


ภาษาอังกฤษ มหาวิทยาลัย


Kevin Kwan: Turning Intercultural Life into Art For 25 years, Hollywood did not make a movie with an all-Asian cast. Then a man named Kevin Kwan wrote a book, and made a film called Crazy Rich Asians. The story is about an Asian American economics professor named Rachel, who goes to Singapore to meet her boyfriend's wealthy family. The film was an instant success. It made 238.5 million dollars and became the most successful romantic comedy of the last ten years. Now Kwan is famous for bringing Asian themes to the big screen. The book has been translated into several languages, and he has published two more. In listening to him talk, it is clear that Kwan's own life has been the inspiration for his witty and affectionate view of wealthy Asian society. TIMES BESTSELLER CRAZY RICH ASIANS & NOVEL KEVIN KWAN Thank ish the's by and the CRAZY CRAZY RICH ASIANS KWAN CRAZY RICH ASIANS KEVIN HINA IRLFR LEVINA Kwan was born in Singapore, and his early life felt normal in many ways. His group of friends rode around the neighborhood on their bikes, and stole fruit from the neighbors. Then, when he was 11 years old, his family moved to Houston, Texas. In the US, Kwan attended high school, made friends, and had fun, just like others his age. He was not a great student, but he did well in creative writing. Eventually, he moved to New York City, where he became a successful design consultant, with many important clients. However, while he was living in New York, he learned his father was very sick. Kwan immediately returned to Houston to care for his father, and the two began to recall memories of Singapore. Kwan was fascinated by his father's stories, and they brought back details of his own childhood. He came from a very wealthy family. His grandmother's ancestors started one of the first banks, and his great uncle helped develop a widely used herbal ointment. It was normal for several generations to live together in an elegant home, with grand furnishings and beautiful gardens. Among his friends, there was a girl who received an expensive grand piano as a birthday present. Another friend, who was still too young to drive, owned matching white sports cars. As he reflected on his family history, Kwan decided to write the memories down as stories, which inspired his novel. These people had lived through Singapore's transition into a world financial center, and he had insight into the details of their lives. In addition, Kwan was also an immigrant, so he could explore the feelings and hopes of other Asian Americans and their children. He used his experiences to write his book, and then film, about immigrants and the worlds they came from. The film's success showed that audiences like seeing the funny, painful, and rewarding stories of families, no matter how crazy or rich they are.

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เคมี มหาวิทยาลัย


ข้อสอบเรื่องจลนศาสตร์เคมี 1) ปฏิกิริยาระหว่าง diethylhydrazine และ iodine เกิดปฏิกิริยาดังนี้ (C2H5)2(NH)2 (l) ) + I2 (aq) → (C₂H5)2(N₂ (l) ) + 2HI (aq) เมื่อศึกษาอัตราการเกิดปฏิกิริยาของปฏิกิริยานี้โดยศึกษาการจางลงของสีม่วงของสาร I ที่อุณหภูมิ 25 °C การศึกษาดังแสดงในตารางดังนี้ (6 คะแนน) การทดลองครั้งที [(C2H5)2(NH)2] M [12], M อัตราการเกิดปฏิกิริยา, Ms 1 1 0.150 0.250 1.08 x 10 4 2 0.150 0.362 1.56 x 10 4 3 0.200 0.400 2.30 x 10 4 4 0.300 0.400 3.44 x 10 4 1.1) จงคำนวณหาอันดับของปฏิกิริยา เมื่อเทียบกับ (C2Hs) (NH), และเมื่อเทียบกับ 12 และคำนวณหา อันดับรวมของปฏิกิริยา (overall order) 1.2) จากอันดับของปฏิกิริยาที่คำนวณได้ จงเขียนกฎอัตรา (rate law) ของปฏิกิริยานี้ 1.3) จงคำนวณค่าคงที่อัตราของปฏิกิริยา (k : rate constant) ที่อุณหภูมิ 25 °C พร้อมทั้งระบุหน่วย = = 1.4) จากการคำนวณข้อ 1.1 - 1.3 ถ้าทำการทดลองโดยใช้ [(C2H5) (NH)2] มีค่า = 0.500 M และ _ [I2] = 0.900 M จงคำนวณหาอัตราการเกิดปฏิกิริยานี้ ซึ่งได้ข้อมูล

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เศรษฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัย

พี่ๆคนไหนสามารถทำข้อนี้ได้บ้างคะ ช่วยหน่อยค่ะ

EXAMPLE 9.1 Water Treatment Facility #3 Case The situation with the location and construction of the new WTF3 and associated transmission mains described in the chapter's introduction has reached a serious level because of recent questions posed by some city council members and citizen groups. Before going public to the city council with the analysis performed last year, the director of Allen Water Utilities has asked an engineering management consultant to review it and determine if it was an acceptable analysis and correct economic decision, then and now. The lead consultant, Joel Whiterson, took engineering economy as a part of his B.S. education and has previously worked on economic studies in the government sector, but never as the lead person. Within the first hour of checking background notes, Joel found several initial estimates (shown below) from last year for expected consequences if WTF3 were built. He realized that no viewpoint of the study was defined, and, in fact, the estimates were never classified as costs, benefits, or disbenefits. He did determine that disbenefits were considered at some point in the analysis, though the estimates for them are very sketchy. Joel defined two viewpoints: a citizen of Allen and the Allen Water Utilities budget. He wants to identify each of the estimates as a cost, benefit, or disbenefit from each viewpoint. Please help with this classification. Economic Dimension 1. Cost of water: 10% annual increase to Allen households 2. Bonds: Annual debt service at 3% per year on $540 million 3. Use of land: Payment to Parks and Recreation for shaft sites and construction areas 4. Property values: Loss in value, sales price, and property taxes 5. Water sales: Increases in sales to surrounding communities 6. M&O: Annual maintenance and operations costs 7. Peak load purchases: Savings in purchases of treated water from secondary sources Monetary Estimate Average of $29.7 million (years 1-5, steady thereafter) $16.2 million (years 1-19); $516.2 million (year 20) $300,000 (years 1-4) $4 million (years 1-5) $5 million (year 4) plus 5% per year (years 5-20) $300,000 plus 4% per year increase (years 1-20) $500,000 (years 5-20)

ยังไม่เคลียร์ จำนวนคำตอบ: 1