

英語 高校生

(2)の、They have easier to access.のhaveはここではなんの働きをしているのですか?

Lesson Our Lost Friend ➤ p.150 Vocabulary discuss~L/B) ~を話し合う The British Museum welcomed the delegation/ and discussed their proposal In the end, / the museum offered to let Hoa Hakananai'a return, / but only as a 2 loan. // They refused to give it back permanently. // The museum did not deny / that the moai had been taken without the islanders` permission, / so why didn't they immediately agree to return it? // From the point of view of the museum, / there are good reasons to keep the statue. // the security and controlled Since Easter Island does not have ② environmental conditions that the British Museum has, the statue is safer in London. // The statue can now be seen by many more people than on a remote island. // Scholars have easier access to the statue. // Moreover, some people argue / that the moai deserves to be a world heritage object. // 5 These reasons make sense. // However, the fact remains / that Hon Hakananai'a was taken without permission and is still held against the people's will. // So, many people / -not only the Rapa Nui- / question the museum's reasoning. // proposal lóan dený point of view good reasons. 貸与物 を否定する ~を Section 3 正当な理由 Reading Points 以下のことを考えながら読んでみよう。 it back colo (2) 大英博物館が所有を主張する根拠に 多いのは、どのような事実があるからですか、 6 scholar access □argue動~だと主張する héritage object make sense (0) (167 words) their prom h the en offer to that 12 ★G-2 6 son des Will K €

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英語 高校生


英語 ( 70分) 1 次の文章を読んで 1~7の問いに英語で答えなさい。 It's Christmas Eve, December 24, 1914. The night is clear and cold/ Moonlight illuminates the snow/covered land separating the British and German trenches outside a small town in northern France. British military command feeling nervous sends a message to the front lines: it is thought possible the enemy may attack during Christmas or New Year. Extra caution will be maintained during this period. The military command has no idea what's really about to happen. Around seven for eight in the evening/ British soldier Albert Moren blinks in disbelief What's that on the other side? Lights flicker on./ one by one. Lanterns. he sees, and torches, and... Christmas trees? /"Stille Nacht, That's when he hears it - soldiers singing in German/" heilige Nacht." Never before had the Christmas music sounded so beautiful. I shall never forget it," Moren says later. It was one of the highlights of my life. Then, in response, the British soldiers start singing The First Noel." The Germans applaud, and counter by singing "O Tannenbaum." They go back-and-forth for a while, until finally the two enemy camps sing "O Come, All Ye Faithful" in Latin, together. "This was really a most extraordinary thing." soldier Graham Williams later recalled, "two nations both singing the same Christmas music in the middle of a war." Events just north of a small town in western Belgium go further still. From the enemy trenches, Corporal John Ferguson hears Someone call out, asking if they want some tobacco. "Come towards the light," shouts the German. So Ferguson walks out into no-man's land into the field between both armies. "We were soon speaking as if we had known each other for years." he later wrote. "What a sight little groups of Germans and British talking together almost as far as the eye can seel Out of the darkness we could hear laughter and see lighted matches.... Here we were laughing and chatting to men who only a few hours before we were trying to kill!" The next morning. Christmas Day, the bravest of the soldiers again climb out of the trenches. Walking past the barbed wire, they go over to shake hands with the enemy. Then they wave "come on!" to those who'd stayed behind. "We all cheered." remembered soldier Leslie Washington of the Queen's Westminster Rifles. "and then we all came out together like a football crowd." (A Gifts are exchanged. The British offer chocolate, tea and cakes: and the Germans share cigars, sauerkraut and schnapps. They make jokes and take group photographs as though it's a big./happy reunion/ More than one game of football is played./using helmets for goal posts. One match goes 3-2 to the Germans, another goes to the British, 4-1. In northern France/the opposing sides hold a joint burial service. "The Germans formed up on one side." Lieutenant Arthur Pelham- Burn later wrote./"the English on the other, the military officers standing in front, helmets off, heads bowed in respect. As their friends are laid to rest friends killed by enemy bullets - they sing in English "The Lord is My Shepherd" and the same song in German mein Hirt" their voices in unison. "Der Herr That evening, there are Christmas dinner parties up and down the lines. One English soldier finds himself invited into the German held zone to a wine cellar, where he and a soldier from southern Germany pop open a bottle of 1909 French champagne. The men exchange

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