

英語 高校生


[5 次の英文を読み。 以下の設問に答えよ。 (配点 60点 xtenSiVe を て of your Your dog's ability to learn new tricks may be less a product 7aining (han of ther underlying *genetics ch as aral traits such Among 101 dog *breeds, scientists found that certain behavioral 0 genetically Sirmila 00Gr or Aproasion were more HMI GR PE時昌汗EE 2 S dog behaviors breeds、 While past studies have looked into the genetic foundations of ・the 2ceeg7zzgs の 7@ for certain breeds、thiS research published October 1 in *the /ァの preeds and find a な is the first to investigate a wide diversity of netic signal behavioral aly。 everyone knows that different dogs have 中作erent : の 7ashington in ~ says Noah Snyder-Mackler, a geneticist at the University of Washing Ks の Sa *canines have lived de "But we didnt know how much or why.” Humans and *canine at least 15.000 years. But only within the last 300 years or so have produced Yarieties such as Chihuahuas and Great Danes. Snyder-Mackler and his colleagues considered how 101 dog breeds behave while searching for genetic similarities among breeds sharing certain personality graits. Data came from two dog genotype databases and from C-BARQ, a survey 好at asks owners to rank their pure-bred dog's "propensity for certain behaviors, hike chasing or aggressiveness toward strangers. As a result the study didnt have genetic and behavioral data from the same canine individuals, which could help 岳ghjjght rare genetic varjants that may be nonetheless important to diversity im pehavjors. “Tjeyre not perfect sources of data” says Clive Wynne, an animal behaviorist at Arizona State Unjversity jn Tempe, who was not involved in the study. “But allowed fhem to Jook at ots and lots of dogs.” Using daa from over 14000 dogs described in C-BARQ, the researchers gave each breed a score for 14 different behaviors, and then searched for overall genetic simlarifies among breeds that had similar Scores. For traits such as aggression foward sfrangers, franability and chasing, the researchers found that genes ルー Yo

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