

英語 高校生

一枚目 長文 二枚目 問い 三枚目 答え この問いで色々と疑問点がありしつもんしました。 ①一枚目の付箋(上の)に書いていますがservethemselvesが再帰代名詞になるらしいんですけど訳し方が不明です。 ②一枚目の付箋(下の)に書いていますが緑色の斜線で囲んだ... 続きを読む

serve themselve) i Reading 速読問題 次の英文を2.5分で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 訳の drau 目標 20分 (he) A new *retail concept was introduced in the United States when the first self-service "grocery store named Piggly Wiggly/opened in 1916// Before that, customers used to starframent. bring a shopping list to a neighborhood store and wait while a store clerk collected the items they wanted and measured out products like *flour and rice from large 一方で新しい containers. On the other hand, Piggly Wiggly gave customers baskets and asked (容器) (2) を…の状態で出す くて食べ物] them to serve themselves. They filled their baskets with packets of flour and rice, TE shelf 複数形 (食料品) (棚) cans of vegetables, and other groceries from the store's shelves.. BIRG stocenes from the souhogo を (3)Sales at Piggly Wiggly tog of ondo JB9Tg в Beim J'mol (一般的に) typically bought more when they *made their own selections. 18 15 were higher than at other adow ow: Jeal lliw sIBE odT x (42-=) anel hiny-neque euiq email easly ams 10 expanded to become a chain of stores, and other markets copied the self-service (拡張する) (まねする) (Copy)id behoo (4) Writi model. The modern supermarket was born. ¹ retail [rí:teil]: 9 make a selection : er stores, because customers I& rado nol esmeni ingi 0212 di betuoosi - labom jealsi eril of egneriaxe ens.] It influenced not only the way people shopped but also other aspects of the food 2 grocery store # 12 aspect [æspekt] : wilsop-deid bat0qml ( CAN-DO List (製造会社) a'sibns? vol. business. For example, food manufacturers started using more attractive packaging (6710) Teunitnoo elsa erti lliw gnol wol Soon Piggly Wiggly in order to draw customers to their products. 19dor to bus odi is gainn (168 words) LET muvola Ikan Ce yebir azon Ion] D 4 flour [fláuǝr]: d boy mo lan <知識・技能〉第4文型, 第5文型について理解できる。 <思考力・判断力・表現力〉 近代的なスーパーマーケット esanal juodliw soment bathoml 1.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

一枚目 長文 二枚目 問い 三枚目 答え この問いで色々と疑問点がありしつもんしました。 ①一枚目の付箋(上の)に書いていますがservethemselvesが再帰代名詞になるらしいんですけど訳し方が不明です。 ②一枚目の付箋(下の)に書いていますが緑色の斜線で囲んだ... 続きを読む

serve themselve) i Reading 速読問題 次の英文を2.5分で読んで, 1. の問いに答えなさい。 訳の drau 目標 20分 (he) A new *retail concept was introduced in the United States when the first self-service "grocery store named Piggly Wiggly/opened in 1916// Before that, customers used to starframent. bring a shopping list to a neighborhood store and wait while a store clerk collected the items they wanted and measured out products like *flour and rice from large 一方で新しい containers. On the other hand, Piggly Wiggly gave customers baskets and asked (容器) (2) を…の状態で出す くて食べ物] them to serve themselves. They filled their baskets with packets of flour and rice, TE shelf 複数形 (食料品) (棚) cans of vegetables, and other groceries from the store's shelves.. BIRG stocenes from the souhogo を (3)Sales at Piggly Wiggly tog of ondo JB9Tg в Beim J'mol (一般的に) typically bought more when they *made their own selections. 18 15 were higher than at other adow ow: Jeal lliw sIBE odT x (42-=) anel hiny-neque euiq email easly ams 10 expanded to become a chain of stores, and other markets copied the self-service (拡張する) (まねする) (Copy)id behoo (4) Writi model. The modern supermarket was born. ¹ retail [rí:teil]: 9 make a selection : er stores, because customers I& rado nol esmeni ingi 0212 di betuoosi - labom jealsi eril of egneriaxe ens.] It influenced not only the way people shopped but also other aspects of the food 2 grocery store # 12 aspect [æspekt] : wilsop-deid bat0qml ( CAN-DO List (製造会社) a'sibns? vol. business. For example, food manufacturers started using more attractive packaging (6710) Teunitnoo elsa erti lliw gnol wol Soon Piggly Wiggly in order to draw customers to their products. 19dor to bus odi is gainn (168 words) LET muvola Ikan Ce yebir azon Ion] D 4 flour [fláuǝr]: d boy mo lan <知識・技能〉第4文型, 第5文型について理解できる。 <思考力・判断力・表現力〉 近代的なスーパーマーケット esanal juodliw soment bathoml 1.

