

英語 高校生

(3)について答えはthese new types of cementまたはnew types of cement ですがthe new types of cement でも大丈夫ですか?

6 2019年度 英語 Ordinary Portland cement-t produced by baking lime in a kiln and emits approximately one ton of carb a kiln and emits Cement production is responsible for cement. dioxide for every ton of approximately 5% of global man-made CO2 emissions, according to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Cement does absorb some carbon dioxide back from the atmosphere over time, One 2016 study estimated that between 1930 and 2013, the equivalent of 43% of CO2 released from lime during heating was reabsorbed by - although that percentage does not include carbon concrete products worldwide dioxide emitted by the fossil fuels burned to heat kilns, a significant contributor of says. Fennell notes. 東京医科歯科大前駅 - the most common form in concrete- CO2 emissions during production. Unfortunately, this absorption comes at a price, particularly when cement is used in structures that feature steel reinforcement bars (rebar) within concrete. vl(As) CO₂ moves through cement it changes the pH of the surroundings, Fennell says. Concrete loses its alkalinity and, when moisture and oxygen are present, causes the rebar to rust. 2) ad "Rusting steel can expand with great force to as much as nine times its original dimensions if you add up all of the layers of iron oxide," says Randolph Langenbach, an international consultant in building conservation. This expansion causes the concrete to crack, flake and crumble. Svi aft ni adosband huma Degradation is a massive concern, he argues, and problems are not limited to rusting rebar. Everything from air pockets left in the concrete mix when it's laid to salt air buffeting coastal-facing walls, or the use of beach sand in the concrete, can shorten a building's lifespan. As one specialist once put it to Langenbach: "If it ain't cracked, it aint concrete."qubong ao yas guidtyns ogde stornos 90 s of fshoqml is vatns mash *** long llopsd lust ay to Given the concerns about the environmental impact and structural longevity of concrete, why do we continue to build with it? addi Simply put, concrete is cheap, versatile, quick to erect and requires no of weight J

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英語 高校生


人)に物など)をする」 son). SVOC 「OをCにする」 ちが人か人以外かに注意 -11. ead) ■any people. ) of my club. /us) ng) Speaking Writing Grammar for Expression Speaking A: This lesson taught me about being a good leader. B: Yes, it is not easy to be a good leader. Writing ①I think A: I thinklistening to other members is very important. B: Right. I think a good leader is a person can listen and respect every opinion (1) (2) 発音 リーダーについて、 関係代名詞 who を使ってペアで話してみよう。 important things ✓ Check Points <Hints who (1) 上の会話をペアで音読してみよう。 終わったらAとBの役を入れ替えよう。 (2) ①~③を変えてペアで話そう。 終わったらAとBの役を入れ替えよう。 一 2.ablo ○○はよいリーダーだ[だった] ・スムーズにペアで会話できた ・関係代名詞 who の使い方を理解して話せた ・英語らしい発音イントネーションで話せた ・よいリーダーだと思う人物の名前を書けた (2) ・関係代名詞 who の使い方を理解して書けた スペルスペルミスなく書けた このレッスンは、私によいリーダーになる のに大切なことを教えてくれたよ。 masdi lo sno うん、よいリーダーになるのは簡単じゃな いね。 ほかのメンバーの意見を聞くことはとても 大事だと思うよ。 ① how to be a good leader 「どうやってよいリーダーになるか」 / leadership ② having a strong will is the key to being a good leader 「強い意志をもつことが,よいリーダーであることの鍵である」 3 can make a decision/can create a good atmosphere 自分の周りの人や歴史上の人物で、よいリーダーだと思う人について書いてみよう。 a great leader. ② He/She is/was a leader who そうだね。 よいリーダーとは、すべての意 見を聞いて尊重できる人だと思うな。 ST best radio bas 関係代名詞 who の後に,どのようなリーダーなのかの説明を続けよう。 p. 52 ■ Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent eli Excellent | Good Good Good Good Good □ Good 00 Cha OK □OK OK OK OK OK Not yet Not yet Not yet Not yet Not yet Not yet LESSON 3 27

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英語 高校生


2 10. It was because she was ill ( as 2 for P 11. I can't remember ( that 12. It's not ( 2 during 13. The First World War? What ( eighteen. 1 on world in the world that ) it was that I was supposed to tell you. 2 what 3 before this ) we go abroad that we realize how crowded Japan is. 2 until 3 by 4 while (福岡大) ) do I know about the First World War ? I'm only 16. There were very few people, if ( Dany (2) ever 18. What ( ) we cancelled our date. 14. What on ( ) is the matter with you ? space 2 world earth 4 way 15 Would you read this letter I've written in English and correct the mistakes, ( Cofit if any 2 if some 3 if something deadly radiation ? earth 2 on the earth 4 in earth 17. We can get serious diseases such as liver cancer, which, ( increasing at present. although (2) as about if anything hot a fool at all (3) a fool to a considerable degree ), who actually saw what happened. 3 many 4 not 3 even 4 for wrong 2. Gambling was by no means his only source of income. definitely X かわらず nevertheless X (立教大) (大阪程大) › hydrogen bombs were used to poison the atmosphere and expose us to (34 (2) at a great distance from a fool no more than a wise man (京都外大) (四天王寺国際仏教大) )? (大) ) rare in the past, are 次の各文の下線部に最も近い意味を持つ語句を、 下の①~④から一つずつ選びなさい。 1. He is far from being a fool. "B" 2 certainly not het u Ⓒinevitably (日本工大) (明治学院大)

