

Busines5s comrmunmlecat or fora supermarket 選避1 is abuyer IT Rick Parry 15 凡 記全8 et tative ofakey supplier. fion with words from feeg7fF9#-f7#4e9 fojdf do ol do 7eye和77 ee-fojueef 1/olt 7 泌 ggz5 777CC 之 gg7zf 1 0 【///234 One of W2 1 CK Marcel, 」 4 2上全 our guest5. MarceL 3 Patti Kline. 5he works with Longridge,one ot our 宙他9 biggest suppliers. ry \ Ma cel ? 還 VGy le to imeet youu 1 iceto ice _、M9人一 , too. So Marcel, Wo _ GoMoxk_GS exactly? 2 反- 守eel WellL Tm in charge of all our stores in the south of England. 關代二?Thatmustbevery 毗戰din8. You know, alot of responsibility. dto talk to someone over there. seeing you, Pattt. Keep card
2 inning 人人 之 es Putthe words In #gzzics in the correet LI 1 Order Good afternoofu 人 7 / 坊7大/ 0Oe 0e /g07/ 條 。 17 7o7/ 坊7 toege 思ef 2e/0O. LTm Greg Wilkes fronmy fhe National Bank. 凸路3 4o /de/ig7feg 7/7eef /77z /yoz 全 0 yo Mr Wilkes. My names Jen Mills. Greg cg7//7Jezse/ Gee / 6 洋 ae .Isee yourre from 語 and Developrment. 層 人 _Jen 6和 77/9//yo#/707z/彷2/層5 / 2 熙"4 t V 應 /e jo Greg Bostor, though Ispend alotof time in Europe | 也ese days. Anyway, Zoe/#9/子/了/7o60 / 7 / So人-) myou hoW 全 ANMOC ee ACCO_ weeK,、ew reg twas very nice to meet you, too. ITd 了etokeep in touch. Zoe /17oz 廬8 共 馬 人 /Z/cg77 //Zo
Practice file lUnit l 二 Complete the sentences with the presentsimple or thepresentcontinuous form oftheverbs in brackets. IT Carlos usually 574s (sip imfhemain office, buttoday he f5 0O7K7772 (work) at home. / have to) leave home to get to work? ee kk at the woman over there. Why 窗 COAAV (she / sit) atJohns 2 : Re WeWW os (you / work on) 伍 emoment? Anything interesting? 和ee NoNo_ 6C (Nadia / think) 外王 下 her new bos5? , / think) about your presentation? QQ cceootb ceopzyGn C 加What_(罷人 Gi kr in this room? This is fer staff only. (think) i (belong) to one (have) lots ot ]ifts these days.


