

英語 高校生


の 問12. 教科書 Lesson5の授業のまとめとして、各クラスで便利な製品を紹介することになった。以 E47 下は生徒の一人が書いた紹介文である。 英文を読み、以下の質問に答えなさい。 Have you ever wondered when and how the stationery products we use every day were developed? Many of them are made so as to eliminate unsatisfaction of us. a Take the erasable-ink pen, for example. The story of the pen's development is an interesting one. In Japan, students typically use pencils and mechanical pencils for writing. In Europe, ( ), students use ballpoint pens. As a results, they have to hold both a ballpoint pen and a correction pen in their hands. The marketing section of the Japanese company realized that with erasable-ink pens, students would not have to switch from one pen to the other. They were right! (1) (a)に入る語は次のうちどれか。(1点) e also ② however ③ although (2) この生徒が紹介している製品は次のうちどれか。(1点) B. 多機能ボールペン C. フリクション (シャープペンシル+ボール(こすると消えるペン) ペン A. 修正ペン sa bus ta Pentel szib &) siqo bluco od NON J Youm a vigogaya Tieds a botasem H isdo aid (3) 紹介文の内容に合っているものには T, 間違っているものにはFと答えなさい。(1点×3=3点) 18 (a) Japanese company invented the erasable-ink pen for students in Japan. (b) The students in Europe have to hold both a ballpoint pen and a pen to correct their error at the same time when they are studying. (c) The erasable-ink pen enables students in Europe to switch from one pen to the other.nai il Yetoubun 130

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英語 高校生


○教科書「AII Aboard! Commun ication EnglishI」 p.12, 20,28~31 を読んで、,次の問題に取り組みましょう。 A p.28~31 を読んで,( )内に入れるのに最も適切なものを選び,マークしなさい。 解答番号1~11 (1) “I go to school by ( 1 ) and use a smart card as my commuter pass.” ア taxi イ bicycle ウ subway エ car (2) This semester my midterm exam results were good, but I want to do better on the ( ア term exanms イ job interview ウ medical checkup エ graduation ceremony (3) I belong to the science club. We often use the ( ア courtyard ウ science laboratory イ teacher's office エ art studio (4) In my bag, I always have my school ID card , ( |4 ), and key chain. ア wallet イ hand strap ウ priority seat ticket machine エ (5) I like traveling. Ienjoy deciding the ( |5 )and the kind of transportation I will use. ア traffic light イ room charge ウ destination エ stationery (6) In the middle of the village, there is a small railroad ( ア appoint イ crossing ウ ticket reserve エ (7) I live in a( 7| ). It has a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. ア restroom イ storage area ウ balcony condominium エ (8) I like vegetables such as potato, ( 8|)and carrot. ア vinegar ウ pudding イ sunny-side up egg エ eggplant (9) We usually wear our ( 9 It is dark brown with some green stripes. ア school uniform イ school clinic ウ fashionable hairstyle エ public school (10) Iwas born on August 31, so my star sign is ( 10 ). ア Moon イ Virgo ウ Wednesday Sun エ (11) Ialways suffer from 11 )in spring, soI use eyedrops and other medicines. ア cut イ diarrhea ウ hay fever influenza エ B )内に入れるのに最も適切なものを下のア~オから選び,マークしなさい。解答番号 12~16 A: Hi, ( 12 )is Bob King speaking. May I ( B: Sorry. She is ( 14 )now. May I( 15 )a message? 13 ) to Ms.Jones, please? A: Thank you. Please tell her that I have a question ( 16 ) the report that she sent to me. ア speak イ out ウ this take オ regarding エ

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