

英語 高校生


xercises Put the words in the correct order. 1) My brother (this, me, bag, gave). 2) My grandparents (vegetables, us, sent, fresh) last week. 3) Steven (umbrella, found, a nice, his mother). 4) Moe (her friend, an email, to, sent) in Hawaii. 5) My mother (me, for, books, bought, some). Put the words in the correct order. 1) 私はその黒いネコをクロと名づけた。 E nozz91 (named, the, cat, Kuro, black, D. (2-4) (▶2-5, 6) 2) 私たちはナオをチームのキャプテンに選んだ。 (we, Nao, of, captain, elected, the team). 3)窓を開けたままにしないでください。 (leave, window, don't, open, the). 4) そのホテルはとても快適だと思った。 (found, I, comfortable, the hotel, very). 5) 日本にはたくさんの温泉がある。 (a lot of, in, there, Japan, hot springs, are). 3 Choose the better option. 1) Kenji cooked breakfast (to/for) his family. 2) Rie lent her comic books (to/for) Sally. 3) We always keep (warm the room/the room warm) for our cat. 4) Our coach often gives (us advice/advice us). 5) I think (very kind the man/the man very kind). 6) There is (a/the) jungle gym next to the sandbox. Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1) この仕事をして私は疲れた。 This work 2) その映画はとてもおもしろいと思った。 I found 3) このサイトにはたくさんの簡単なレシピが載っている (recipe) on this website. 4) 先生は私のために辞書を何冊か選んでくれた。 5) 私は航空券を客室乗務員に見せた。 Give It a Try Answer the following questions. U How many buildings are there in your school? 2) What do you call this animal in Japanese and in English? We in Japanese, and (ticket, flight attendant) in English. 11

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英語 高校生


演習 1. My dream is to ( @learn ) how to play the piano. learning ③learned □ 2. ( ) is possible to work online from anywhere in the world. ①That ②t ③What (酪農学園大) have learned (亜細亜大 ) Such 3. ペンギンが飛ぶのは不可能だ。 語順整序 (a penguin / fly/for/is/impossible/it/to). It is impossible for a penguin to fly. 4. 彼女はイギリスのテレビ番組を理解するのは難しいとわかった。 (difficult / she / it / understand / found / to) British TV shows. She found it difficult to understand 5. 何を言ったらいいのかわからなかった。 I didn't (say/to/know / what). Know what to say 6. It was typical ( ①on ②to ) him to get angry about it. ③3 with (名城大) ( 広島修道大 ) (東北芸術工科大) (東洋大) of 7. She wants to come to Japan ( ). ①worked having work to be work to work ( 九州産業大) 8. 彼はその試験に合格するために一生懸命に勉強した。 blue wish (大) (in/the/ worked/ examination / order / he / pass / hard / to). He worked hard in order to pass the examination. 9. We will have to be quiet ( ) wake the baby. (福岡大) ①as so not to ③so as not to 2 as to not so ①not so as to 10. She drove to the airport, ( ) to find that her flight had been cancelled. Donly ⑥in in or in order (3 so blan 11. His story about the painter was interesting to ( ). Obe listened 3 listen ④as (駒澤 (天理 be listened to listen to

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