

英語 高校生


No D g次の英文は, ある男子中学生の日記の一部です。これを読んで, 下の各問いに答えなさい。 Im having a seriously hard time getting used to the fact that /summer is over andI,(to go / to get / nave / school / bed / out / to/ of) every morning. My summer did not get off toa great start, thanks to my older brother Rodrick. の *couple of days into summer vacation, Rodrick woke me up in the middle of the night. He told me I 5 Siept through the whole summer. but that luckily I woke up just in time for the first day of school. 1ou might think I was pretty dumb for falling for that one, but Rodrick was dressed up in his school clothes and ohe'd set my alarm clock ahead to make it look like it was the morning. Plus, he closed my curtains so that I ( ④ ) see it was still dark outside. After Rodrick woke me up, I iust got dressed and went downstairs to make some breakfast, like I do 10 every morning on a school day. But olguess I must have made a pretty big noise because Dad came downstairs and yelled at me for eating cereal at 3:00 in the morning. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on. After I 6did, I told Dad that Rodrick had played a trick on me, and HE was the one that should be getting screamed at. (1) のの( )内の語(句)を, 意味の通るように並べかえなさい。 have to get out of bed To Qe to Gchool. uould ( 30年 (2) 下線部のは何の短縮形か答えなさい。 he (3) 下線部3について, 実際の時刻を日本語で答えなさい。 (イ) (4)( ④ )にあてはまる語を次から選び, 記号で答えなさい。 エ, couldn't ア. can イ. might ウ. won't (5) 下線部⑤を和訳しなさい。 aは mはソ大きな音を出したし場いなだだラク。 (6) 下線部6の内容を日本語で表しなさい。 (7) 「私」をだますために Rodrick がしたことを, 「学校の制服を着た。」以外に2つ書きなさい。 先にアラームをセットリた /_やータンを閉いた

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英語 中学生

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td, I remembered your words, so I got up and started running One day, I said to my father, “I don't want to run in the 100-meter race on sports day. I I always look at this picture when I have some problems. Then I can remember the practiced for three weeks. He said,“Naoki, now you can run faster. But please *remember member of the *track and field club when I was a student.” I said, “Oh, really? What We started to practice running together in the park near our house the next day. My should I do to run faster?" He said, “You should *move your *arms more *quickly. Also, not good at sports.” He said, “If you practice running every day, you can run faster. You Hello, everyone. Look at this picture. My father took it on *sports day when I was father *ran very fast. I asked him, “Why can you run so fast?" He answered, “I was a can't run fast.” He asked me, “Do you practice running?” I *answered, “No, I don't. *Im feel like ~(~のように感じる)の過去形 don't look at the *ground when you're running.” My father *knew a lot about running. We 下の英文は, 男子中学生のナオキ(Naoki) が英語の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 ten years old. In this picture, I'm running in the 100-meter *race. The picture is very 5 Torlw important to me. Why? 1 Iwill talk about it. have a lot of time before sports day. 2 od J6 *I said, “I see. Thank you, Dad.” an importantthing. 3 He looked at me and said.“Run *to the end.” A Sports day came. I looked for my father. but I could not find him. The race began. started to run. I *felt like I was running very fast. After running about eighty meters, 1 thought that I could win the race. *Just then, I *fell down to the ground. I was so sad and could not *get up. Then I saw my father's face near the *finish line. He was looking at me. I remembered his words. I got up and started running again. Of course, I was *last. That night, my father showed me this picture and said, “I like this picture very much,” Tasked, “Why?” He answered, "I took it because I was so happy.” I said, “I didn't win the Ho said. “That's not important. I was happy because you didn't stop running after ララ race. I ララ falling down. again.” He looked happy, and he gave this to me. 4 じ race, and I can try hard. I likotgn race 競走 answer 答える sports day 運動会 mn の過去形9glors. ran ~が得意であるo I be good at ~ gabuse を動かす 1ン track and field club 陸上部 0ale. ntodem 腕 quickly 速くiaum.nt. arm remember 覚えている ground 地面 move ~ to the end 最後まで knew knowの過去形 just ちょうど get up 起き上がる 0ge beyslqed 189T Yod T to0 felt like ~ last ビリの ゴールテープ finish line 中文

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