

英語 高校生


Who was the first scientist? It wasn't Isaac Newton. Today, it is generally acknowledged that Newton never thought of himself as a scientist. He couldn't, for the word didn't exist in was not only a scientist, but the greatest scientist who ever lived, yet (Newton his time. Newton thought of himself as a "philosopher," a word that (a)dates back to the ancient Greek thinkers and that comes from Greek words (b)meaning "lover of wisdom." There are different kinds of wisdom we might love, of course. Some philosophers are concerned chiefly with the wisdom derived from the study of the world about us and the manner of its workings. The world { c ℗ about 2 be 3 can 4 referred 5 to 6 us as "nature," from the Latin word meaning “birth." Nature, in other words, is everything that has been created or that has come into being. Philosophers who deal primarily with nature are, therefore, "natural philosophers." Newton thought of himself as a natural philosopher, and the sort of thing he studied was natural philosophy. Thus, when he wrote the book (d) he carefully described his three laws of motion and his theory of universal gravitation—the greatest scientific book ever written-he called it (in Latin) Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which in English is The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. The Greek word for "natural" is physikos, which in English becomes physical. Natural philosophy might also be spoken of as "physical philosophy, which can be shortened to “physics.” on. Physics As natural philosophy grew and expanded, all kinds of special studies developed. People began to speak of chemistry, of geology, of physiology, and so was whatever was left over, so it didn't suit as a general overall word for natural philosophy. Yet you needed some such short word, for natural philosophy was a seven-syllable mouthful.

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英語 高校生

質問です。この文の最初はThe American weekend officially begins on Friday evening で始まっていますが最初のThe American weekend は一般的なアメリカの週末の話をしているのでAmerican weeke... 続きを読む

American weeken Fri M 1 カジュアル・フライデー 11 The American weekend/officially begins on Friday evening, but already by Friday morning there are signs that the weekend is just around the corner> You see fewer cars on the highways, and buses and subways are less crowded with people, too.// This is because 5 some people take a day off on Friday to have a three-day weekend. ② Things are also different at work. People don't wear the same clothes as they wear on weekdays; they dress themselves more casually. For instance, managers in the office may put on casual sports clothes instead of coats and ties. Some people put on blue jeans. 10 3 This trend toward "easy Fridays" is popular with employees who normally wear uniforms to work. In Los Angeles, for example, bus drivers are usually dressed in military-style jackets, hats and trousers. Recently, however, they have received permission to wear polo shirts and baseball caps on Fridays. 15 ④ Transportation officials believe that this new Friday *dress code is good for the drivers' *moralo algo cure that the And 182 words 1 カジュア This in becaus SV)例外的に副詞 S V 夕方 ① アメリカの週末は正式には金曜日の午後に始まるが はすでに、週末が間近に来ているという兆候がある。韓 少なく、バスや地下鉄もそれほど人々で混雑していない。 日に休暇を取って週末を3連休にする人たちがいるためた ② 仕事中の状況も違ってくる。 人々は平日に着るのと 着ない。 彼らはよりカジュアルな服を着る。 たとえば, ちも、背広やネクタイの代わりに, カジュアルなスポー るかもしれない。 ジーパンをはく人もいるのだ。 ③ 「気楽な金曜日」へ向けてのこうした傾向は、 普段 につける従業員たちに好評である。 たとえば, ロサン の運転手たちはたいていミリタリー・スタイルの上着 身につけている。 しかし、 最近では、 金曜日にはポロ 着用してもいいという許可を受けている ④ 運輸局の役人たちは、この新しい金曜日の服装規 士気(の向上)に役立つと信じている。 また彼らは, 運行する限り、乗客たちは (運転手の服装については

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 高校生


を訪 」 ツ Prac 日本語に合うように,( Hop 1. この体操は、 あなたの体によいにちがいありません。 This exercise must be ( ) for ( )( に適切な語を入れましょう。 It is ( ) that the store is still ( 2. 今日は平日なので、その店はまだ開いているかもしれません。 ) because it is a weekday today. 3. ぐっすり眠れば、 明日の朝には具合がよくなるかもしれません。 If you have a good ( ), you may ( )() tomorrow morning. 4. 私の姉は、もうすぐカナダから日本に戻ってくると確信しています。 I'm ( ) that my sister will( )( ) to Japan from Canada soon. asq saort Joods bemanon 日本語に合うように,( )内の語を並べかえましょう。 Step 1. たぶん、彼はすぐに日本の生活に慣れるでしょう。 Probably, he will ( get / his / life / to / used ) in Japan before long., al SIM 2.今後,彼らの人気が上がり続けるという可能性はあるのでしょうか。 Is it possible that (continue/ popularity / rise / their / to / will) in the days ahead? 3. 私の推測では, この計画はとてもうまくいくと思います。 baylovni My guess is that this plan (going / is / to / very / well / work ). vedi li 4. 私たちは,世界に何が起こるかを正確に予測することはできません。 We cannot (exactly/happen/will / predict / what) to the world. Jump 日本語に合うように, 英語に直しましょう。 1. たぶん, 夕方には雪になるでしょう。 2.彼は,玄関に鍵をかけないで外出してしまったのかもしれません。 〈 lock> 3. ジュディは,私たちの華道部に入るのではないでしょうか。 〈flower arrangement〉 4. 風邪をひいたときには, きっと水分をたくさんとるのがよいですね。 e

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