

英語 中学生

至急! 問1c、問4を教えてください。

6 次の英文は, ミカ (Mika) が書いた日記です。 これを読んで あとの各問いに答えなさい。 It was sunny and warm today. I went to Asahi Park with my family. The park has many *attractions. First, the gardens around the large lake are so beautiful. We can enjoy seeing many kinds of flowers. I liked the *roses the best. The park has a small animal farm, too. We could touch some of the animals and hold a baby *rabbit in our arms. It was so cute. We could ride a small horse there, but we (give) up riding because so many people were waiting. After we enjoyed the farm, we had lunch. There were no restaurants in the park, so we took our own food and drinks there. It was great! When I was ⑥ ( look) for a *garbage can, my mother 10 said, “ (to/garbage/we/take/ have/ our) home with us. Hereⓢ (be) some plastic bags. Put the garbage into one of them and carry it yourself." So, I did so. some There is also a museum in the park. On some holiday mornings, the museum holds special events for families. Today, we learned the way to make paper from plants. I couldn't do it well, but my father and sister ⓓ (make) some beautiful paper. We are going to ⓔ (write) some 5 15 letters on the paper. I got a little tired, but it was a wonderful day. I want to visit this park again soon. 〔注〕 attraction 魅力的なもの rose バラ rabbit ウサギ garbage can ごみ箱 問1⑩〜の()内の語を,必要があれば適する形になおして書きなさい。 (a) ⑥ lookina a give @makes 問2 下線部 ①が意味の通る正しい英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。 Sunday, May 15 we have to take garbage...our... 問3 下線部②の例として挙げられているものをア~エから1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。 イバラの花の栽培方法を学ぶ。 ア 動物の飼育方法を学ぶ。 ウ 植物から紙を作る方法を学ぶ。 エ すてきな手紙の書き方を学ぶ。 問4 本文の内容と合うものをア~エから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア Mika didn't ride a horse in Asahi Park. イ Asahi Park has a nice restaurant. ウ Mika found a garbage can near the museum. エ The museum in Asahi Park isn't open on Sunday. 5 ⓒ write home with us. 〔ウ〕

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


長文を読む 1. 甲南大学 目標解答時間20分 Is In the 1920s American movies filled the cinema* screens of the world. Most were made in 郊外 Hollywood, a suburb of Los Angeles, in California. Hollywood's big attraction for film-makers was its clean air and sunshine. The movies made there were bright and clear. By the 1920s it had become the film-making capital of the world. HOT ning sibisbaste Maomhsnob vildung, Hollywood movies were made by large companies called studios. The men who ran these boowellpH ei obam eşivom NSROMA FOR STOWW studios were businessmen and their main aim was to make as much money as possible. They eslognA zo.llo eduduz si mixt boot semool 69 adı ni come do enim mobbe i soon found that one way to do this was to (1) standardize* their films. When audiences had 185s d is si BAT-silyte sii seino blowodi 16 lasins anim-mlit od zew boow lig shown that they liked a certain kind of film, the studios made many more of exactly the same kind. Solit tiedi svibnsbasız(1) 21 aninsom ni 122colo da bistars were Another sure way for a studio to make money was to (2) turn its actors into "stars." stil vlieb wone-thr 291700 Tosun sis 29 il ngibus ob es esiyor to bridomy, M vonom to jol som si zivom SAM actors who were so popular that people went in crowds* to see any film they appeared in, no matter bisbristes amosad redivom sole MD A famous star could make any movie a sure success. So the studios how good or bad it was. 21612 00 210106 21 went to great lengths* to make their actors into stars. (S) 01 ob 20ibure du bib jew They encouraged fan magazines. They ob 9 16 2016 2 e sivom vas sisMS 2012 196snt bas esnissgsm nisl noqqu set up special publicity departments* to get stories about their actors into the newspapers. The movies of the 1920s were silent. They bisbasse mod, om to spoke through expressions and movements, not in f H THE LOYAT 1500 words, and so their language was international. All over the world, from Berlin to Tokyo, from night of the week to see the ople lined up every London to Buenos Aires, tens of millions of people lined √ SU OJANE JA AJANSAZETHO A USA (X TO favorite Hollywood stars and, without realizing it, to be Americanized. AANSE AJR

解決済み 回答数: 1
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Progress test (Part 1) Drag the words into the correct spaces. some of few 1/2 some a few enough neither lots of both little every each no information about attractions in the city. There are Coming to London for a weekend? Here's interesting places to visit - you won't have time to see them all. Firstly, visit to London would be complete without seeing Big Ben. The clock at the Houses of Parliament has become a symbol of London, but few✔ tourists know that Big Ben is actually the name of the bell, not day, so arrive early. the clock or the clock tower. On the opposite side of the river is the London Eye, the world's biggest observation wheel. holding 25 people, but there are still queues nearly There are 32 sections, If you'd like somewhere scientific, you could go to the Natural History Museum or the Science Museum. Entry to of these appeal to you, you may prefer Madame Tussaud's, the museum where is free. Or, if you can meet the world's most famous people made of wax. You could meet the Queen of England there, or you could hope to see her at Buckingham Palace, her London home, just the most valuable jewels in the world. stops away on the London Underground 'Tube' train. If you want to see more royal palaces, try the Tower of London, where you can see the Crown Jewels, If that isn't for one trip, why not go to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, a reconstruction of the 1599 theatre extra money, you can even see a play there. where his plays were performed. If you have a

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


Exercises Grammar 日本語と同じ意味になるように,( )内の語(句) を並べかえて文を言いましょう。 1. スコットランドはグレートプリテン島の北部にあるのですが、たくさんの観光名所があります。 Scotland (of Great Britain / is / which / in the north), has a lot of tourist attractions. 2. 私はキルトを着た男性が通りを横切っているのを見ました。 2 I (ina kilt / the street / crossing /aman/saw). 3. 私の娘たちはネッシーの存在を信じているようです。 1 My daughters (believe in / to / seem) the existence of Nessie. attraction(s) [træk∫n(z)] 人を引きつける場所 cross (ing) [kró:s(in)] 横切る existence ligzistans] 存在すること Nessie [nési] ネッシー | Key Expressions 日本語と同じ意味になるように, ( ( )内に適切な語を入れて文を言いましょう。 1. 日本とスコットランドには共通点があります。 Japan and Scotland (ave) something (in) ( 2. その当時、私はスコットランドに住んでいました。 (A+) (that) (time), In was living in Scotland. 3. その工場で,だぶだぶのキルトに火がつきました。 The baggy kilt(Cach) (fre) in the factory. 4. 彼女は私にマーマレードのケーキを大きく切り分けてくれました。 She (Cat) (off) a big piece of marmalade cake for me. Express Yourself! 一例を参考にして, あなた自身について発表しましょう。 I saw my English teachers playing tennis yesterday. I saw _yesterday. Hints! ●my neighbors/your sister / a dog ●having an argument / dancing on the school stage/running after your cat 議論

未解決 回答数: 1