

英語 高校生

最後の文のwhat value is B(smellが入ります)の文構造を教えて頂きたいです。よろしくお願いします。

they can s example, follow coastlines and thr When they get very close 4 Mont to where they want to be, many use their sense of smell. anger as Homing pigeons give a clue to this. ("Homing" is not the same as migration. It suggests that pigeons can find their way home when taken by train or truck to some far-distant place and then released. But homing surely has some of the same mechanisms; migration does, and so can give clues to how it works.) It seems that as pigeons get fairly close to their home, they first pick up general smells that tell of bird dwellings-perhaps the general tempting stink of ammonia. As they get nearer, the smells become more specifically pigeon-like. Finally, as they get very close, they recognize the very particular odor of their own flock in its own space. More and more evidence is revealing that humans, too, have a wonderful awareness of odor, even if they do not consciously recognize it, such that they find particular men or women attractive or disgusting according to their primitive substances such as sweat no doubt a cooling thought for human beings have risen above such things. We do not those who like to suppose that (2) normally think of birds as creatures that attach importance to smell, but many of them 。 do, in many contexts. 112055見る形 137. ho doubt, but なるほしだが、 But what use are A clues when a bird is above some apparently boundless ocean? What value is (B) when it is a thousand miles from where it wants to be? What else is there? O is value. air force, havy, army. doy and the moon

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英語 高校生

【分詞】【高一論理表現】‼️至急‼️答えを教えて欲しいです‼️お願いしますm(_ _)m

1 Choose the most suitable word and complete the sentences. Fact A Fact B 1. That man(wearing / worn) a cute T-shirt is Mr. Maeda. OK 2.I was (surprising / surprised) to see the amount of clothes (collecting/ collected) by the students. 3. I will keep(buying/bought) clothes of this brand because they are eco-friendly. Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. MFact MFacD MFact 1.I'm sorry you / waiting / to / kept/ have ]. I was writing an e-mail. [待たせてしまって] [ 2. Mr. Maeda [ talking / a present / the students / heard / about ] for someone. [生徒たちがプレゼントについて話しているのが聞こえた] 3.[your/don't/buying/ clothes / money / waste ] during clearance sales. [服を買って自分のお金をむだ遣いするな] 4.[made/knowing that / of / this T-shirt / organic cotton / was ], he was happy. [このTシャツがオーガニックコットンでできていると知って] 5. [ shirt/compared / my / to ], the design of yours is cuter. [私のシャツと比べて ] Grammar in Context 3 Complete the conversation about what to do for the environment. A: Does your family do anything for the environment? B: Yes. My parents never park the car [ エンジン (the engine) がかかった (run) ままで] A: How about you? Do you do anything? B: I never buy water in plastic bottles. Everybody in my family carries their own reusable water bottle. A: Really? ! [それは驚きです] 4 Complete the sentences based on the Japanese ones. Go Green “Go green" essentially means being environmentally-friendly. The 3Rs of going green reduce, reuse, and recycle – have been widely known to cut down on the amount of waste ① For example, cloth can be reused over and over again when cleaning. Understanding what can be recycled and where to recycle is the first step to be sustainable. 3 , you can make smart decisions when 地球に優しく 「地球に優しく」とは本来環境に優しいことをすることを意味しています。 地球に優しい活動をする3R リデュース, リユース, リサイクル は毎日捨てられているゴミの量を減らすということで広く知られてい ます。 例えば、古くなったTシャツから切り取った布は掃除のときに何度も再利用することができます。何 がリサイクルできてどこでリサイクルするのかを理解することは、 持続可能であるための最初のステップにな ります。 何がリサイクルできるのかわかったら (learn), 買い物に行くときに賢い選択をすることができます。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


