
แงงทุกคนคะ วานผู้รู้ช่วยข้อที่มีไฮไลท์สีเขียวตรงหน้าข้อค่า 🥲

ดบIZ 10 Active and pasรsive (Charts 10-1- 10-3) Directions: Change the sentences to passive f possible. 1. Jonathan was involved in a serious car accident last night. 2. The plumber has finally fixed our sink. . 3. Pedro is going to leave before sunrise. น 4. We rode in a limousine to our wedding. 5. The Tangs stayed at a friend's summer house last month. . 6. Lightning struck one of the cows in the pasture. 7. The board of directors will sell the company next month. 8. The answering machine has recorded the conversation.
Directions: Change the active sentences to passiขe. Use the by-phrase only if necessary า | the BY-phrase (Chart 10-4) Using 4 Someone gave me this sweater. This รweater is bein9 99v6 te ฯ๕ 6ฯ 1 Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft. Micre5o tt was created bฯ 8ills Gates and Povl Allen. 3. People check out books at a library, The books ๑re being checked at 4he libretฯ by peeple. 4. Has anyone ever lied to you? 5. Picasso painted the picture. The อictvre we5 paint1ed by Prcasse. 6. Someone will paint these walls tomorrow. These wa lls will be ตุดกed bฯ tomerrow. 1. People speak French and English in Canada. Frcnch and Enlish were รpeken in Canade by pcople. 8. When did someone first use cell phones? 9. The horse kicked Mr. Hill. Mr.Hill wes bean kicked by the horse, 10. The referee has stopped the basketball game. The ba.sketball has Stepped by the referee.
QบIZ14 Passive modals (Chart 10-6) Directions: Change the sentences from active to passive. Include the by-phrase only if it contains น imiportant information. Example: Mr. Ellis might teach this class. -- This class might be taught by Mr.Ellis. 1. Someone should cook this meat. This ๒๕๑ should be coe ked bฯ 5eฯ๕one. 2. A doctor ought to look at your wound. ไoอur wovnd eugh+ 4e be Sccn by the doctor. 3. The cntire community must vote on the issue. 4. Someone may contact you tomorrow, Toฯerrew, 1eง ๒ay be (ontacted by 5o mcone. 5. The news might surprisc you. Yov ตight be Surprised abovt the news. 6. Someone has to warn the public. The อยblic Must be warned bฯ 6ocone, Scanned with CamScanner
passive grammar eng english ภาษาอังกฤษ แกรมม่า


