

英語 高校生

写真1枚目の日本語分を英訳するという問題についてです。私は In addition to genes, aquired factors such as diet, smoking, drinking, stress, insufficent sleep and exerci... 続きを読む

LESSON 6 社会問題 「遺伝子検査の問題。 swab sample to a testing institute, one can know his or her risks of developing various diseases. The biggest issue is the accuracy of such Des tests. genetic testing venture 23andMe, dMe.Lin which Google has invested, has started offering the Personal Genome Service to "provide health reports on 254 diseases and conditions" for slightly less than $100. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2013 ordered the company to halt the sales of its saliva collection kit due to concerns over the accuracy of its genetic examinations. (ア) 7 People need to be aware that the results of genetic testing only have a high degree of correlation with the risks for certain diseases. 遺伝子に 加えて、食事、喫煙、飲酒、ストレス、 睡眠不足、運動不足といった後天的 要素が、 癌を含むいくつかの病気の原因である。 Isals! 8 Users of genetic testing services should know that the discovery in genetic examinations of the presence of irregularities that raise the risk of developing certain diseases does not necessarily mean they will develop them. Y 9 So, it is not wise to rely solely on genetic testing. The results testing may cause some people to be unduly pessimistic about their future. The providers of genetic testing services must be careful when explaining C 30 9202 201 .) "Pros and cons es 2014/07/11>) g. nething to try or taking a sam xam. eing careless 即して日本 尿

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英語 中学生


あなたはで書かれた目をうけましたが、苦くてページがバラバラになっていました。それぞ れの髪を読んで、苦いに負けかえ、境に記号で答えなさい。【完西 4点】 I walked for two days. I found a small village! I went into an old house there. *There is a woman. When she looked at me, she was surprised. But she gove "a cup of tea to me. I said "Please tell me your name." But she said "It's a secret." village # *There is 〜がいる・ある a cup of 一杯の It was snowy today. But I went shopping in a city. Then, I met the woman. When she found me, she smiled and "waved her hand. I was happy!! And her smile was so cute!!! wave 振る ウ I went to a mountain today, because I wanted to take pictures of animals. But it has a lot of snow here. *Suddenly, it was a "blizzard. So I lost my way... I am cold... I want to drink "something hot...... *blizzard ** *Suddenly *something Today was a beautiful day! I went to the village in the mountain, because I wanted to meet her. don't forget her smile. But... I *could not find the old house and see the woman. I asked some people in the village. But everyone did not know the old house and the woman... *could not できなかった 問題 Julius 先生から皆さんに向けた手紙が届きました。 Julius 発生が最も伝えたい内容を1~4の中から 1つ選び数学で答えなさい。 【2点】 Dear Gyokusen Junior High School students. How are you? Do you like English class? I like communication. So I enjoy talking with you in English class. All students have great ideas. Please listen to your friend's idea and tell your ideas to your friends! Enjoy communication with your friends! I look forward to the next class.

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