

英語 高校生

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TR. 48-51 Reading 2 aud sdt To 19dmun ar) bas 0 asw anisy 1o smo s 「黄金の腕を持つ男」 James Harrison とは,一体どのような人物なのでしょうか。 dyo James Harrison is known as “the man with the golden arm” and has saved millions of 9eud no anisu sbin o lle obr law lives. When people hear this, they may think he is a kind of superhero with special powers. In fact, he looks like ( ① ) in Australia. However, he has something special: his blood. James was only fourteen years old when he had big surgery*. The surgery was hceKGug Coop 5 Successful, but he lost so much blood that he needed a blood transfusion*. 。This experience o AC taught him the importance of blood. He made his first blood donation* a few weeks after his 18th birthday. Soon after that, a special antibody was found in his blood. An antibody woH (S 3 au alnsbuie is a kind of protein* the body makes when it finds something bad in the blood. Every year, thousands of babies in Australia were suffering from* a type of blood 10 disease. Some babies even died before birth, while (④ ) were born Toortoe serious brain abute eri od gnib1o0oA (ト damage. The antibody found in James's blood can cure* this disease, and so he has ! with bluorta tsdhw Joorbe orly donated his blood more than 1,000 times over the past sixty years. His blood has helped to save about 2.4million babies, and his own grandson was one of them. In one interview, he said, “An hour of your time is a lifetime* for someone else," ( 63nineai. 15 James Harrison, the man with the golden arm, never gives up helping ( 6) さ史の素 関歩限のア い(ー ou とに、次の日本を英語にしなる (229 words)

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現代文 高校生

空欄Yに入る文として、最も適切なものを改の中から一つ選べ A「こじつけ」なのだが、それでよいのである B「宿命との出会い」など滅多に起こらない C「なんとなく」は「必然」の言い換えなのである D「あとぢえ」だと自分で気づいていれば問題はない 正解はAです。私はCだと思いま... 続きを読む

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