

英語 高校生

英文の方写真汚くて申し訳ないです汗  3パラグラフ目の印のしてあるaround が、和訳中のどの部分に当たるか分かりません。教えていただきたいです。

テーマ 専門性☆☆☆ 英文レベル★★★ 30 DNAはウイルスから? 文 11 What with the threat of bird flu, the reality of HIV, and the genera unseemliness of having one's cells pressed into labour on behalf of something alien and microscopic, it is small wonder that people don't much like viruses. But we may actually have something to thank the little 5 parasites for. They may have been the first creatures to find a use for DNA, a discovery that set life on the road to its current rich complexity 12 The origin of the double helix is a more complicated issue than it might at first seem. DNA's ubiquity -all cells use it to store their genomes - suggests it has been around since the earliest days of life 10 but when exactly did the double spiral of bases first appear? Some think it was after cells and proteins had been around for a while. Others say DNA showed up before cell membranes had even been invented/ The fact that different sorts of cell make and copy the molecule in very different ways has led others to suggest that the charms of the double 15 helix might have been discovered more than once. And all these ideas have drawbacks. "To my knowledge, up to now there has been no ⚫ convincing story of how DNA originated," says evolutionary biologist Patrick Forterre of the University of Paris-Sud, Orsay. 13 Forterre claims to have a solution. Viruses, he thinks, invented » DNA as a way the defences of the cells they infected. Little more than packets of genetic material, viruses are notoriously adept at* avoiding detection, as influenza's annual self-reinvention attests. Forterre argues that viruses were up to similar tricks when life was young, and that DNA was one of their innovations. To some researchers 25 the idea is an appealing way to fill in a chunk of the DNA puzzle. 270 •

解決済み 回答数: 2
生物 高校生

生物 精子形成 黄色で囲んだところはなぜ増えたのでしょうか?

動物の配偶子のもととなるのは始原生殖細胞である。 始原生 殖細胞は,発生の早い時期に体細胞とは異なる細胞として出現 ぶんか せいらん げんさいぼう げん し,生殖巣に移動して分化し,精(卵) 原細胞となったあと,減 すうぶんれつ いちじせいらん ぼ さいぼう 数分裂を始める。減数分裂を始めた細胞を一次精(卵)母細胞, にじせいらんぼ さいぼう 1回目の分裂を終えた細胞を二次精 (卵) 母細胞という。精子形 成では,1個の一次精母細胞から4個の精細胞ができる。精細胞 は,形が大きく変わり精子となる。卵形成では,1個の一次卵母 細胞から1個の卵細胞しかできない。 減数分裂の初期に細胞が ふく 大きく成長する過程が含まれ, 減数分裂の2回の分裂では,母 むすめさいぼう ① 細胞とほぼ同じ大きさの娘細胞と, 極端に小さい娘細胞を生じる。 2n lol 始原生殖 細胞 2n la 始原生殖 細胞 体細胞分裂 2n 2n lal 精原細胞 体細胞分裂 2n las 2n 2n lal 2n las 2n lav 2n los 2n lal 2n 2n 今 2n 2n 2n 長 成長 2n 一次精母細胞 卵黄を蓄積 して著しく成長 2n 減数分裂 n In 減数分裂 n I 二次精母細胞 第一分裂(第二分裂) n h n 1母細胞とほぼ同じ大 の娘細胞はやがて卵と 極端に小さい娘細胞 (極 はのちに消失する。 卵 で, 極体が生じた側を! 極,その反対側を植物 いう。 しょくぶつ I n lı 第一極体 第一分裂)(第二分裂) n n I n 10= 変態 精細胞 n n n 第二 ⑩ 極体 n 精 の 失 極 動物 る) 卵 (卵母 細胞質 部分を 継いて 卵原細胞 一次卵母細胞 二次卵母細胞 ▲図1 精子形成(上)と卵形成(下) 精細胞は、大部分の細胞質を失って形を変え、精子になる。一次卵母細胞 数分裂の第一分裂の前期に止まって大きく成長する。 1個の一次卵母細胞から,1個の卵しかつくられない。 卵:egg 精子: sperm 受精 : fertilization 受精卵: fertilized egg 発生: development 配偶子: gamete 減数分裂: meic 動物極: animal pole 植物極: vegetal F