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英語 高校生


2 10. It was because she was ill ( as 2 for P 11. I can't remember ( that 12. It's not ( 2 during 13. The First World War? What ( eighteen. 1 on world in the world that ) it was that I was supposed to tell you. 2 what 3 before this ) we go abroad that we realize how crowded Japan is. 2 until 3 by 4 while (福岡大) ) do I know about the First World War ? I'm only 16. There were very few people, if ( Dany (2) ever 18. What ( ) we cancelled our date. 14. What on ( ) is the matter with you ? space 2 world earth 4 way 15 Would you read this letter I've written in English and correct the mistakes, ( Cofit if any 2 if some 3 if something deadly radiation ? earth 2 on the earth 4 in earth 17. We can get serious diseases such as liver cancer, which, ( increasing at present. although (2) as about if anything hot a fool at all (3) a fool to a considerable degree ), who actually saw what happened. 3 many 4 not 3 even 4 for wrong 2. Gambling was by no means his only source of income. definitely X かわらず nevertheless X (立教大) (大阪程大) › hydrogen bombs were used to poison the atmosphere and expose us to (34 (2) at a great distance from a fool no more than a wise man (京都外大) (四天王寺国際仏教大) )? (大) ) rare in the past, are 次の各文の下線部に最も近い意味を持つ語句を、 下の①~④から一つずつ選びなさい。 1. He is far from being a fool. "B" 2 certainly not het u Ⓒinevitably (日本工大) (明治学院大)

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英語 高校生

UNITE2.5のreason5の解答を無くしたため教えていただきたいです。 至急よろしくお願いします

occasions at school, most school songs (2) sometimes (3) gal ni owoq low. 22 by famous musicians, but these days, anoijasu school songs themselves. 5 Fill in each blank so that each pair has almost the same meaning. answer the questi CH? the pass China gave Japan two pandas in 1972 as a symbol of friendship. ) ( ) ( (1) Two pandas from China ( 18.0 1972 as a symbol of friendship. CO JounA few villagers saw a gang go into the bank by the back door. (2){ ) ( ) ( kids together. (3) In ancient times, food and water were shared and kids ( C A gang was ) into the bank by the back door. In ancient times, the whole community shared food and water and took care of The law in this country says children under 12 (2) その絵は古い博物館で発見された。 ) ( ) by the whole community. 6616 Americans have known this Japanese song since it came to the U.S. in the 1960s. (4) This Japanese song ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Americans since it came to the U.S. in the 1960s. Vocabulary [] [自然] 7 Choose the best option. (1) My father works at a research center for the ( a. reservation b. typhoon c. forecast ) Japan in ) ( MEME UT 6 Put the Japanese into English. (各4点) ni TewanА Sygiene soubor vidsdong a19vh baensqet 916 VIWA (1) この国の法律では, 12歳未満の子供を1人にしてはいけないと定められている。 redog on (3点) Hints on 19lov frilastol ◆ This chain restaurant can be found only in Okinawa. [沖縄だけで見ることができる] 21 1920 19dew (altas709 ◆ This cheese is made at a local farm. [地元の農場で作られる] slup A bak roda alone. 6 (2) (S) ) of rare plants. d. conservation ide om s

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英語 高校生


1 ()内に入る最も適切な語句を①~④から選びなさい。 (1) As far as I know, there are ( each 2 few (2) In developing countries, there are still a lot of villages with no 1 run 3 running ran (3) I didn't like the movie. It was not as ( 1 excited 2 exciting (4) I was so ( 1 disappoint (6) The company is planning a trip ( ) studies on the history of the region. 3 little ) when I heard the news 2 disappointed 3 disappointing and grolle Halid (5) Our office will not accept responsibility for items lost or ( 1 steal 2 stealing 3 stealth to go to swimming going swim (8) My sister ( 1 likes (7) Can I borrow something 1 to write (10) The student ( 1 what ) as I had expected. 3 excite (9) The singer is very talented and is sure 1 to win 2 won juo beatio )? I don't have a pen. 2 to write for (14) One reason 1 which (11) To my surprise, Paul gave me all the books ( 1 of 2 of which ) at a beautiful beach in Okinawa. 3 going to swimming CHE 3 to write with mundo ) the singing contest. ) he had. 3 that (13) Barcelona is the city () I spent last summer. 11 those 2 where 4 much lood a hell ) water. to pass the exam, for she spent a lot of time preparing for it. 2 is liking 3 likely nulol 3 which 4 have run Bürostuler e'an enw triguor (#****** to disappoint excitement Svi no es mob amse salt sven 4 stolen J - 4 what (12) There are only a few places around this area for children to play, (x) is 1 that 2 what 3 where E 4 is likely (東京電機大) idquodi L 4 to go swimming arbonogeek(岐阜聖徳学園大) 4 to write on COPY winning 4 3 for winning MAZSPRODAT ) had a temperature has gone to the nurse's room. lir)) (f (神戸松蔭女子学院大) 2 who 3 whom 4 whose VYSTIM 4 while is really a problem. 4 which (名城大) (日本大) 東京電機大) as C ESPERIEN (松山大) Kenji likes that class is that it is directly related to his dream for the future. 2 when na we 13 where ignoolew\ iady Soa 2 下線部のうち, 誤った英語表現を含むものを1つ選びなさい。 (福岡大) (甲南大) (S) ( 愛知学院大 ) og a spelliver to teriqeorts sil フェリス女学院大) 4 why X (1) Students who choose to 2 major in one of the Liberal Arts disciplines 3 will take courses 4 designing to foster independent thinking. (東北医科薬科大) (2) 1 After serving in the military, the man went back to his native village, 2 which he lived 3 among his Dk. \ ei, childhood friends 4 until he died. her family. (京都外国語大) (2 (2 (3) (5) (6) B D

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