

英語 高校生

全然わからないです😭 1問でも教えて頂けたら嬉しいです…🙏

Lesson 3. Palliative Care 部突破! いま最もアツく、最もイカ Medical treatment / Health STEP P 1 Read the Article Let's learn about palliative care, medical care that relieves pain, symptoms and stress caused by serious illness. 1) Palliative care, form of health care that seeks to improve the quality of life of patients with terminal disease through the prevention and relief of suffering. It is facilitated by the early identification of life-threatening disease and by the treatment of pain and disease- associated problems, including those that are physical, psychological, social, or spiritual in nature. As defined, palliative care begins at the point of diagnosis of terminal disease and can be delivered in a variety of health care settings. In general, it involves health and social care professionals working in hospitals, communities, hospices, and voluntary sectors. 2) Palliative care has been associated with many different terms, including terminal care, care of the dying, end-of-life care, and supportive care. However, these forms of care are not necessarily the same as palliative care. Likewise, palliative care is also sometimes described as hospice care. While hospice care does imply palliative care, it is specific to care provided near the end of life. In contrast, palliative care covers the duration of a patient's illness and, hence, may be delivered over the course of years. 3) Palliative care emphasizes three main principles: 1) A team-based approach is fundamental in managing distressing symptoms, such as pain, nausea, fatigue, and depression. It is also a necessary component in meeting the physical and psychosocial needs of the patient and his or her family. 2) Dying is a normal process. Symptom management is needed in order to help patients live life to the fullest until they die. 3) The synthesis of physical care with psychological and spiritual care fulfills a vital role in the overall care of the patient. 4) Palliative care is a global concern, and a steady rise in the number of people who are living longer with degenerative disease suggests that demand for palliative care services will increase in the are areas of intense. developments such Standards Framewo and Palliative Care Indian Association health care profes intended to help physical and psyc 5) In some place For example, the and has identifie framework is int days of life. Its communication, their families, a palliative c diagnosis duration: nausea H Log in to Watch th Hear resear the 2020 co

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英語 高校生

英語 下の写真の青マーカー部分の言っていることが理解できないので、教えていただきたいです🙇️ 可能であれば、例文など用いて教えてくださると嬉しいです! ちなみにですが、この問題は、 【「彼はこんな大勢の人前で話をしたことはないので、あんなに緊張するのも無理はない」を英訳... 続きを読む

こうしてできる 2 it is natural that ... に続く節内の動詞の形に注意。 「…するのも無理はない」 は it is natural that... で表せるが, that節内の動詞の形に注意。 natural 「当然の」, surprising 「驚くべき」, strange 「奇妙な」 のように、話者の判断や感情を表す形容詞を用いた場合, that節内では 〈should + 動詞の原形〉 が用いられる。 また,この問題のように、実際に目の前で起こっている事実を述べる場合に は,このような that節では, 〈should + 動詞の原形> を使わないで、 直説法を用いて表現することもできるが, 〈要求・ 提案・命令〉などを表す that節と異なり, 動詞の原形 (仮定法現在) を用いることはできない点に注意しよう。 「緊張する」 は get nervous [tense] だが, 今実際に彼は緊張状態にあるので, get ではなく be を用いて, it is natural that he should be [is] that nervous とする。 これもOK He has never spoken to such a lot of people [before so many people], so it is natural that he is that tense.

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英語 中学生

中3 英語 Here We GO! の教科書42、3ページです。(見にくくてすみません) プリントの答えをお優しい方…おしえてください!

From the Diary of Kawamoto Itsuyoshi 河本くんの日記。 紙が手に入りにくい時代だったので、 最後の日記は伝票の裏に書かれています。 10 April 4 (Wednesday), Sunny Today was a happy day for me. From today, I am going to commute to Nichu. I went to Hiroshima on the 6:50 a.m. steam train. Unfortunately, it was delayed. I was worried, "What will happen to me?" When I arrived at Nichu, the ceremony was already going on. After 1 explained my delay, they let me in. I sighed with relief. April 15 (Sunday), Sunny Today is the third Sunday. I went to school and at last we started to study. We had English in the first hour, self-study in the second, history in the third, and math 2 (geometry) in the fourth hour. I studied very hard. April 30 (Monday), Sunny For the first time, a bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima. It was just before I crossed Enko Bridge. "Grr, thump, thump!" What a frightening noise it made! Then, a thick cloud of smoke rose up. I went there right away and saw a fire burning intensely. July 6 (Friday) Today was a work day. In the morning, we dug holes to bury glass. At lunch, I ate a loquat. Uehara gave it to me. I also ate some peas and a sweet potato. During our rest time at lunch, we played hide-and-seek. It was a lot of fun. In the afternoon, we carried tree branches. 前の広島県 (ドーム) WOL 1. What made Kawamoto worried on 2. Wh 広島の様子

解決済み 回答数: 1