

英語 高校生


次の日本文の意味になるように、( )内の語または語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。 1. 高齢者人口がどんどん増えるから、彼らに仕事の機会を与えることが大切である。 As the population of older people continues to grow, (good / work / them / opportunity / giving / to / an / makes / sense ). (専修大) HA 2. 彼は試験が終わると,必ず両親に手紙を書くことにしている。 He (a/his/makes / of / parents / point / to / writing) after an examination. art 26 LOV (東北学院大) Projuil 3. 結局,人を外見で判断しようとしてもしようがない。 mon, banues DOSUGO (3) mon beauen ⓘ Consequently it is (use / to / judgements/ people / about / make / trying / no ) Taby' an ford veuid on al insbiesng(専修大) hi ob S mwobob on the basis of their appearances. Juodliw ob:D). qu trighond gut ufrol boilqgs D ipo ob 8) visuos Muslib tud unde vers sis agridt vosM YEWS 4. あらゆる生き物がその環境に適応している様子をみると驚くばかりである。 We cannot (to / is / how / being / surprised / every / help / creature / see) adapted awon and biner 191zi2 gth rear(立命館大) to its surroundings. 20 nive naged ⓢ and ⓘ Songloiv ol □ 5. 宿題をやらなかったため, 先生に怒られたのを覚えている。 Jijo (大)・ butiste (8) 19v9n bluov si aswed vigns work 1901em 0/1 I (being scolded / having done / remember / not / by the teacher / for ) my homework. benangi 16911 or nodw Nord 15W (札幌大) 1 vabius? 6. 彼はそんなふうに扱われることに慣れていない。 He (like / not / is / being / that / used / treated linom zidi to bng ord yo lil Boy -----------. ) vob esmler 189 61 8 no tiri S / to ). (東洋大) raw doja tog os new voy He [] di onet barl uoy tard am

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英語 高校生


og gniarow) 5 TYPE A Sdinom 1 ( 内に入る最も適当な語(句) を選びなさい。 (各1点 計20点) 161 ( ) a plant to flourish, it must have a good supply of light, water, and minerals. 4 That 3 Of (南山 1 For 2 If 162 I am glad ( ) you the other day. 2 to meet ave met 4 to be able to meet (**) 3 to have met t I can meet my and amod (bean Vot \ stad: ya8 soalq on ☐163 Then, in 1912, the self-starter came into use. Suddenly, cars were as easy ( as electric fans. 4 started ( 広島工業大 ) 3 starting 1 start 2 to start aM gedonet daily wo (bsalool 164 Ten years ( ) since Professor Yokochi retired from his job at the university, but he still often visits the campus. have passed (高千穂大) were passed 3 will pass 4 pass indigke TO MA it was fun. Y 165 Mary was ( ) to go to the party at first, but she found that it was 2 likely 1 pleasant 3 willing 4 reluctant (中央大) 166 When I went back to the village I ( JUSH 人外画商 ) ten years before, I found nothing 3161663UFCS changed. had left 2 was leaving 3 have left (跡見学園女子大) )( 4 you and ads of was left of natumim svit ( 291 167 Private universities in the U.S. are very expensive. Many parents cannot ( to send their children to such places. 1 buy dihom zis si il vero adinomi (亜細亜大) 4 afford 2 spend Let3 allow A bead 168 Without American influences, Japanese culture would not be ( ) it is today. J'abib od tady boog ton ai al t Jague 1 that 2 what 4 which H 3 when aniog noy va (関西学院大 ) nedoset adT ear 169 You may be able to avoid (o) the paper by attending the lecture tonight. 2 to have written 3 wrote 4 writing adf dartwor SHERY OF TOY 1 to write (関東学院大 Hawat 170 There are two major issues to be discussed here, ( ) the committee has examined yet. 1 both of that 2 either of which 3 neither of which 4 any of which (関西学院大

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