

英語 中学生

⑵と、⑷がよく分からないです。 あと物語の主旨もイマイチよく分かりません💦 教えて下さい🙇‍♀️

| @ 次の文を読んで, あとの問い One of Bob's friendsloyed anything to any friends。 So he One day he was w Py Very much。 and did not give ad alotofmoney SURing near the ver with nis fniends *slipped into water him。 One of them sat on the ge "md and_Mheld ont his hand and said」 The rich mamaheadwene under the but he did not give his hand to his 'ends tried, but 。 ) Tcan *pull yomoute ater and then の (come ) again。 jriend. Again another ofjhie fi *happened | Then Bobsaid-( the same thing ) Tcan pull you outr The nieh man took his hand. and Bob pulled him outoFthe warer。 -You dont know our friend very wellsiBob aaid to the othere。 YWhen yoU say "Giverto him。he doesnt do anything。 But when you say Take' he takes everythingh *) slip(ped) すべる 。。 heldout holdoue (ましHH) の | pul(ed) out 一を引っぱりす happen(ed) 皿こる に放しなきい。 @, ア Go under the waterl 。 1 ェ Hold outyourhand! 。 オ Givemeyourhandl (イ 題@記 こ 前ちること。 ア ボブの友人たちが川に決から次へとすべり 0 インに まちた用がを人のの2C馬かもうとする べり 番ちた男の手を友人がつかもとし キル にすべり其ちた男が友人の差 し6 の内容に合うように。 決の質問に医語で替えなさい。 ) に入る文として半するものを次から 1つずつが 9できえなきいs イ Take myhandl 。 ウ Comeupagaim 導 ド拉部のhe same 0 1つ信び: 記愛をOでかこみなさい。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

1枚目2枚目どちらでもいいのでわかるとこ教えてください 仮定法についてです!

DFill in each blank with am suitable word. 1.) fi should fil tbe exam。 what wouid my parentas say? DI( 。 )( )fmltheexamwhat would my parents say2 2 。) The doctor adviwed my father to lose weight、 icee weight 「結すろ. 1 The doctor advised my father that he( 。 )weight. 8.g0 Itie necessnry for apan to develop leading products in the worid- 1 Itis necessary that Japan( 。 )leadingproducts in the world. kading 「 流の」 8) Could you 1end me your notebook2 DTIwonder( 。 )( )1endmeyournotebook. @Put the words in parenthesee in the correct order 1 もっと努力したち、学校の成績も上がるだろう。 (effort 71// make / more / should), Tcould do better at schoo 2. もし仮に主くじ (ottery) で1等党が当たったら、何を買いたいと思いますか。 (elottery / frst prize / in / to / were / win / you) what would you ike to bny2 3.母は、兄に医大に行くように勧めた My mother recommended ea oege7my My BS ウン 4 放迎会 (reception) に出席していただければ、ありがだいと思います。 Twould be grateful (attend /could /3f/ the reception you: ⑨Complete the sentences. 1. もしその台風 (typhoon) が聞縄に上確したら、我々の家族旅行はどうなるのだろう。 E what would become of or family trip2 <hidetrike 「 (友鹿が) に上陸する」ノwhat becomee of一「-はどうなろか」 2. 母は姉に、今夜は食器詩いをしてくれないかと頼んだ。 My mother requested that tonight. 8.風邪を引かないためには、人混み (crowds) を避けることが重要だ。 *avoid 「ーを放ける in order not to catch a cold- Itm 4. 駅まで、車で迎えに来ていただけないでしょうか。 ・PickAup atB「AをBまで耳で: く』 Twonderifyou (④Put the Japanese sentences into Pnghish. 1 万一電車が遅れもたら、どうしたらいいだろう。 2 もし結果 (the result) が分かったら、侯にも知らせてくれよ。 [le 3. その克師は、父に禁煙するよう忠告した。 最寄りのバス停までの道を教えていただけませんか。

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

1枚目2枚目何問でもいいので答えてくれると嬉しいです。 仮定形についてです!!

