

物理 高校生

(4)です。 なんで1,8×10³になるんですか? 18×10²ではだめでしょうか…

■速さ(m/s) よ。 ....... 傾きは ⑩ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 r[s] 40 0 m 0m/s² 3 (m/s) 8 2 4t で求められる。 2014-h 4 Ap=3.0m/s 0m/s ってみよう! 問題 18~20 6t [s] At-2.0s-Os (日) x₁= x6.0×6.0=18m 11/12/ (3) x は図の 「S,の面積S」の面積」 に等しいので =18-1/2×2.0×2.0=16m x=18- v[m/s) 20 等加速度直線運動のグラフ p.23~25 まっすぐな線路上を走る電車がA駅 を出てからB駅に到着するまでの, 速さ [m/s] と時間 f[s] の関係を図に 示す。 電車の進む向きを正の向きとす る。 (1) t=0s から t=30sまでの間の電車 の加速度 α [m/s²] を求めよ。 (2) t=30s からt=90sまで等速直線運動をしている間の電車の速 さ] [m/s] を求めよ。 20 16 12 8 4F 23 自由落下 p.30~31 宮10 130 0 (3) t=90s から t=140sまでの間の電車の加速度 α' [m/s²] を求めよ。 (4) A駅とB駅の間の距離 1 [m] を求めよ。 the the best the sta tud 90 140 t(s) (1) b-t 図より α= =0.60m/s² 18 30 (2) b-t 図より読み取ると, 30 ~ 90sの区間の速さは一定で 18m/s (3) pt 図より α'= 0-18 140-90 -=-0.36 m/s² (4) u-t 図のグラフと軸が囲む面積は移動距離を表すので =1/1×{(90-30)+140}×18=1.8×10°m la diritto tot x = 6.0×6.0 20 (1) (2) (3) (4) 23 +1/1/2×(-1.0) =18m 0.60m/s² 18m/s (-1.0) × (6.0)* -0.36 m/s² 1.8×10m ((2)の別解) 等加速度直線運動 の式 「v=vo+al」 を用いて t=30sの速度を求める。 v=0+0.60×30=18m/s 第1章 運動の表し方 17

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

赤線の和訳はどうなりますか?hundreds がどのような日本語になるかわかりません。教えていただきたいです🙇‍♂️

ーー 一 こしとにCSICED HUCO St8KCS./1 1S WadS DCCauSe。in tne 19tn century, a只、4 disease nad caused the death of a large number of these animals/ However。in recent earS。 scienistS have_brought a number of these animals from other places to restore their popujafons/Therefore, there were both new and old groupS to compare. Te scientists used GPS technology to track the movements of hundreds of moose ーー ブー一 And Dienorn sheep/Some belonged to older groups that had lived in the west for more nan 200 years, while others were part of newer groups that had recently been introduced ) (he areaノTne result was that almost all the members of older groups migrated at the gnf fme betyeen (he higher and the lower parts of the mountains. However。newer oups usuaJjy moved at the wrong time or did not move at all. In fact。 among animals rf arrjved within the last 10 years。 only 9 percent Were able to make the mo ceSS人月Y. m addirion。 (he scientists recorded how much food was available along the migrati( es af each animal took. They found that animals from older groups chose routes 人 Jarge amounts of food一sometimes traveling great distances between food sourc ever。animals from newer groups only moved to nearby sources Of food that 1 | see. According to (he scientists、this shows that moose and bighorn sheep【 d knowledge of the best routes from older members of their groups。but 避。 St Ci

