

英語 中学生


英語 Aクラス20 読解講座① 20 15 20 I read a lot of comic books, and I study Japanese with *them. I also watch Japanese TV programs. I love Japanese *idols. Arisa, Miho and I sometimes sing karaoke together. On Saturdays, I sometimes go to the *city library. I *can read English *newspapers and listen to English news there. *Right now, it's very hot in New York, *isn't it? Mom, you often *tell me to ② work hard and play hard. *I am doing so here in Japan, so please don't worry about me. See you! (^_^)v conversation: 会話 *I'm going to ~.: 私は〜するつもりです。 learn: 学ぶ tea ceremony club: 茶道部 traditional : 伝統的な them: それらを [に] idol : アイドル city library : 市立図書館 THO can : ~できる newspaper : 新聞 right now: ちょうど今 isn't it? : ~ですよね。 tell me to 〜 : 私に~するように言う I am doing so here in Japan: 私はここ日本でそのようにしています (1) 下線部①のitは何をさすか,ア〜ウの中から選び,記号で答えなさい。(14点) ア 日本の茶道 日本のマンガ イ ウ 日本語の会話 □ (2) 下線部②はことわざです。 日本語ではどのように言い表せるか,ア〜ウの中 J3 40 から選び,記号で答えなさい。 ( 16点) 次の lonoit PorJenny learns Japanese tea ceremony on Thursdays. イ Jenny teaches Japanese with her friends. bro Jenny doesn't watch Japanese TV programs.pool I Jenny can read English newspapers in the city library. 合わ 0 1 ヨンア 楽あれば苦あり イ よく学びよく遊べ ウ善は急げ □ (3) メールの内容に合うように、次の質問に対する答えとして適切なものをア〜 ウから選び,記号で答えなさい。 (14点) ier m'l *How often does Jenny learn tea ceremony? stil viol ア 週に1回 イ週に2回 ウ週に3回 Otop I ayoblew no *How often ~ ? : どのくらい(の頻度で) ~ 。 PA B12 zempied ひんど ロ (4) 次のア~エの文のうち、 本文の内容と合うものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 (14点)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

⚠️至急です これ解いて欲しいです!

【選択 A Mai: Jack: Mai: Jack: Mai: Mai: Jack: Mai: Jack: 【共通問題】 ([2]~[8]) 2 次の対話文を読んで、あとの各問いに答えよ。 Jack is a student from the UK. He is in Japan to study Japanese. One day, he is talking with his Japanese friend Mai after school. Mai: Jack: Mai: Jack: Mai: Jack: Mai: Jack: Mai: Jack Do you have any plans for next Sunday, Jack? No, I don't. Why? Yes, of course, we do. I didn't know that. In the U.K., we usually don't need money when we enter museums. Really? In Japan, we usually need money. Why are museums free in your country? Because everyone should enjoy the arts. The government thinks so. That's nice. I think museums need a lot of money. For example, they have to take care of the artworks there. They need people to do that. How do they get money for them? Well, they have some ways. First, the government gives some money to museums. Second, in museums, there are some shops and restaurants, and (B) Third, they sometimes lend their artworks to other museums and get money. Lastly, there are also donations from people. Donations? Do you know Aoba Museum? How about going there with me? Aoba Museum? Oh, it's a new museum near the park, right? Yes! I want to go there. Good. We can see many beautiful pictures by some artists from this city. Is that so? O I have discount tickets, so we can use them. Well, do you need money to enter museums in Japan? Yes. Rich people sometimes give money to museums to help them. Also, there are some donation boxes in museums. When we visit museums, we usually put money in the boxes. That's good. Many people help museums. ② My country has a lot of good museums. I want to visit some with you. Good. Then, I can put money in the donation boxes for the museums! (注) artist one day ある日 イギリス the U.K. the arts free 無料の enter入る lend t artwork # discount ticket government H lastly 最後に shop money take care of ~ ~の手入れをする donation #1 rich 裕福な (1) [①②に入れる文として最も適当なものを、次のア~オの中からそれぞれ1つずつ選び、その 記号を書け。 ただし、同じものを二度使わないこと。 ア You are welcome. 1 33 I オ I'm sorry, but I can't. You are right. No, you can't do that. Sounds interesting. (2) () that が指している内容として最も適当なものを、次のア~オの中から1つ選び、その記号を書け。 Mai has discount tickets for them, but Jack needs some money. ア People usually need money when they enter museums in Japan. 1 In the U.K., people don't need money to enter museums. I The U.K. government thinks that everyone should enjoy the arts. * Museums in Japan need a lot of money to take care of the artworks there. (3)(B) に入る最も適当なものを. 次のア~エの中から1つ選び、その記号を書け。 7 museums can get money from them 1 people can take pictures of the food there people can learn the way to make money for museums I a lot of people want to learn something about the arts (4) 次の英文を本文の内容に合うようにするとき. 出して書け。 Mai wants to go to a museum with Jack. They are going to visit the museum next Sunday. Jack tells her about museums in his country. Mai learns that museums in the U.K. are free, and there are donation boxes in museums. When she goes to some, she wants to put money in the boxes to 6 the museums. 0⑥に入る最も適当な1語を. 本文から抜き

解決済み 回答数: 1