

英語 高校生

使役動詞の文構造について教えて頂けないでしょうか?🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ 赤のハイライトの have 以下の構造が分かりません。 have / her first book / read by Dean Marsh / という事でしょうか? しかし、文脈的に少し... 続きを読む

Questions 158-160 refer to the following e-mall. 0 Dear Ms. Muller, Let me begin by congratulating you on the publication of your book. 1 hear that it will be reviewed by the gs7/27zの 77777ey. It is a great honor for a young writer to 硫語| her first book read by Dean Marsh. Someone very influential must have recommended it to him. It is a very promising sign. Nevertheless, as your agent,it would be difficult for me to assure you that your second book will be published until we see how the first one goes. 1 like the story you described, but 1 am a little hesitant to suggest that you Start Writing it. First,1 suggest that you write a summary of the story explaining its Structure chapter by chapter and submit that to us. We have a professional story critic on staff who will look for any problems and evaluate the book for its marketability.She is a semiretired writer with many years in the industry.Once she has read your synopsis, We wi have you visit us here to discuss it with her.T suggest you accept any changes she suggests when you start your first draft. Depending on how the new book is received by our test audiences, we might try getting it published by a more major publisher. Sincerely, Alexi Popov

解決済み 回答数: 2