

英語 高校生

英語長文の定期試験の問題なのですが、最初のAの正誤問題のcがT(正)になる理由が分かりません。 問題文のcの文章には Nasa succeeded in cutting down on the sound とあり、 本文には画像の蛍光ペンを引いた箇所の通り Nasa h... 続きを読む

英語長文演習1学期中間試験 問題用紙 ※解答はすべて、 解答用紙に記入しなさい。 ※解答用紙のみ切り離して提出する。 1 Read the following essay and answer the questions. Most commercial airplanes travel at about 500 to 600 miles per hour. SR-71 Blackbird, which was developed by Lockheed Martin in the 1960s, could fly as fast as 2500 miles per hour. At that speed, you could go from Tokyo to New York in just around three hours. So why does it still take so long for ordinary people to fly? I The to shatter windows One of the biggest problems is that when a plane flies faster than the speed of sound it breaks the sound barrier, causing a sonic boom. This boom is thousands of feet below the plane. II Unfortunately, a lack of fuel efficiency and the high costs of maintenance made it unprofitable. It retired in 2003, just a few years after a major accident. But the dream of supersonic travel never died, and engineers at NASA have finally figured out a way to reduce the sound of a sonic boom to little more than that of a car door shutting. III If all goes well, they will use the data they collect to try to convince regulators to update aviation laws to allow commercial supersonic flight. At least three companies in the US are hoping to advantage of such a change, and they aim to put supersonic planes in the air within the next decade. QUESTIONS: A About the following explanations, put T if it is true, and put F if it is false. Qa. Before realizing the dream of supersonic travel, aviation laws must be changed. b. In 1960s, ordinary people could go from Tokyo to New York in just around three hours. c. Nasa succeeded in cutting down on the sound made by supersonic airplanes. d. The Concorde flew much faster than ordinary commercial airplanes. e. Supersonic airplanes can do damage to houses or buildings when they fly over land. BChoose the right sentence to fill in III a. NASA is hoping to run test flights over land in 2022. b. Military airplanes fly at speeds many times that. c. That's why the Concorde, a supersonic plane that traveled at around 1500 miles per hour, was mostly limited to routes above the ocean. CChoose the appropriate word or phrase to fill in ★ and ☆ . ★ b. so loud c. loud enough a. too loud d. louder a. make b. take C. gain d. share

未解決 回答数: 1