

英語 高校生


木版画 鋳造 第3問 以下の文は、 S. Strandh の “Machines, an illustrated history" からの抜粋で ある。 次の文を読んで、設問に解答せよ。 (ア) The tools of precision mechanics were, without doubt, the technical pre conditions for making wood cuts and for the development of printing. The oldest dated wood engraving is from 1418. It shows fine lines throughout 細部 and a richness of detal, which imply that the tools used, the knives, burins, and so on, must have been eminently suitable At this time, it was only the precision mechanics of clock making which could achieve the technique required for such tools. 精密機械技術 (イ) A (woodcut was produced by transferring a drawing, reversed from left to right, onto a carefully surface-ground "block" of wood, after which the surface wood on either side of each line in the drawing was cut away with a burin of forged steel. The remaining wood on all 'surfaces which were to be white in the drawing were then cut away with gravers and gouges, so that the lines of the drawing became raised. They were then inked and pressed against paper. これは 理由では ないから、 (~のときに、何 が原因か は不明) The woodcut method spread rapidly in the late Middle Ages when pictures were rarity. At first, skilful craftsmen made the woodcuts, but before long, eminent artists were themselves cutting their own drawings in wood. One of the first was the German Albrecht Duerer (1479-1528) who, in 1498, published the famous pictorial series of the Revelation of St. John. Graphics had become an independent art form-based on the progress of precision 酒の mechanics! 可動式の The 1440s saw the first book printed with movable die-cast type. (The letter press printing method used by Johann Gutenberg (1399?-1468) was basically the same as the one used for printing woodcuts, but Gutenberg used cast, movable type instead of cut blocks. The production of dies for the type was made possible by the tools of precision mechanics, too. It does not detract from Gutenberg's contribution that printing with movable type has been practised in the Far East, or more specifically Korea, two thousand years prior to this. Several of the techniques described here, which developed so quickly during the technical revolution of the Renaissance, had had predecessors in other parts of the world. ' 金楼 にねじ を刻む 道具 ~をなら K あったもの

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英語 高校生


解答欄にマークしなさい。 問 2, 間 3, 4, 問5の解答は, 解答用紙 守谷市祗1枚目 (マークシー 2枚目 (記述式) に記入しなさい。 Technology is rapidly and fundamentally changing the way most people do their jobs, disrupting (1) the nature of work and increasing the demand for new kinds of digital skills. The impact can be felt in all kinds of jobs. Gone are the days of copywriters (2) simply writing copy, for instance. Now they also need to be familiar with search engines and social media to know what will make their work more visible online. Architects need to be able to create digital concepts as their clients now often expect to see more than a 2D drawing. Accountants have to keep up with rapid digital advances disrupting their industry such as the growth of online filing. (3) Byron Nicolaides, CEO of PeopleCert, a professional skills assessment and certification business, says: "The digital skill gap describes the effect that has resulted from a shift. towards digitalisation, with the emergence of new professions, alongside the displacement of other roles, that now require continued digital training." Demand for people with high-level digital skills is greater than the supply of suitably qualified employees, and the gap is growing. The World Economic Forum estimates that by 2022 emerging technologies will generate 133 million new jobs in place of the 75 million that will be displaced. "If the demand for digital expertise is not able to be met by the supply, the resulting deficit in a skilled workplace will not only affect the ability of businesses to shape their own future, but will hinder the economic growth and generate a new reality of [digital] illiteracy (E4)," argues Nicolaides. The UK is the fifth most digitally advanced nation in Europe (Finland comes top) according to data from the European Union. It is already home to a large number of big tech businesses and the UK has more tech "unicorns" (start-up businesses valued at $1 billion or more) than any other European country. According to Tech Nation, a UK network focused on accelerating the growth of digital businesses across the country, in 2018 the UK continued to attract tech talent, employing 5 per cent of all high-growth tech workers globally. In Europe this places the UK behind Germany but ahead of Sweden, France, Denmark and the Netherlands. Despite (A) this encouraging news, the UK is still facing a significant digital skills shortage. A report from the Open University last year highlights the extent of the problem and its impact on UK companies, with nine in 10 organisations admitting to having a shortage of digital skills. Jules Pipe, London's deputy mayor (5) for planning, regeneration and skills, says the capital needs workers with advanced digital skills. "More than half of the capital's start-ups say a lack of highly skilled workers is their main challenge, while emerging industries -

