

英語 高校生

写真1枚目の 3 パラグラフめについてです。 棒線部のところの和訳が、 その甲虫が あわや消化されそうになった と書いてありますが、どこからあわやという表現が出たのか 、そして該当する英文中のbrush とらなんのことなんでしょうか?

英文を読み, 下記の問いに答えなさい。 For most prey, ( 14 ) is over once they've been swallowed. But one species of beetle can escape from a toad's stomach nearly two hours after being eaten, according to a new study. Found in wooded areas on nearly every continent, bombardier beetles - a group that consists of more than 500 species- get their name from their signature defense mechanism: When threatened, they shoot a hot chemical spray from their rear end. In Japan, the insects have long been known as "the farting bug." Toads have been observed vomiting bombardier beetles after eating them, but no one knew exactly why, or ( 15 ) the beetles survived after their brush with digestion. ? To better understand the beetle's defenses, two biologists from Kobe University fed a species of bombardier beetle to two different species of toad collected from forests in central Japan. One toad species shared its natural habitat with that particular species of beetle, while the other was unlikely to encounter it in the wild. (16) After the beetles were swallowed, a small explosion could be heard inside each toad, indicating that the insects were firing their defenses. Overall, 43 percent of the toads vomited the beetles, taking anywhere

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英語 高校生

解答が無くて困ってます 答え教えてもらえると助かります

ⅡI. 次の英文の空欄 ( 11 ) から ( 30 )に入る最も適切な語句を, a.〜d.の中から 1つ選びなさい。 解答は解答用紙1枚目 (マークシート方式)の所定の解答欄にマークし なさい。 Huy Fong Foods, the southern California company that produces 20 million bottles of sriracha (1) annually, has experienced a low ( 11 ) of red jalapeño chili peppers in recent years made worse by spring's crop failure. What is the cause? ( 12 ) weather and drought (2) conditions in Mexico. It's not (13) chili peppers. Mustard producers in France and Canada said extreme weather caused a 50% reduction in seed production last year, ( 14 ) to a shortage of the condiment on grocery store shelves. Blistering heat, stronger storms, droughts, floods, fires and changes in rainfall (15) are also affecting the cost and availability of staples, including wheat, corn, coffee, apples, chocolate and wine. The climate crisis is increasing the intensity and ( 16 ) of extreme weather events — and it's putting food production at risk. "Almost everything we grow and ( 17 ) in the US is facing some climatic stress," said Carolyn Dimitri, nutrition and food studies professor at NYU. Wheat and other grain crops are particularly ( 18 ). In the Great Plains region, (19) most of the US's wheat is harvested, drought depressed the winter crop. Farmers are abandoning farmland used for growing winter wheat in the US-primarily in Texas and Oklahoma - at the highest rate since 2002. Meanwhile in Montana, flooding is (20) grain crops. The impact of the climate crisis on grain crops ( 21 ) beyond the US. In India, a fierce heatwave damaged the wheat crop ( 22 ) record-setting temperatures throughout the spring and summer. As Delhi hit 49°℃ in May, the government placed a ( 23 ) on wheat exports, driving up prices even further than the rise following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Food production is a driver of the climate crisis and a (24) of it. ( 25 ) the food system will require a wide variety of actions, including increasing crop diversity, delivering climate (26) to farmers around the world, expanding conservation programs and offering growers insurance that pays out when an index such as rain or wind speed falls above or below a fixed limit. The Biden administration is supporting research into "climate-smart" agriculture, an approach to managing cropland, forest, fisheries and cattle that attempts to address the intersecting challenges of the climate crisis and food ( 27 ). In May, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, said that climate-related disasters and extreme weather were a driver of global hunger and that 1.7 billion people ( 28 ) by the climate crisis over the last decade. Experts say (29) action is taken, we can expect to see increased food prices, decreased availability and conflict over water, which will primarily affect poorer countries and low-income Americans, (30) everything from school lunches to food aid programs. © Copyright Guardian News & Media Ltd 2023 (1) sriracha (2) drought かんばつ 世界中で人気のチリソース

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

分からないので教えていただきたいです💦💦 (書いてるところもあってるか自信なくて…😖)

1 下の [ EXERCISES 時制 (未来を表す表現) (1) My brothey ( (2) That actress ( (3) We're ( ( (4) The movie is ()( [begin / take/be/apply] ]内から動詞を1回ずつ選び、 適切な形にして、未来を表す英文を完成させなさい。 いくつかの AB B: You'll ( 4 [ 問い合わせる 2 日本語に合うように、会話文を完成させなさい。 A: ( ) ( 今夜 「夏の夜の夢」 を読むんだ。 ) ( ) ? ) to several universities in Tokyo. ) famous in the future. 何を読むって? ) our son to the zoo next week. ) in 15 minutes. ) A Midsummer Night's Dream tonight. 3 与えられた状況に合うように ( )内の語句を並べかえ, 全文を書きなさい。 ただし、不要な語 句が1つずつ含まれています。 AB (1) 状況 冬のはじめに花屋に行った際、 私が気に入った花について店員が言いました。 (flowers / last / through / are / will / these) the winter if you take good care of them. (2) 状況 卒業を控えた学生2人が何かを計画しています。 その計画とは…。 The two students are (to / after they / going / graduate / travel / abroad / will) from college. (3)状況 会議室を利用しようとしたら、 管理人に次のように言われました。 利用可能 The meeting room (be/until / the day / not / after/ will / available / before) tomorrow. (4) 状況 ネットでドラマを観ているときに部屋を片付けなさいと言われて・・・。 (my room/is/ I'll / this program / going / after / clean up) over. ]内の語句を参考にして, 〜, ….に自由に語句を入れ, オリジナルの英文をつくりなさい。 A B (1) 私の~ (家族) は来年, ・・・歳になる。 [ years old ] (2) ~から... まで旅行するのにどれくらい時間がかかるかご存じですか。 [ will / take / travel ] (3) 私は~(場所)で・・・を学ぶつもりです。 [going/study ]

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


10 abc X₂ X² Aa A AⓇ フォント # V 1.4 2 ← 2 E 2. The shepherd has a habit of counting his sheep every night to make sure that all there. (A) ite (B) it's (C) their (D) they're E for her best-selling nature photography books, Naomi Ward opens a photography school next month. (A) Know (B) Knowing (C) Known (D) To know 3.4 2 2 段落 e beginning and advanced courses in cellular biology include lecture and laboratory time. (A) Both (B) Each 4. An all-staff meeting on November 6th will focus on ------ each department is doing to prepare for our annual inspection. (A) howe (B) whate (C) Either (D) Every アクセシビリティ: 検討が必要です 2 2 f E 5. John Berg went to his office to talk with his boss he returned from his overseas business trip. (A) as far as E 2 2 6. Bill Cain had never heard of the company; he could not say anything when his A S 8. E ------ ← 標準 I (B) once + ■行間詰め (C) so that (D) whereas 7. This fall, Plasma Tech Inc. is offering a new line of digital metering products that are compact, ---, and reasonably priced.< (A) consistente (B) conveniente (C) insistent (D) present 見出し1 boss asked him about it. (A) however (B) meanwhile (C) nonetheless- (D) therefore On Saturday, October 19, Headlands Sports Club is holding Day. (A) it (B) its 見出し 2 annual Open スタイル E 表題

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