

英語 高校生


フレーズ訳 :各設問の根拠となる箇所 / but are they having fun? しかしその動物たちは楽しんでいるのだろうか。 1 We all have seen animals playing, s€ 私たちは皆,動物たちが遊んでいるのを見たことがある most scientists believed /「that only humans can have fun. // ほとんどの科学者が信じていた 見 In the past, 過去においてはば 人間だけが楽しむことができると。 h But today, / those beliefs are changing. // しかし今日では F そうした考えは変わろうとしている。 上 More and more scientists are studying animal emotions. // ますます多くの科学者が動物の感情を研究している。 And their findings might surprise you. / そして彼らの発見にあなたは驚くかもしれない。 2(For example, /(1) scientists have performed experiments / 例えば 科学者はさまざまな実験をおこなった that show that some animals laugh./ They have learned 「中には笑う動物がいることを示す。 that some animals, especially chimpanzees, dogs, and rats?laugh. // 動物,特にチンバンジー,犬,ネズミが笑うことを。 Their laughs might not sound like human laughter, その動物たちの笑い声は人間の笑い声のようには聞こえないかもしれない 彼らは知った / but they are laughing. // しかし彼らは笑っているのだ。 3 Chimpanzees and dogs often show happiness. // チンバンジーと犬は喜んでいることをしばしば見せる。 Sometimes they may even look like they are laughing. // We know 時には笑っているように見えることさえあるかもしれない。 私たちはわかっている |that there are many similarities between humans and chimpanzees.| // 人間とチンバンジーには多くの共通点があることを。 And (2) anyone who has a dog knows //that dogs are very happy when they are それに犬を飼っている人なら誰でも知っている 犬は遊んでいる時,とても喜んでいることを。 playing, // However, / do rats laugh? // Have you ever played with rats? // あなたはネズミと遊んだことはありますか。 しかしながら ネズミは笑うのか。 / Scientists/at a university in Ohio/did. // オハイオの大学の科学者がそれをしたのだ。 4 Have you ever tickled them? あなたはネズミをくすぐったことはありますか。 What happened? // The rats laughed! // 何が起きただろう。 And (3) the rats laughed /Konly when their favorite person tickled them.>// それに,ネズミは笑ったのだった ネズミが笑ったのだ。 自分の気に入っている人がくすぐったときだけ。 But how do the scientists know /|that the rats were really laughing? // しかし科学者はどうやってわかるのだろう 5 ネズミが本当に笑っていると。 They studied their brains. // 彼らはネズミの脳を研究したのだ。 (4When humans laugh, / one part of the brain is very active. // 入が笑うと <When a rat laughs, ネズミが笑うと 脳の一部は非常に活発になる。 that same part of its brain is active, too. // ネズミの脳の同じ部分も活性化しているのだ。 And scientists have found another interesting similarity / そして科学者は興味深い類似点をもう1つ発見した between humans and rats.) // Rats like to be with the rats] / 人とネズミの。 in their group/ /(that laugh the most. // It seems that fun-loving rats are popular. // 集団の中で ネズミはネズミと一緒にいるのを好むのだ 楽しいことが好きなネズミは人気があるようだ。 1/ だけど,そんなことが本当に大事なのですか」と。 最も笑う。 You might say あなたは言うかもしれない /"That's interesting, / but is it really important?" 「おもしろい 7 (5In fact, / these kinds of experiments are teaching scientists / 実際 these®E こうした実験は科学者に教えている a lot about the parts of the human brain 人間の脳の部分について多くのことを They hope tosomeday lind out /Lhow to help unhappy people feel happier. |/ 彼らはいつか見つけたいと望んでいる And that's nothing to laugh at. / thaf control emotions. // 感情を制御する。 不幸な人々が幸せを感じるのに役立つ方法を。

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英語 高校生


After Fir Vocabulary 本文* Lesson 読解時間2分54秒 6 回モ回 Track 11 1 In Japan, there are two unique styles of drama: kabuki and Takarazuka Opera. 「nese two look very different because kabuki is traditional and Takarazuka Opera IS very modern. Nevertheless, we can find a lot of similarities between them. The greatest similarity is the performers. Both are played by performers of In kabuki, all the performers are men. One sex. There are special actors who always perform women's parts. They are called oyama. In Takarazuka Opera, all the performers are women. Even the strongest men's parts are played by women who are dressed up like men. Kabuki and Takarazuka Opera have music. In Takarazuka, actresses sing to the music played in the theater. In kabuki, the actors do not sing themselves, but 10 there are some singers and musicians on the stage. Kabuki actors and Takarazuka Opera actresses wear very colorful costumes. Both of them also put on beautiful make-up and act in a dramatic way. Kabuki players' performances are powerful for men"'s parts and elegant for women's parts. 15 Famous oyama are said to look more like women than real women. The Takarazuka actresses who play men's parts look really handsome and act just like men. Because of the actresses skills, the audience *is fascinated by the *gorgeous shows. Kabuki has old people as its fans, while Takarazuka Opera's fans are mostly But all of them are very *enthusiastic. Kabuki and Takarazuka 20 young women. Opera are popular because they try to show beauty which we cannot find in our daily lives. Why don't you go to see these plays and find more similarities? 261 words Words & Phrases 1.17 be fascinated by …に魅せられる .17 gorgeous 形豪華な 1.20 enthusiastic 脳熱狂的な

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