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英語 中学生

③はat first になるんですけどどうやってとけばいいんでしょうか?なにか方法があれば教えて欲しいです

結化(Yuka), リリ 九里(M. Greenの英語の授業で発表を行いました。 発表を聞いたクリー ン先生は, 結花さんの発表についてコメントを書きました。 【 結花さんの発表】 【グリーン先生のコメント を読んで,後の1から8までの各問いに答えなさい。 sog vin 【結花さんの発表】 He Many people in Shiga have worked as volunteers. My grandfather is one of them. worked as a junior high school math teacher for many years and retired five years ago. He has worked as a volunteer at the community center since then. Many children go there to play and study together after school and on weekends. He helps them ( 1 ) every day. He always says that working for other people makes him happy. His words made me interested in volunteer work. bon OR I became a high school student and wanted to try something new. So I did volunteer work at the community center this summer. Now, I will talk about my experiences. I hope my speech will give you a chance to think about volunteer work. During summer vacation, I visited the community center. The community center 【used / many /is/ people/byl living in my city. And the volunteers do a variety of work. My first volunteer work was to take care of elderly people. I played some games and talked with them in the morning. Mr. Sato, one of the elderly men, said to me, "I had a good time today. I live alone and don't have so many chances to talk to other people, especially to young people like you. So I enjoyed talking with you." I was happy to hear that. In the afternoon, I saw a little foreign girl in the playroom. She was drawing a picture alone. ), I hesitated to talk to her because of my English. Then I remembered Mr. Sato's words. So I went to the girl and said, "Hi, I'm Yuka. You are good at drawing pictures. [4]" She smiled and showed me her picture. Then she said, "I will give this picture to my Japanese friend for her birthday. I want to write 'Happy Birthday!' in Japanese on the picture. Can you teach me how to write it?" I was glad to hear that. I taught her how to write it in hiragana. She practiced many times and looked very happy when she saw the picture after she finally finished 5[write] her message in Japanese. Then she said to me, "Thank you for helping me!" Her big smile made me very happy. These experiences reminded me of my grandfather's words. Before doing volunteer work, I thought that helping other people was to make them happy. However, I realized that helping other people made me happy,) too. So we can [ 6 ]. Now I'm looking forward to doing volunteer work again during spring vacation. Thank you for listening. (注) volunteer(s): ボランティアをする人 retire: 退職する community center: E play : 遊ぶ hesitate : ためらう chance : playroom: 【グリーン先生のコメント】 Your speech was great. I'm glad that you learned an important thing. I do volunteer work, too. I visit the city library every Saturday. I help foreign people there. Some foreign people don't understand Japanese. So I help them borrow books. Do you like to read books? The staff members are looking for someone who can read books to children. If you are interested, why don't we visit it together this Saturday?

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英語 高校生


a b MAUNSTREAM English Logic and Expression I C Preparation for the Performance Test |Lesson 12 A Real Dog or a Robot Dog?] While Kay wants to get a real dog, Kay's father prefers a robot dog. He says we don't have to look after it and what is more, they are very smart. Which do you want to keep, a real dog or a robot dog? Follow th guidelines below. ① 自分の立場を決める。 本物の犬かロボットか。 2 3 4 5 6 Kay's father prefers a robot dog He thinks a robot dog is very smart. 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 14 I have the 15 16 17 and can move and 32 33 31 34 Also 39 <Evaluation> same opinion Las' 20 18 19 According to article robot dogs are equipped with AI 22 23 30 24 25 26 27 29 28 depression 48 think 75 it 40 41 ②その立場の理由を調べたことを引用して効果的に述べる。 According to ~ ネットや本の引用 is said that 42 43 and 49 but also robot dogs 62 60 文法・語法 (知識・技能) ①助動詞の使用 ②引用する表現の使用 speak according to in structions 36 37 38 a のいずれかを満たしていない。 a のいずれも満たしていない。 and keep people healthy. 67 68 69 70 him 21 robot dogs can prevent 44 45 46 47 dementia, Not 50 51 can 63 robot dogs is 76 77 78 Lesson 12 only realdogs 54 stress 66 53 heduce our 65 64 内容 (思考・判断・表現) の意見を踏まえて、 自分 ① Kay's fath の意見と理由を述べている。 ②調べたことから理由を展開している。 a のいずれかを満たしていない。 a のいずれも満たしていない。 From the 71 72 better than real dogs. 80 79 81 82 above I 73 74 分量(主体的態度) 本文が80語以上である。 79~60語である。 59語以下である。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

【至急】この文章の題名として最も適切なものは何かという問いです。私は、②だと思ったのですが、解答は①です。 よろしくお願い致します。

次の英文を読んで、 問 1 ~ 問8に答えなさい。 (配点50点) Inspired by fierce family battles for the last remaining piece of cake, a team of three high schoolers in southwestern Japan's Oita *Prefecture have invented a device that cuts round cake and pizza evenly, no matter how many pieces are sliced, and their creation won the top prize in the prefecture's invention contest in 2021. The three students are members of the industrial technology club at Oita Prefectural Kunisaki High School. Their clever invention to solve a daily life problem with a flexible *2mindset won the governor's award in the competition and is gathering attention. Twelve students in the electronics department of the school ( 1 ) to the industrial technology club, which has continued to submit works to the invention contest for about 40 years. Five of their creations won prizes in the high school division of the 2021 edition of the competition that was launched in 1941. The top prize-winning device, whose name translates to "Let's kindly divide it up," was invented by second-year students Wataru Onoda, 16, Rinto Kimura, 17, and third-year student Mitsumi Zaizen, 18. It was inspired by bbattles for birthday cake in Onoda’s family. He needed to defeat his rival two sisters in games of rock-paper-scissors to get the last remaining piece because the cake was always cut into eight pieces despite his family having seven members. Based on Onoda's idea to equally divide a cake into seven pieces, Kimura created a drawing and computer program to precisely make parts for the device. While Zaizen could not be involved in the actual production due to preparations for her university entrance she created a video for the presentation, using her experience of winning a prize in the competition for two years in a row. exams, (2 ) a two-month trial and error process, the device was completed. When a cake or pizza is placed on a turntable made with a laser beam machine, it can be cut evenly into

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