

英語 高校生


1 日本語の意味に合うように,( )に適切な語を書きなさい。 1) この本はいつ書かれたのですか。 When was ) this book (written)? 2) 時間があったら今日その本を読むのだが, 時間がない。 > I would read ) the book today if I had time, but I have no time. 3) あなたは今日, 学校を休むべきではなかったのに。 You Should ) have been absent from school today. 4) 私の部屋のその写真は3年前に撮られた。 The picture in my room (was) (taken) three years ago. 5) 私はその会議の詳細について, むしろお話ししたくはありません。 I would (rather) ( than) talk about the details of the meeting. 6) アメリカの第44代大統領, バラク・オバマは, 1961年に生まれた。 Barack Obama, the 44th President of the USA, ( was) (born ) in 1961. 7) もう遅い。 宿題を終えたらすぐに寝なさい。 It's late. Go to bed as soon as you (have) finished your homework. 8) 自転車が壊れていたせいで,私は昨日, 歩いて学校に行かなければならなかった。 I had to » ) walk to school yesterday because my bike was broken. I( 9) 我が社の技術がなければ, あの新型ロボットは発明されていなかっただろう。 (Without our company's technology, that new robot wouldn't have been invented. 10 君はとても青ざめて見えるよ。 医者に診てもらったほうがいいよ。 You look so pale. You ( should)( to ) see a doctor. ylao 6合

未解決 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

下の問題を教えてください。m(*_ _)m

各文の( 内の語のうち,より適当なほうを選びなさい. (1) The ground was covered with (falling, fallen) leaves. (2) He is a famous pianist (knowing, known) all over the world. (3) Ann looked (exciting, excited) about going to the opera. (4) Phil kept me (waiting, waited) for half an hour. (5) They watched the firefighter (climbing, climbed) the ladder. (6) (Leaving, Left) alone, the little boy began to cry. (7) I had my bag (carrying, carried) to my room. 2 日本文の意味に合うように( (1) 私たちは先週の土曜日東京に買い物に行った. We( ) ( (2) ネズミはネコを見ると全速力で逃げた. に適当な語を入れなさい . ) Tokyo last Saturday. ) a cat, the mouse ran away at full speed. (3) 私は顔が赤くなっていると感じた. I felt my face ( ) red. (4) リスクを考慮に入れると, その計画は延期するべきだ . ) the risk into consideration, we should put the plan off. (5) トニーは自分の名前が黒板に書かれているのを見つけた . Tony( ) his name ( (6) 彼女は部屋の外で立ったままだった. She( ) on the blackboard. ) ( very impressed. ) outside the room. 3 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適当な語を入れなさい . (1) She took off her hat, and bowed to me. ) ( ) her hat, she bowed to me. (2) Since I didn't know what to do, I looked around. ) ( ) what to do, I looked around. (3) After I had finished my homework, I went to the movies. ) my homework, I went to the movies. 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (4) As it was Sunday, most shops were closed. ) ( ) Sunday, most shops were closed. (5) As I had not heard such a beautiful melody, I was very impressed. ( ) heard such a beautiful melody, I was (1 (2 (3

解決済み 回答数: 1