

英語 高校生

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ⅡI. 次の英文の空欄 ( 11 ) から ( 30 )に入る最も適切な語句を, a.〜d.の中から 1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式)の所定の解答欄にマークし なさい。 Huy Fong Foods, the southern California company that produces 20 million bottles of sriracha (1) annually, has experienced a low ( 11 ) of red jalapeño chili peppers in recent years made worse by spring's crop failure. What is the cause? ( 12 ) weather and drought (2) conditions in Mexico. It's not (13) chili peppers. Mustard producers in France and Canada said extreme weather caused a 50% reduction in seed production last year, ( 14 ) to a shortage of the condiment on grocery store shelves. Blistering heat, stronger storms, droughts, floods, fires and changes in rainfall (15) are also affecting the cost and availability of staples, including wheat, corn, coffee, apples, chocolate and wine. The climate crisis is increasing the intensity and ( 16 ) of extreme weather events — and it's putting food production at risk. "Almost everything we grow and ( 17 ) in the US is facing some climatic stress," said Carolyn Dimitri, nutrition and food studies professor at NYU. Wheat and other grain crops are particularly ( 18 ). In the Great Plains region, (19) most of the US's wheat is harvested, drought depressed the winter crop. Farmers are abandoning farmland used for growing winter wheat in the US-primarily in Texas and Oklahoma - at the highest rate since 2002. Meanwhile in Montana, flooding is (20) grain crops. The impact of the climate crisis on grain crops ( 21 ) beyond the US. In India, a fierce heatwave damaged the wheat crop ( 22 ) record-setting temperatures throughout the spring and summer. As Delhi hit 49°℃ in May, the government placed a ( 23 ) on wheat exports, driving up prices even further than the rise following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Food production is a driver of the climate crisis and a (24) of it. ( 25 ) the food system will require a wide variety of actions, including increasing crop diversity, delivering climate (26) to farmers around the world, expanding conservation programs and offering growers insurance that pays out when an index such as rain or wind speed falls above or below a fixed limit. The Biden administration is supporting research into "climate-smart" agriculture, an approach to managing cropland, forest, fisheries and cattle that attempts to address the intersecting challenges of the climate crisis and food ( 27 ). In May, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, said that climate-related disasters and extreme weather were a driver of global hunger and that 1.7 billion people ( 28 ) by the climate crisis over the last decade. Experts say (29) action is taken, we can expect to see increased food prices, decreased availability and conflict over water, which will primarily affect poorer countries and low-income Americans, (30) everything from school lunches to food aid programs. © Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2023 (1) sriracha (2) drought かんばつ 世界中で人気のチリソース

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英語 高校生

答えはBです。 後者ははアメリカ英語を学習した人にとってはなじみがある。 従って/言い換えると、両方とも正しい英語である。 変ですか? CとDがおかしい理由教えてください。

The latter may be more familiar to those The former is common in who have learned American English. Why did this happen? Noah Webster, a textbook author and Great Britain, Canada and Australia. lexicographer, wanted "Americanized" spelling and pronunciation of words, different from those in Great In 1828, he published a two-volume dictionary which greatly helped to make the Americanized Britain. spelling common. The fact of the matter was it was part of American nationalism. After winning political from Great Britain in 1776, Americans became more conscious of developing their own identity as a new In literature, Americans rejected such European criticism nation. Nationalism rose in various fields. The northeastern region produced world-famous American as "Americans have no national literature." Which is more familiar to you, "centre" or "center"? writers I Edgar Allan Poe, a detective story writer and Ralph Waldo Emerson. In addition to these writers, there were also inventors who greatly helped in advancing American industry. Cyrus Hall McCormick, the inventor of the reaper, and Samuel F. S. Morse, the developer of the telegram code, are two such inventors. 間 1 In diplomacy, President James Monroe issued in 1823 the so-called "Monroe Doctrine," a warning to European nations not to interfere with America and the Western Hemisphere. It was the American This policy of isolationism embraced in the doctrine continued as the U.S. intention to be オ diplomatic policy until the end of the century. While challenging European criticism and power, young America tried to be more independent of Europe, not only politically, but economically, culturally and diplomatically. (2) lexicographer: ##*** isolationism: ŽÈ* ア both are correct English. 33 空所 A In addition reaper: 刈り取り機 interfere 干渉する Brajcich and Tanioka (2010) Eye on American Culture (**) ***** ア を満たすのに最も適切なものを、A~Dのうちから1つ選べ。 B However C Therefore D In other words

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