

英語 高校生


SIMなし合 22:01 Cop 【1】次の英文を読んで, 設問 1~12に答えなさい。 なお, *印の語(句)には文末に注 がついています。 Modern examinations of working conditions in British and U.S. industry in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries concentrate mainly on the experiences, Complaints, and overall difficulties of working-class laborers. The first complaint that a majority of industrial workers had was that their workdays* were too long. The average (ア) of hours in a shift varied from industry to industry, from place to place, and from era to era. Workers in British and American textile mills* in the early to middle 1800s generally worked twelve to fifteen hours, six days a week, ( イ) only Sundays off. Their average workweek* was seventy-eight hours. In contrast were the hours of workers who labored in American steel mills in the late 1800s. The length of their shifts was determined by the fact that the blast furnaces* they tended almost always operated twenty-four hours a day. Thus, (oit became customary* for steel mills to have two twelve-hour shifts. However, many of the steel workers labored seven days a week. (a)That gave them a workweek of sighty-four hours. Moreover, sometimes they had to work extra hours on top of this demanding schedule. (オ )the minor differences in the length of workweeks from one industry to another, the average worker put in twelve-to fourteen-hour days at least six days a week, This harsh schedule remained more ( カ) less standard well into the twentieth century. It was not until 1920 that a fifty-hour workweek was introduced in the United States. Anda forty-hour week did not become the rule in most industries until 1938. Low wages was another common complaint of industrial workers. In 1851, the average wage earned by American industrial workers in general was seven to ten dollars per week. That same year New York's Daily Tribune* reported that a worker's family of five required just over ten dollars a week just for basics such as rent, food, and fuel. Most ordinary workers could not afford many simple comforts that middle-class workers enjoyed. (o This miserable situation lasted in America for decades and improved only slowly. As late as 1912, a study found that only 15

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英語 中学生

空欄の所には何が入るか分かりません💦 解説をお願いします🙇‍♀️ 四角1の(6)と四角3の(1)~(3) をお願いします!

国 重要表現)次の日本文にあう英文になるように, に適する語を書きなさい。 (1) 政府には自然熱に対する別の計画があります。 The governmenthas onother planforthe nafurみ heot ・ (2) その災害が彼らの悲しみを増大きせました。 The disaster odd To their sadness. (⑳ ソーラークッカーがあれば, 電気もガスも使う必要はありません。 _Wiih asolarcookeryou _not have 10 use electricity or gas. () ここに橋を作ることは多大な費用がかかるかもしれません。 Making a bridge here_often cost _ 1ot (6) 都市時画の大部分はわたしたちの生活をよいほうへかえるでしょう。 _Much ofthe toy plan willchange our ife chonge the fter (6) わたしたちは日人生活において, ガスや石油のようなエネルギーをたくさん使っています。 We use alot of energy, gasandoilinour do 1ves. (7) イルカやマグロのようかな, 海洋動物のほかの例があります。 There are other ex2mple of sea animals, Such the dolphin and the tuna. [2 (表現次の英文の意味を日本文で表しなさい。 () They don't live on the mountain anymore. -條ふぅrtS ueは住人てruなぃで3 。 (2) Cutting trees in forests is hard work, especially for women. との %抹。邊ょタ性な でむれ (3) We can save more than 500 kilograms of wood every year. 150

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