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


10 20 25 30 36 問8 次の対話を読んで. あとの) ゆ) の問いに答えなさり> *A7rzco7 esなoo ye Porz /or 妨e Scya&o od Yi go fo 7xe sne んig sckooた 7かey ge 如 24 Keryon Co7が47e, so 由 Soyoc 7eg7xed o6ozz *Kezyo 7 7 g7o's o7g59 7gsr ee grの js zoの747676566どの P に の 72YC- 7れC7t6 が se Xas aoifeg Ya fo e をspgr。 Ar ghe *boo 信 7 Dogg 02kア2 2 9 zzz、 万e szzdzes 7 o *co77ege 7 プGPC7た Kamau: Welcome to our bootb. Tm Kamat・ 45 Sayaka: Tm Sayaka, and this is Yui. Yui: Hi、Kamau. Glad to meet YOU. Sayaka: Tve heard we can learn about the idea 0 about it 近 lass last week。 Bo,1want to knoW mo about 辻 it2 Yui: Whats orgのee, Sayaka? Who talked about i? Tve never heard of 辻. Sayaka: Mr.Hara did. 3 Kamau: Mr.Hara? Tsheyourteacher? He also helping with thiS pootb as a volunteer today. f “riのee” here. One of my teacbers talked Just a minute, TI bring him here. Yui: Ts he here? Sayaka, did you invite me because he is here? Sayaka: Yes. Were you surprised? Mr. Hara: Hi,Sayaka and Yui. Welcome- Sayaka: Hello, Mr. Hara. Yui: Mr.Hara, why are you a volunteer here? ー Wir. Hara: Tve talked about this to Sayaka in class beforey bi (7)Llived in Kenya for a Year. Sayaka: He studied at a college in Kenya. こ Yui: Really? Why did you choose Kenya? WIr. Hara: Because 1 was interested in animals and Swabi. Africa. Yui: Oh,Isee. Sodid you see a lot Mr. Hara: Yes. Would youlHike to see them? Wow! There are lions, elephants。 and a lot more. Ts great to see OU two here- Swahili is a language spoken in *East of *wild animals there? Did you take pictures? Yui: Yes, please. Thank you, Mr. Hara. Treally like them. How Was Your jife there? WMr. Hara: Itwas so exciting,andThadalot of great experienceS. After 1 came back to Japan、L wanted to 内ntroduce Kenyan culture to J apanese people. 『 Yui: Sounds great。 And what did you do? NPO which does a lot of activities to introduce Kenyan culture to J and today Tm helping with this booth as a member. Mr.Hara: Ifound an apan、 1! decided to join the group So, Kamau, can YOu tell me about ro70ee? Sayaka: Oh, sure. 万oro7z0ee means *all *pull together" in Swahih、 区amau: And it is used to *describe *eommunity events ike fundraising or *development activities. Yui: Whatis fundraising? amau: Its an activity that people do to collect money for a good *purpose, ke bulding a school

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


|のに物人オー an giwe informatio あの an giye inf mn 0 smンー ee 、。 give mformaton. aa ay ands 還eue new | 本es・ rc. or cansc SN 名 mamide eng (て A ) "NN 生Tipeere ee mem as me groep slowed ne eo signs teat wse on werees md ra rm ョ go mt nach look Ke this 計 to make signs our ample of japanese end ae mi ee コー family symbol When rradirional culture rells us what の yy 0 ャ0 n Some ーー ohNii才に 時 4 8 mn の anese le pictures of fowers. Picture ample On Ao Jap: People ss ck ing sh Hings aronnd us. This Japanese name of the famihy by Sig simple pictures CN aemey es 。 aample cf famous Signt mmade by Japanesc people 請隊meSePeople wanted people cms。 There is another Before the Olympic Games Tokyo 1964. he oumtries (6 feel comfortable and enjoy 1 和 peeES o0gM at SCnreThInE "as noneant Lip ko wi dEkaew the ipanese langtage how to gO to the ces tey we 1 si 上 signs were necessary to do so, and deGded to male ta 本| They fnally made smple pture itiout any japanese words on them. vieh peepllwh6 didme know the Japanese language could easily undetand Fe eample someone who Wanted to g0 t0 the swimming pool could go there by fmdms ir ay im Tokyo. So they beean os sign which had a simple picture of a swimming person and following the sign. TeY signs for all the sports. These signs were made and used in Tokyo for the fmNt tm the htory of the Olympic Games。 The simple picture signs helped as lot of pey That is to me Vfhe Japanese angtage. t janguges are used in the world. 、 Iple pictures we can get over language differences. Japanese

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