa and low population density around rivers in Australia." He added that rivers in many rich nations are unrecognisable compared with how they were 200 years ago. เลวมาก เลวที่สุด / HgrSe / the Nor s t 3/ be tey / the st ดีมา ก ดที่สด Acknowledgement

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คณิตศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัย


HN) Exercises (1)You take 200 milligrams of a headache medicine, and after 4 hours, 120 milligrams remain in your system. If the effects of the medicine wear off when less than 80 milligrams remain, when will you need to take a second dose, assuming the anmount of medicine in your system decays exponentially? 13 ส.ค. The half-life of Radium-226 is 1590 years. If a sample initially contains 200 mg. how many milligrams will remain after 1000 years? )The half-life of Fermium-253 is 3 days. If a sample initially contains 100 mg, how many milligrams will remain after 1 week? บ้อ The half-life of Erbium-165 is 10.4 hours. After 24 hours a sample still contains 2 mg. What was the initial mass of the sample, and how much will remain after another 3 days? The half-life of Nobelium-259 is 58 minutes. After 3 hours a sample still contains10 mg. What was the initial mass of the sample, and how much will remain after another 8 hours? (6) A scientist begins with 250 grams of a radioactive substance. After 225 minutes, the sample has decayed to 32 grams. Find the half-life of this substance. A wooden artifact from an archeological dig contains 60 percent of the carbon-14 that is present in living trees. How long ago was the artifact made? (The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years.)

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