未解決 回答数: 1
情報:IT 高校生


引数 戻り値 ① Function mysurface (radius As Double) As Double Dim pi As Double Dims As Double ⑤3.14 ⑥⑥ = pi (8) S ✓ = End Function 3 ア. 円の半径 オ. 戻り値 ⑥'円の面積を計算 円周率を定義 戻り値として円の面積を戻す イ. 円の面積 力. radius 右のフローチャートは,線形 探索を行う関数のアルゴリズ ムを表したものである。探索 する値を引数として受け取 り、右図のようにセルA1~ A10に格納されたデータに 対して線形探索を行い,探索 する値が存在した場合は,戻 り値として“あり” を, 存在 しなかった場合は,“なし” を戻す。 空欄 ①~⑤に該当す るものを下のア〜カから選 び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア. 戻り値 = “あり” ウ.flag = 0 オ. Cells(i, 1).value = 引数 考えてみよう 関数を使う意義を考えてみよう。 #. mysurface 開始 i=1 GRAME flag=1 ウ. 整数 (Long) Yes 実数 (Double) 4 flag = 0 ループ 終了 No. イ. 戻り値 = “なし” エ. flag=1の間繰り返し 力. i>10 in 1 i=i+1 4 7. S Yes 戻り値= "なし" (5 ③③ No. 4 ⑤ ア 1 15 カ 工. 実数 (Double) ケ.pi 1 2 3 4 15 6 7 2 (1) 7 S 2 8 10 jus 円の半径 (4 円の面積 実数 pi ⑤5⑤ radius mysurface A (コ. 3.14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 16 2 Ⅰ flag=1の間繰り返し 明和 オ Cells(i).Value=引数 ア戻り値="あげ カ i> 10 flag=0 91

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. (1). „Why do batteries matter? Look at all your electronic devices: from laptops to smartphones to Kindles or iPads, even your watch. Those electronics are getting more energy-efficient and require less energy than they used to. But as they do, people get greedy and want their capabilities to increase. The battery, or how much energy you can 05 store in a given volume and weight, is the defining factor in this whole field. Then there are electric cars. If we can make batteries with double the "energy TR2Z density of today's and drive the price below $200 per "kilowatt-hour (versus $300 to $800 today, depending on type and weight), we could have a car with a 300-mile range, even with the air conditioner or heater turned up, that would sell for $25,000 to $30,000. The 10 Department of Energy's goal is to get batteries to $150 per kilowatt-hour by the year 2020. 01 Finally, there are the "utility-scale batteries, which are very important for renewable TR28 energy. Wind and solar power are going to become more common. Wind is already the second-cheapest form of new energy, after shale gas, and it will become the cheapest 15 15 within a decade. Right now "utility companies get about 4 percent of their power from renewable sources other than "hydro- and that 4 percent is roughly all from wind. We may see a day when renewables make up 50, 60, 70 percent of the total supply of energy. Utility companies will need batteries to stabilize the flow of renewable energy into the *grid, and also require a better electrical control system to (3)do the switching. People 20 may have these batteries at their homes instead of generators. All of this would create a huge market. But the effects would be more profound. T There are mountainous places even in the U.S., like western Alaska, that will never be connected to the electric grid. There aren't enough people, and the distances are too great. There are many parts of South Asia like this, too. But they will have solar and 25 wind power - which, in 10 or 15 years, are going to be as cheap as any other form of energy, or cheaper. Once you have "storage systems, you can put a little "solar installation on your roof or "a plot of land, and then you will have your electric supply! It will be like cellphones' "leapfrogging the "land-line era. It will transform the prosperity of the world. 【Notes】 energy density エネルギー密度 (ここでは電池の容量を意味する) kilowatt-hour キロワット時 (1キロワットの機器を1時間使ったときの消費電力量) utility-scale 電力供給に使う規模の hydro utility company t storage 貯蔵 (ここでは電気を蓄えておくことを意味する) grid solar installation a plot of land 一画の土地 land-line 地上 (の電話) 線 by a factor of two (増減の幅が)2倍で (50pts.) leapfrog 〜を一足跳びにする

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