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


4oN)代 名詞 LE の意味を表す。myself, yourself, himself, herself, itselfなど。 「再帰用法…「自分自身に対してある動作をする」 ことを表し, 動詞 前置詞の目的語になる。 She likes talking about herself. (彼女は自分の話をするのが好きだ。) 2 強調用法… 主語·目的語補語になっている語と同格に用いられ, それらの語を強調する。 T have seen it myself. [I myself have seen it.] (私は自分でそれを見た。) 3 慣用用法………for, by, in+再帰代名詞で慣用表現を作る。 (彼はテーブルを全く独力で作った。) He made the table all ·by himself. 0ODO Aロロ G あ A 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )の中に適当な語を書きなさい。 0 彼は自分自身で私に会いに来た。 t erit olsq bamul od2 0 He came to see me ( 2 私たちは自分自身でその仕事をやった。 mgeo aliM bapolo oW We did the work ( 3 彼らは自分たちで家を建てた。 2o12 vanut s am blor slonu yM € They built their house( の 彼女は鏡にうつる自分の姿を見た。 od m vimo ynignia brid A O She looked at ( ) in the mirror. 6 私はトム本人にその本をあげた。 I gave Tom ( ) the book. Jol a noy e2im lro 6 ドアがひとりでに開いた。 The door opened of こちがまち 文の Joigaad odh ni bnuous nin y'ad B 次の文を下線部に注意して日本語に訳しなさい。 0 Do it for yourself. 96 19hom 1od tngnod n 2 History repeats itself. dgund 3 He killed himself. ④ I went for a walk by myself. 4 Primer

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


EXERCISE 3 (S) 分 HinU I次の各文中のit が何を表しているか指摘しなさい。 1. What time is it? 2. It was last Sunday that I heard the news. 3. Where is the diary? Have you seen it? 4. It is difficult to find a four-leaf clover. -It's ten past nine. I 次の各文の( ) 内に、we, you, they, this, that のうち適切なものを入れなさい。 ono ① id] e'omo ob jeum enO 1 ) drink a lot of beer in Germany. 2. Do ( 3. I know ( your country? rival. strong ) eat beef in ): he is my aidb insw uoy ぶHon MSUS CSKC" T,II ) have many rainy days in June. ) of a gentleman. omoe:vne omos ③ Stonud yus ovsd por od .8 次の各文の( ) 内に適切な再帰代名詞を入れなさい。e9up yus avsd poy ll 現待を表 【きe] 5. His behavior is ( 1. He looked at ( )in the mirror. 20 asmbas 1edtons jedio O bns gid ai tiue anO d g s Talb'nai aslg aifT a Las dod ① BOp op pcu sats AGLA pmmk 1. Peggy dressed herself quickly and went out.nmow (srd)) dhol 8 UC 2[uba 2. We must take good care of ( 3. The girl hid ( ) in the closet. ) at the party last night. 4.I enjoyed ( nota bad V 次の各文の意味を書きなさい。 dose 2. Old Mr. Todd was as gentle as a lamb. To doad e ad ad impbume 山n 0r LOン ye 0 eti esh bnid yov3.[1 HA 10 1ortle 10adia 91 og Torition ① 3. It is certain that he will win the Nobel prize. 3. 次の各文の( ) 内の語を並べかえて意味の通る文にしなさい。 1. They (that / up/will / say / go / prices). beo 2. Judy (call / himself / the / to/ principal / decided). 3. He (it / to / the / difficult / machine /found / use). 7 代名詞(1)

未解決 回答数: 0