プペンシルで解 people than ever can find an audience time filled with disasters, online, "conspiracy theories seem to be growing crazier by the day. We also tend to believe in such things under increased stress, which is unfortunate because many of these ideas are Some conspiracy theorists pride themselves on being "critical freethinkers," but a new damaging our democracies and ourselves. study showing a connection between lower critical thinking skills and increased conspiracy (2) theory belief suggests this may not be the case. "Conspiracy theories refer to attempts to explain the ultimate cause of an important event (social, political, climatic, etc.) by accusing a hidden group of perceived evil, powerful people or organizations of having secretly planned and carried out these events," say Paris Nanterre University psychologist Anthony Lantian and team in their paper. two studies, the researchers tested the critical thinking skills of 338 a French version of the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test. They then scored the students' tendencies towards conspiracy beliefs and their personal Across undergraduate students (4) the objective analysis and assessment of their own critical thinking skills. Critical thinking. evaluation of a situation requires a collection of cognitive skills. These include the ability to distinguish between relevant versus irrelevant information, think systematically, see other perspectives, recognize and avoid logical *fallacies, look beyond the obvious, be aware of and avoid biases, and change your mind in light of new evidence. "The more people believe in conspiracy theories, the worse they perform on a critical thinking ability test," Lantian said. "This test is characterized by an *open-ended format highlighting several areas of critical thinking ability in the context of argumentation." (6) All this is not to say that those with high critical thinking skills can't also be sucked into believing things that may not necessarily be true. The way (7) [is wired /a/ makes / thinking/ social species / our / as] us very vulnerable to believing those we identify with as part of our own cultural group- no matter how much education we have had that boosts science literacy. Trust plays a massive role in who we believe. We also have a tendency to believe each of us is above average at detecting misinformation, which can't possibly be true. Researchers have also linked this need to feel special to greater belief in conspiracies. Lantian and team point out that while their study suggests critical thinking lowers Deople's chances of believing in untrue conspiracy theories, the findings don't determine if (8) (9) た場合,そ 数学【数学 験番号 【化学 b てお 3 In a more (1) ① 次の英文を読んで、下の設問に答えなさい。 1 - (3) the po no a E

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


Drills Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences. Fact A 1. I enjoy [ in / online games / my free time / playing ]. 私は暇な時間にオンラインゲームをするのを楽しんでいます。 2. My bad habit is [ sweets / eating / between meals / a lot of ]. 私の悪い習慣はたくさんのお菓子を間食することです。 3.[eating/meals/is/well-balanced ] good for your health. バランスのとれた食事をとることは健康にいい。 4. My mother is thinking [ her health / of/ yoga / for / starting ]. 私の母は健康のためにヨガを始めようかと考えています。 ② Change the word in the brackets to the appropriate form and complete the sentences. Fact B 1. I have decided 2. I think you should avoid [drink] on a diet to lose weight. [go] apw boot 3. My father followed his doctor's advice and gave up 4. I will stop 5. I will never forget 6. Please don't forget escalators. Instead, I'll use stairs. [use] soft drinks. They contain a lot of sugar. Grammar in Context 3 Complete the conversation about weekend plans. A: Do you have any plans for this weekend? B: Not really. ① A: Then, how [ラグビーの試合を見に行くのはどうかな?] B: Sounds nice. I've never seen a rugby match. A: It's very exciting! Remember 2 [暖かい服装をしてくることを忘れないでね] B: OK. I'm [そこにあなたと行くのを楽しみにしているね] in the Mount Fuji Marathon last fall. [run] this medicine twice a day. [take] I a book, I am absorbed and cannot 4 Complete the sentences based on the Japanese ones. Time to Relax 3 ① I am always busy with my club activities, but I try ② [smoke] next Sunday? It can be cold. Unit 4 UNI Once I start reading Sometimes, I forget Reading gives me time to relax in my busy life. リラックスする時間 私はいつも部活動で忙しいですが、リラックスする時間を見つけるようにしています。 私は暇な時間に推 |理小説 (mystery novels) を読むことを楽しんでいます。 いったん本を読みはじめると、夢中になって読書 をやめることができません。 食事をする (have a meal) のを忘れてしまうことが時々あるほどです。読書は 忙しい生活の中でリラックスする時間を与えてくれます。 Unit 6 How can we become more health-consciou

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