①Fill in each blank with a suitable word 1 If ahould fail the exam。 what would my parente my2 MIfI( )( )faitheexam.whatwould my parents say2 2.9) The doctor adwised my father to ose weight elowe weight 「引言すろ 1 The doctor adviaed my father that he( 。 )weight 8.D It is neceseary for dapan to develop leading products in the worid. 1 Itim neceesary that apan( 。 )1eadingproductain the worid. ・kedine 3 4 5) Could you lend me your potsbook2 DIwonderf( 。 )( )lendmeyournotebook のPut the words in parentheees in the correct order. 1 もっと努力したら、学校の成績も上がるだろう。 (efort /1//make / more / ahould), Tcould do better at school 2. もし仮に室くじ (ottery) で1等作が当たったら、何を買いたいと思いますか。 Tf(@ lottery /5rst prize /in 7to/ were / win/you whatwouid you hike to boy2 8は、兄に医大に行くように勧めた。 NMy morher ecommended (gg7 medcal colege / ny b 0 4 誠聞会 Cecsption) に出席していただければ、ありがだいと思います Twould be grateful (attend / could 7if/ the reception /you)。 ④Complete the sentences. 1. もしその人台風 (typhoon) が癌縄に上除したら、々の家族旅行はどうなるのだろう。 。。。。 ,whetwonldbeomeofourfamilytnp? <hiUetrike ( (右が) こに上陣する」ノwhat becomes of一「一はどうなろか1 2. 母は姉に、今夜は食器沈いをしてくれないかと頼んだ。 My mother requested that tonight 3.風履を引かないためには、人避み (crowds) を避けることが重要だ。 *avoid「一を計る in order not to catch a cold. It 4 駅まで、証で聞えに来でていただけないでしょうか。 ・PiskA up atB 「AをHBまで重で迎えに行く」 1wonderifyou の①Put the Japanese sentences into Pngiish 1 一電車が遅れたら、どうしたらいいだろう。 2. もし結果 (the result) が分かったら、侯にも知らちせてくれよ。 [le 3.その医師は、父に禁煙するよう忠告した。 4 最寄りのバス停までの道を教えていただけませんか。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


*EKate and ber ived i 遇 r *parents lived in a small town. Her parents had a small Psgrocery store an worked there. They were very *busy every day。 They knew Kate wanted to visit many places with them。 but they had no Gime. "Te Yomi nm years later Kate became a *university student in New York、 On Saturday morning she went 10 the university Hibrary to study。 When she got there, some studente were talking about a *Hood. Wen dhe heard the name other *hometown, she wentto them and asked aboutthe food、 They setd. WS Sa it 0n the news Net now Kate yas surprised and cahed her parents many Bmes、 But *the hne Was always busy. So she went back to her hometown by car 3OJ he Ya Q her tone she sa many houses which were covered with mu When she got 0 he HOnse in th evening her parents were cleaning their etore。 They Yere surprised to see her Tate said TPmBack。 Ameyou OR? Tworied aboutyou。 1cahed yon many Ph btthetinewas alyaya busy.。Well、 what can 1 do to help you? Her jather said。 "Find anything we can stGiN eat an put iin a bag。 She and her parente etarted to ork。 found many things and put them in bae. They worked *unGl late that night and wete tiredubut Kate was ged to help her parents When hey fnished yorking, her mother sid Tete behewe Ionon9Y willbe a better day than today" The next morning her father ai to Kate, "Now comewith ns" "Where arewe goingto go7' "o ud and they have nothing to eat Lete gtve them OF dai"Why? Tworked hard last night beceNee 1thougbt <Kate、we must think about other people and dothe the *neighbors. Ther food is covered with m food.′ Kate Was aurprised to hear that and sa Then her mother said, 。。 Uaby the neighbore often took eare of yON beC9N8e We these thinge were for us jest thing we can do for them。 When 00 Y they knew we Were Very we didntask hem todoik btthey Ait pre muat help each other" Kate ere thinking and was *proud cf them. Her father said。 Now, lets go" The the store。 Kate hoped to see many and said to her mother “Today busy in the store. understood what her parente carried the bage and le js a better day than Yesterday smiling faces EE間潜2

未解決 回答数: 1