

英語 高校生

問2答えは③です。 ③は確かに意見だなっていうのはわかるんですが、①②の選択肢も意見ではないですか、、?? ①も深刻な結果に繋がるかもっていうのはデータ等によって裏付けられてないし、 ②ももし健康に悪影響があるなら勉強面にも悪影響あるかもねって筆者がいってるだけだし、テ... 続きを読む

students will love this arrangement. schools be stopped. Keley says 16-year-olds should start at 10 a.m. Most According to Prof. Paul Kelley, a sleep specialist at the University of Oxford, young people in Britain are losing ten hours' sleep per week on average. To correct this problem, he insists that an early start at high B** Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debate in the next class. A part of this article with one of the comments is shown 第2回 実戦問題 43 below. m. High Schools Should Start at 10 a.m. Science. By James Hull, London 11 DECEMBER 2018 ·8:07PM T。 have something called "circadian rhythm" in our body, and ignoring his natural rhythm may lead to serious results. We may feel exhausted. We may feel anxiety. We may even get fat. For high school students, it is natural to start two or three hours later in the morning, Kelley says. Having health problems can lead to lower academic performance. Kelley insists that if schools all over the UK adopted new start times, General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) test scores would rise by about ten percent. hog If students become healthier and wiser, we should seriously consider the change. In fact, Kelley and his colleagues are planning a trial. Kelly says 1t 1s going to be the largest study of its kind, with participation of 100 schools. 第2回 2ce fee afterb

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